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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Drove down to tak and back to Chiang mai no problems no wrecks just a lot of water, the loss of life is a shame but then again I am here for the mai bpen rai life style and if people where honest that is the reason many of you came here as well but now you want it to be like home. Get a grip no nanny state here unless you are rich and famous

    Nothing to do with the Nanny State,just plain common sense!

  2. you better hope and pray that that you are richer than the other guy

    if he arrives and starts throwing millions around and buying houses for parents ,you will be relegated

    as a stingy <deleted>

    if you have two farangs in a thai family ,it will be impossible not to compare them against each other

    Playing one against the other,is a dream come true for them.

    One of them has got to be the Kineow farang

    • Like 1
  3. Looks pretty boring and silly. I do hope everyone had a good time, but I truly don't see the draw. Playing with water guns stopped being fun for me and my friends and other countrymen when we were about 12 or 13 years old...

    Looks pretty boring and silly. I do hope everyone had a good time, but I truly don't see the draw. Playing with water guns stopped being fun for me and my friends and other countrymen when we were about 12 or 13 years old...

    Mine ended when my first Cowboy outfit and plastic six shooter,water pistol wore out,around 5 or 6 years old.

    • Like 1
  4. Barbaric!

    Sounds like the UK on an average Friday or Saturday night. People are getting shot and knifed almost daily in the UK. Better ban all activities and lock everyone up for their own safety.

    I don't know what part of the UK you came from? but it definately isn't the same as mine.

    Please tell us where,so it can be avoided?

  5. Bring Thaksin back quickly please and let's move on....he is a man who got things done for the country (whilst enriching himself and his cronies) which to me is better than some other useless dope like Abhisit who got nothing done (while enriching himself and his cronies)....

    Besides which, the country cannot be reconciled until he comes back

    Shouldnt you have said?

    Besides which,the country cannot be reconciled until if he comes back

  6. It's not surprising there are more and more people choosing to live alone, the same applies to those that choose to live together without getting Married. Marriage has been in decline substantially since the sixties.

    What does Governments and Society expect,getting married and living with your partner is a licence to get ripped off,if you make the wrong choice and need to split up. one partner invariably draws out more than they brought to the relationship,and many men in particular,have to live very austere lives so that they can pay most of their salary in maintenance for Exs and children (most do not have a problem paying for the childrens upbringing). It's a backlash that can only get stronger,as more and more people realise they don't need to get married anymore,and for those in a relationship,the only reason to stay together,is not financial,but based on Love,caring and affection,and either one can walk out at any time with a relatively modest financial loss.

    If I was a young man again,I would most certainly choose to live alone,or have a part time relationship,i.e two nights at her place and two nights at mine,or less?

    Many I know,live alone and favour the uncomplicated, one night stands only,on occasions,but basically living alone. The choices are many in these enlightened times.

  7. Thaksin Shinawatra arrives at Siem Reap International Airport


    Former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra (L) shakes hands with a Cambodian government official upon his arrival at the Siem Reap International Airport in Cambodia, April 14, 2012.

    Thailand's fugitive former premier Thaksin took some small but symbolic steps towards the fringes of his homeland on Wednesday after five years in self-exile and at the heart of a bitter and bloody power struggle. The visit is Thaksin's closest to Thailand.


    "The visit is Thaksin's closest to Thailand" He would have been a whole lot closer if it hadn't been for all those people in the way


    so how many do you think there are?

    hard to gauge but I think 10,000 may be generous

    And how many are Cambodians?

  8. all these farlangs thinking they know better, it is for the thai people to decide the outcome of there own country, not just a hand full of farlangs that know nothing.

    I wonder whether the Red Shirts actually know anything about the history of Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge, Hun Sen's background and how he came to power.

    If they do know,I doubt it would mean anything to them,life is cheap in Asia.

  9. @ HKP

    It was different when I first came here. The whole "200 baht minimum journey" collusion thing didn't exist.

    You will be going back to the UK for your kids, so, I will probably be here longer than you. smile.png

    I answer your questions, you see "no need" to answer mine, and you wonder why you have been labled "a dead horse." smile.png

    If one person does not use a tuk tuk for only one journey, because one of my posts has informed them of the situation here, I am happy. smile.png

    I don't know what part of the concept that the internet is free and public information that you don't understand. You post your way, I'll post mine. Do you really think your posts will change me, and my understanding of the way Phuket works???? smile.png

    How bout you "man up" and move on and understand that I will continue to post in order to warn people of the dangers here.

