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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. 1) the wage committee makes the decision, the government is 1/3 of that

    2) the point here is - and you can read it for yourself - that business is requesting the delay.

    3) another poster has talked about a broken promise, which is not the case as the government has not delayed the 2nd phase.

    There is no broken promise, only the business lobby who wants it to become broken.

    How can you sit at your computer and smugly argue,in favour of a Government that is in the process of renading on their Pre Election promise? Worst part it's a pittance as well you know?

    What a supercilious remark! There is nothing smug about defending an attempt to raise the minimum wage. It may be a pittance to you, but several hundred baht a week is a lot of money to a lot of people in Thailand.

    By western standards it is a pittance,and by the time (if) the Thai People get the minimum wage, it will have been eroded by inflation,which is happening already. And the Government does not need any defence,they are the ones that promised 300 baht per day,to the people,and are now trying to delay it,and worse probably.

  2. HMMMMMMMMMMM until after the next General Election, hmmmmm, what a jolly good idea! Sure people wont mind, we have not broken a promise just delayed it. Some one said what about the inflation in the country, yes what about it indeed! When you finally get the 300bt a day rise you say "Ghosh that was worth the wait." Or maybe not and you will see you have been had, again.

    broken promise ??

    Look again at who wants to delay the increase.

    The promise is from the government to the people. If they don't fulfill that promise then its a broken promise, regardless of the reason they use for not fulfilling it.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    1) the wage committee makes the decision, the government is 1/3 of that

    2) the point here is - and you can read it for yourself - that business is requesting the delay.

    3) another poster has talked about a broken promise, which is not the case as the government has not delayed the 2nd phase.

    There is no broken promise, only the business lobby who wants it to become broken.

    How can you sit at your computer and smugly argue,in favour of a Government that is in the process of renading on their Pre Election promise? Worst part it's a pittance as well you know?

    • Like 1
  3. Here are the Songkran stats for the last several years. In the overall scheme of things, it was not a bad year (in very much a relative sense):

    2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

    2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

    2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

    2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

    2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

    2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

    Ask the Relatives of the dead,if they agree with the "overall scheme of things"

    • Like 1
  4. The Thai Customs want to charge import-duties, shouldn't this have been made-clear & priced-in, when the project was put out to tender ? Or did the government-to-government deal then-proposed avoid them ?

    And the company wants some pre-payment , surely they can't fear not getting paid, on a major Thai-government project ? Wherever might they have got that idea from ?

    Lastly these problems bode ill IMO, for the proposal to build the new high-speed freight-railway from China to Singapore, which is still currently intended to be open by 2015, and must necessarily run through Thailand for several hundred miles. sad.png

    It's the damned government buying them,

    they can just say 'No Duty Taxes To Be Paid on Import'.

    How freakin difficult is that....?

    These people can't think their way out of a wet paper bag.

    Thai Logic! they calculated the deal was going to make them money,on their own Imports.No company would agree to that kind of loaded deal.

  5. Sue Yingluck. Didn't she promise immediate 300 baht?

    Or have millions of Thai voters taken for a ride?

    This is Thailand......wake up....lying is part of their culture. As is politics in general in order to gain votes.

    Im sure the people will be quite sympathetic to this part of their culture,when they realise they have been taken for a ride ..............not!

  6. I have no problem with peoples attitude to my Thai wife in the UK,people are respectful,and friendly.No one has ever said anything out of place,or made intimidating remarks.

    For those that have had problems,with friends strangers,and aquaintences,making poor comments or inuendos, really says more about the company you keep,rather than the attitudes of a nation.

  7. Yes, great topic. Very apt for what sometimes seems like the majority of forum members..

    Sure. Thai-ier than Thais have their fanboys ...bah.gif

    Get real, Thai people don't expect us to be Thai. Unless we can pass visually as Thai, we can never be Thai. But these f-rang poseurs have adopted a delusional mental condition about what is needed to be an acceptable resident in Thailand and fascistically deem to impose their absurd comical standard on all of us.

    And who in their right mind,would crave to be Thai anyway,it's the first signs of Ex Pat madness.

    Anyone who wants full rights to own land, run a business, and be free of work permits, visas, and bureaucratic BS for the rest of your life.

    Not to mention never having to worry about the rules changing to make it more difficult for you to hang around.

    Who WOULDN'T want that, assuming you plan to live out your days here?

    No, I for one WOULDN'T want it, I would never sell out my Country,or my Birthright,just because some other Country slung me a few crumbs,full of ifs and buts,that can still mean a second class Citizen,ask any real Thai,what a bought Citizenship is really worth?

  8. Yes, great topic. Very apt for what sometimes seems like the majority of forum members..

    Sure. Thai-ier than Thais have their fanboys ...bah.gif

    Get real, Thai people don't expect us to be Thai. Unless we can pass visually as Thai, we can never be Thai. But these f-rang poseurs have adopted a delusional mental condition about what is needed to be an acceptable resident in Thailand and fascistically deem to impose their absurd comical standard on all of us.

    And who in their right mind,would crave to be Thai anyway,it's the first signs of Ex Pat madness.

    • Like 1
  9. To all those who said i was a troll or smug ,cant you tell a light hearted post when you read one ? it was just showing that most of us are in happy relationships and that the ones who moan are really the "vocal" minority ,you ought to get out a bit more boys and lighten up.

    You didn't say how much you voluntarily give her though,which could be excessive?

  10. It's not surprising there are more and more people choosing to live alone, the same applies to those that choose to live together without getting Married. Marriage has been in decline substantially since the sixties.

    What does Governments and Society expect,getting married and living with your partner is a licence to get ripped off,if you make the wrong choice and need to split up. one partner invariably draws out more than they brought to the relationship,and many men in particular,have to live very austere lives so that they can pay most of their salary in maintenance for Exs and children (most do not have a problem paying for the childrens upbringing). It's a backlash that can only get stronger,as more and more people realise they don't need to get married anymore,and for those in a relationship,the only reason to stay together,is not financial,but based on Love,caring and affection,and either one can walk out at any time with a relatively modest financial loss.

    If I was a young man again,I would most certainly choose to live alone,or have a part time relationship,i.e two nights at her place and two nights at mine,or less?

    Many I know,live alone and favour the uncomplicated, one night stands only,on occasions,but basically living alone. The choices are many in these enlightened times.

    Some of us consider the financial contribution to the relationship to be fairly low down the list.


    Agreed up to a point,but very difficult to be philosophical,if you lost everything,as some have.

  11. Unfortunately, Thaksin will have to gut the country for some people to understand the problem. When he was thrown out people were cheering. Five years of billionaire funded propaganda and agitation later, the late arrivals are cheering on a would-be despot in the name of democracy. Most ironic.

    His supporters would cheer on any Despot in the world,as long as the price was right,think money,it's the answer to everything in Thailand,any other theories can be discounted,and are not worth considering.

  12. Oh, well we must believe you Ian as you worked with a human rights organisation. Human rights violations have been happening in this country for a long time before and after Thaksin was Prime Minister and not everything you read on the web is true you know. In this country the web is censored alot so maybe all the websites with positive statements about Thaksin have been removed.

    Well if there was any truth in your statement,it certainly would not have taken very long!

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