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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. This has certainly been an eye opening thead for me. I'd held a pretty liberal view that governments should shoulder the burden and redistribute incomes from it's wealthier citizens to it's least wealthy. But you Brits seem to be a bunch of scroungers. Imean we've got our typical "welfare mamas" here in the states who work the system, but somehow I imagined you all were above all that. The scales have fallen from my eyes.

    Blooming heck, I had to put my reading glasses on to read that post.

    How come you lot always turn up late for World Wars?

    A poor joke,considering the American troops lost in WW2 was somewhere in the region of 416,000, and all for saving Europe,being a Brit I thought you would have known better,and exactly what we Brits owe to the Americans.

    • Like 1
  2. So tell us who did give the order then, or tell us if you ordered them to not fire and tell us who ignored that order, tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not. Or tell us who did not understand that the term 'live fire zone' was not actually meant to be a live fire zone but rather a deterrent only.

    Some one gave the order, or the soldiers were firing without any control, and that backs up my theory about random indiscriminate shootings in which unarmed people were killed by the army whilst posing to immediate threat, either the soldiers were ordered to fire, or they took it upon themselves to fire at unarmed civilians. which is it ex PM Abhisit?

    If there is any evidence that people were killed by their own side then lets see it, if all the deaths were in self defence then let us see the evidence, there are nearly 100 people dead here on both side and just saying you did not give the order does not absolve you, you were running the country at the time, or where you?

    I am 100% sure that some of the red shirt deaths were self defence, just as i am 100% sure that some of the red shirts that died were not armed and were no threat, and before posters pipe up with the nonsense that they deserved to die because they were there then just remember we are talking also about medics and journalists here.

    tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not.

    I think it would be more appropiate to ask Thaksin that question,rather than Abhisit!

  3. Well, the OP gives up the plentiful of good things, as stated in his post, for smoking in pubs and the weather.

    The reasons appear to be a bit lopsided as he also believes, the English pubs stink comparing to Thai pubs :-))) This makes me laugh. Come on, I have visited many many pubs all around Thailand and England and have to say this conclusion is wrong.

    The comparison is not too sensible. The funny thing is that the beer is not cheap in Thai pubs at all. I live down the south but can't get a bottle for less than 120 in pubs, that equals the Wetherspoons or Goose in England.

    But anyway, it is a smart decision to come over to teach if there is no job over there.

    By the way, I would add that it is worth to bear in mind that smoking teachers have bad reputation among Thai students.

    Regarding pubs in England, the standard of hygiene in the toilets is awful, always has been, but if you think they're fine then ok.

    In Pattaya a small beer costs about 50THB and a big beer 70-80THB (Leo, Tiger, Chang etc.) Heineken costs more.

    You're right to point out that teachers who smoke are frowned upon in Thailand. It's ok for me, I don't smoke during the day, never have done. I have my first gasper with a mug of tea in the morning and my next one with a cold beer in the evening.

    If you think that UK toilet hygiene in Pubs is lacking,then you haven't been to many Thai Bars!

  4. I feel very sorry for your position,which I have also in the past reached a similar unwanted milestone,at the time it does seem highly depressing and insurmountable,but you are making the correct decision.and rest assured your Country,in this case the UK will not let you down you are a British Citizen,and you have the same rights as someone who has never been out of the Country.

    The system is not so bad as some would have us believe on Tv,and if you need to avail yourself of finances,paid for while you were working and resident in the UK,you will be treated with respect,and get what you are entitled to,most of which can be obtained by phone,or simple form filling.

    If you should decide to have your family with you,at a later stage,it is not so difficult to obtain the necessary visas,as you may think,which intelligent people can do themselves.

    I know lots of Thais in the UK and I don't see any that are desperate to get back to Thailand,some I have met,have been in the Country for more than 20 years,and are content to holiday in Thailand every few years.According to statistics,there are 30,000 Thais living in the UK,and wherever you go,there are Thais that your wife and family can easily befriend,

    Of course nobody can alter the depressing long Winters,but the Summers are usually worth waiting for.