    The other thread has near 300 posts and over 20,000 views. I'm sure many people learnt something from it. What do your posts achieve? Zero.

    Keep up the good work,NAMKANGMAN, and don't be gagged by anyone! i'm sure TV is not primarily for any particular way of controlled thinking.

  10. It seems pretty obvious this creates an opportunity for Yingluck to be absent,when Constitution changes are being discussed, So now she has ducked out, yet again,she could claim no knowledge or personal interest in the changes,which would allow Big Brother,to return to Thailand,with no charges to answer!

    The cunning and deceit is breathtaking.

  11. Yeah me too...

    Cant stand it, especially what I call "Songkran Farangs". I wonder if they know what they are celebrating?

    There's nothing worse than to be sat drying off - nearly getting there and then drenched again with icy cold water by some drunken moronic farang whom is having an absolute riot of a time.

    Some of them are plain sick, you see some of them shooting water at a girls ass or pussy and breasts, and I last year saw some guy outside a bar in Jomtien doing that to a young girl of about 12.

    On top of that, it fuc_ks your phone, wallet, cigarettes, lighter and paper money in your pocket if you dont carry half a dozen plastic bags with you or be forced to buy a waterproof pouch from a hawker.

    Yes, I dont like it.

    Well simply go somewhere else this year as it will be the same as last year, what is is with people that relentlessly complain about something, go home or go somewhere else, get it? You only mention farangs what about the Thais? oh they really care if you don't want to be wet or not, lmao.

    A most rediculous argument,if you don't like being assaulted "Go home" Go somewhere else"

    And would you tell the person who has just been mugged to "Go home" "Go somewhere else" if they dont like it???

    get it?

  12. Yes, the courts were run by the same people. That is how the duely elected PM was ousted for appearing on a cooking show. The courts, the military, the police, etc. are all representing different factions. The party that controls the majority does not hold absolute power.

    Again, mis/uninformed, Samak was found in conflict of interest because he was taking money from that cooking show, which is not allowed by the laws. He resigned and could had been reappointed PM the next day if his own party would had supported him, they didn't and instead chose Somchai (which just happened to be Thaksin's brother in law) instead.

    Or would you rather have the laws not apply to some people?

    So see, ignorance fought. No go forth and sin no more.

    More on the cooking show - the law in Thailand (and same in most countries in the world) says clearly that the person in the PM job cannot have two jobs.

    Why? Very simple and very obvious, the citiizens of every country expect and have a right to expect that the PM is devoting all of his/her thinking and energies towards running and developing the country. Or put it another way, someone who is not prepared to give their all to the PM duties should not take up this position.

    Samak was told this and he stated that he didn't care about the law, and would do whatever he wanted.

    He also said clearly that he didn't get paid for the show but subsequent investigantion proved that he did get paid.

    Plus, it takes time to prepare any form of TV show, plus continuous breaks whilst the next filmable section is prepared / set up and everything is ready to start filming again, plus samak insisted that he go to the market and personally buy all the ingredients for the cooking (which wasn't some exotic cuisine, it was in fact everyday Thai food). In other words, quite a lot of time involved, every week, which should have been used in PM duties.

    It was being caught out,in the lie that he wasn't being paid for the TV Shows that finally nailed him,and fortunately for Thaksin left a vacancy for his Brother in Law. How convenient!

  13. Based on the video on the last page it was barely 1,000 at most.

    Even allowing for off screen people it really dwindled at the edges with out a doubt.

    Another PR cou[p for the Liege Lord.


    I have asked for official confirmation of the figures in attendance,in Laos ,from CalgaryII who always seems to have insider knowledge,of such figures and information.

    But if it turns out to be only a miserable,paltry 1,000,(about the same amount of bodies, as a decent size Disco) I can't see any Big Welcome Home for the absconded,absent criminal,any time in the near future,and unlikely even a sniffing chance for this year.