    Think about the huge range of good real ales,Sunday Roast,quality food in the Supermarkets,and hundreds of cheeses to choose from,and cheaper than imported western food.and not forgetting real old Pubs with atmosphere.I could go on.........but my point is it's not all bad news.

    Unless you need to be in a City,I would recommend living in the small towns,South South West,or the East Coast,there are many nice places to live in,it's your choice?

    In the meantime Good Luck

    And remember you are going back to your own Country,so no Visas,no hoops to jump through,and laws that you don't understand. You are Home,albeit reluctantly,on this occasion

  5. I was in Rayong a month ago,and the The PM should visit the whole Beach length of Rayong,which has a high tide mark of every conceivable piece of Junk imanginable,15 feet wide on the sand in front of the Restaurants and other seafood traders. However some Restaurants obviously rake the sand clean in front of their Restaurants,and perhaps that is the answer to the Disgraceful, filthy, beach condition,i.e make it a condition that the traders keep their beach frontage clean as part of their licence to trade.who wants to pay sky high prices for Seafood,while kicking away the debris under foot,even Pattaya beaches can't be this bad!

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  6. Whilst I agree with your Posting,there is much that could make living in Thailand a better experience for Ex Pats.

    From the Point of view of Thais and their Government,we all live here on their terms,we are only tolerated because we spend our money here and improve their housing stock etc,so its a take it or leave it attitude,they will never give a good deal and make us truly welcome,it's all about money,they will never be dictated to by 'Farangs'

    But good luck if you can manage to gain some minor concessions?

  7. An interesting slant to the frozen pension debate comes into play here.

    The scenario could be that a British person of a certain age decide to live in their home country with their non Brit spouse, the Brit may be of pensionable age. The Brit may have a home in the UK, maybe savings but only income is the retirement pension, so would seem to fall foul of the new rules.

    The Brit would seem to have a stark choice, do they remain overseas with their spouse, have their pension frozen and maybe have to sell their home, or do they abandon their spouse and return to the UK.

    As previous posters have indicated I'm all for families not being a drain on the State, but this as ill thought out proposal and will open a can of worms when is applied.

    Some good points Oldgit,and likely to fail in the European Courts Challenges,which are surely to follow,it's very obviously,ill conceived blatant Discrimination.

  8. From a political implication,having a armed guard is implying the opposition are dangerous,and could be Looked apon as dangerous potential asassins.

    Yet another pathetic Spin,to cover up her own incompetance,and excuse for failing to attend to Thai Parlimentary business.

    All dictators are paranoid.

    Well yes, they should be Paranoid considering,most of the people of a Dictatorship,would slaughter them,given half a chance!

  9. Whats the whole issue with the prime minister's lack of English skills?

    There are many leaders who do not speak English as well as the Thai Prime Minister- As far as I am aware Yingluck's English is far better than people like Angela Merkl's, Sarkozy's, Medvedev or Putin's, Bush and Brown and I am sure some of the other Asian leaders.

    Incidently Bush and Brown are fluent English Speakers,didn't you know? one was born in the Uk and the other is American,who also speak English? as their national language?

    If Yinglucks English is considered bad,then it it must run in the Family,Big Brother,speaks Pidgin English,along with the finest Tuk Tuk Driver.

    With apologies to Tuk Tuk drivers!

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  10. It does seem worrying and daunting to begin with,....so get some nice childrens picture books,full of animals and strange creatures,the importance is to get the child to repeat words,and recognise the animals,and being able to repeat the animal names correctly,rather than the content,(which could be fish, flowers,etc.....)

    Move on from there with other words,and point out the names,of other objects to them,and get them to repeat them,and at their young age,learning is fun,

    Leave the Thai,language to your Thai Spouse,at 5 years old,my Thai English Daughter is now a fluent dual linguist,and in the beginning I also agonised of the best approach,and now realise my worries were unfounded.

    Of course one must never forget the importance of professional Teachers involvement,they will not get an all round education from village life,but then we are: at present, talking about : Pre School,which any Teacher will be delighted to be able to communicate with your child from day one.and always ask them plenty of questions,of everything,picture,stories,colours,etc.

    And don't forget the daily Daily Bedtime Story Time!

    And finally,of course your intention of having your child,educated in England, will result in a far better Education than those that have been educated in Thailand. That's why Ex PM Abhisit was educated in England.

  11. so the mob of 2k pad political loosers outside and a hundred of hard line democrats mps are suspending the parliament for a week.

    it's mock of democratic process.

    they are on the margin of history and they should realise it by now. Dinosaurs

    So what would you rather see? a convicted criminal,on the run,get his freedom from answering to the law,by his bought Party,railroading laws through Parliament,in his favour? and no objections from the opposition?

    Not exactly Democratic either,is it? and of course don't forget the Red shirts holding the Country to Ramsom for three months,resulting in a bloody anarchistic/Terrorist style finally,of destruction,was hardly Democratic either.

  12. In my experience,anything can happen at 90 day check in time,it's all a question of who you get on the day.

    If they have a proceedure or rule Book,then there are many Immigration Officers who are not following it. I will not bore members,by giving many instances of different interpretations and trivialitys,I am sure most of us could catalogue a whole list,of officious nonsense,. (starting with: why does the man next to me,with the same Passport as me,not need to get Photo copies,while I often, but not always,need to copy every page in my Passport?

    Best not to try and understand the procedures,It's a Boring simple Job,so keep quiet,...speak when you are spoken to,...above all,don't argue,...and you will be out a lot quicker...ready for a Beer,to clear your scrambled Brain!

  13. You are cbiggrin.pngorrect you can apply 30th of July 2012 and you shouldn't have any problem is my guess as long as you have met the qualiflying periods, it's a lot harder for us Brits to stay in Thailand.

    Thanks for that. But, you are joking, right? Its easy for Farang to stay in Thailand. England is too easy too, especially if you are teleban.

    I was told the other day by my Thai teacher friend that a Thai calling someone ' sir ' is not nice. laugh.pngbiggrin.png

    I think she was pulling on your chain. We arent not the same as farang so sometimes sanuk sanuk is said without the smile, you know? Its like this, sometime, Thais eat on the floor and sleep on the table. Up side down to the way English brains work,

    Thanks for that. But, you are joking, right? Its easy for Farang to stay in Thailand. England is too easy too, especially if you are teleban.

    Not so easy for westerners to stay in Thailand,Thai Immigration are always altering the rules,and do not stick to anything for long.

    I bet you have never had to show any money in your Bank Account Annually,to get your new Visa,

    Or had to be Photographed together outside your house,and inside,sitting on the Bed,or provided a Map of how to get to your house. And it's a minimum of 5 years (for Thai Citizenship,not 3,as in England) and also heaps of money to get Thai Citizenship,like money that is not stated on the application form???

    Oh! and did you ever buy a House,Car,Motorcyle in the UK under your own name, if you have,you will know how easy it was (just hand over the cash,and it's yours) .Oh dear! did you ever have to do a 90 day check in either?,while in the UK!,but that's enough for now.

    Sorry thaigirllondon,ask any Englishman,there is no comparison.

  14. Pol Pot's thoughts and practices weren't really Asian.

    He borrowed what he knew from the superior Westerner.

    Lovely, huh?

    Who? I thought his brand of how to slaughter a Nation by semi genocide, was pretty original,except if you mean Chairman Mao,who was not a westerner.if you mean Hitler,then he had lots that copied him,even though it was not the Intelligensia,of his own people that was a target,as in the case of Pol Pot.

  15. "We hope Pheu Thai will watch over us but if the government continues to work like this, we have to rethink the Pheu Thai Party," said Wipoj Apornrat, one of the red-shirt leaders.

    Roughly Interpreted The Red Shirt message seems simple enough: i.e............ "We put PTP in power,now protect us, while we extort money from the public,otherwise we just might vote for the opposition next time"

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