  14. Well a most definate lack of support for Thaksin and more Talked up B*ll S**t,

    1,000 supporters,when 50,000 was being forecast! if it had been a Football Match,it would have been embarressingly cancelled.

    So was it lack of interest?

    Lack of payment?

    Songkran was more important?

    But certainly not lack of transport,with 40 unused Buses,in waiting,and couldn't fill them for free.

    A very telling turn out,which may show a turning point of his popularity........ in decline.

    Kwanchai was talking about getting 10 million Red Shirts at the border in his grand plan to bring in Thaksin.

    Hey, what's an order of magniture (or four) difference anyway?

    Yea. its only figures,which will be manipulated, later on.

  15. Well a most definate lack of support for Thaksin and more Talked up B*ll S**t,

    1,000 supporters,when 50,000 was being forecast! if it had been a Football Match,it would have been embarressingly cancelled.

    So was it lack of interest?

    Lack of payment?

    Songkran was more important?

    But certainly not lack of transport,with 40 unused Buses,in waiting,and couldn't fill them for free.

    A very telling turn out,which may show a turning point of his popularity........ in decline.

    • Like 2
  16. Sorry to hear the bad news Nocturn,please accept my sympathies.

    No one can wave a magic wand and make it alright for you,

    it's something that needs to be personally gone through.

    The good news is: the Sun will undoubtedly shine again for you!

  17. Yeah, it's not like the coup that started this whole mess was legal. If Thailand wants to be a nation of laws, it should turn back the clock, bring Thaksin back as prime minister and forgo future coups. If he was a bad guy, he should have been removed through legal process. People who supported the coup (Abhisit, for example) have no room to complain.

    Well if Thaksin came back to face the multiple charges against him,instead of running away,then he probably would be removed,through legal process.The man absconded,which you Thaksinites,conveniently forget!

    • Like 2
  18. 10 green bottles and if one green bottle should accidently fall there'll be:

    "Abhisit said all political troubles had Thaksin as the root cause because society had to sustain the collateral damage stemmed from efforts to solve Thaksin's legal wrangling."

    "Thaksin regime?" Give me a break.

    In the courts and concerning not the electorate right mate.

    Cake and eat it or cake box and eat cake box and eat it (if it ever existed).

    Only the Nation there to go on for that story like the fake story about the defects at Swampy airport also highlighted by the Nation.

    Thaksin's lawyers banged up for 6 months without charge. (Never charged).

    and then struck off by lawyers council of thailand (affiliated to PAD).

    1% failure rate measured at airport in fact.

    British Airways (world's largest airline, thought airport was very good).

    Airport opening postponed for 1 year until after coup.

    Second runway due to have been opened by now.

    This is their way.

    All I want to say is this to anyone out there bewildered by what you read here that 2 years ago:

    I read that there was a redshirt gathering to occur in Silom and posters on here trolled and scoffed that redshirts would all be drunk and unpopular.causing trouble.

    Living there as I did in the afluent part of town that it is I went to visit and saw a large number of people, not one beer can amongst about 6-700 people listening intently to public speeches and making way for Pat pong tourists going about their business.

    And I suppose you didn't see any violence,and Bangkok Burning,or Red Shirts holding the Country to Ransom,as Thaksin is doing now?

  19. Here we go again, the same old arguments from both sides. the fact is Abhisit is a useless milksop and Thaksin is a corrupt egomaniac. Take your choice, ignore the fact that it is out of your hands, you don't even get to vote, you are just a noisy spectator. The Thais have their own way of doing things, it's not democratic, never has been. The poor country folk may be uneducated but they are not stupid, they understand corruption, they are part of it, they see through Abhisit's pretty face and nice speeches, just as they understand Thaksin's ego and corruption. This is not Europe or America or Australia, this is Asia where most countries are ruled by strong egomaniacs, from China to Cambodia. If I had to choose between a useless milksop and a corrupt egomaniac, I would chose the corrupt maniac every time, and it would seem that most Thais feel the same.

    Interesting to see, your post and supporters are not claiming any moral high ground,just good old fashioned greed! the rights and wrongs of it,do not seem to be of any concern. Merely a position of strength is all important, sorry,but for most genuine people,it's the Politics of the Lunatic Asylum.

    I will back the "Milksop",at least they can be trusted not to knife you in the back,when they don't get their own way.

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