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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. You've made that retarded " lucky he wasn't in the west eh?" Comment About 3 times now.

    With security industry regulations and criminal background checks abundant in most of Europe and America this type of thuggery is seldom seen by security staff anymore, in fact alot of these guys see themselves as ardent professionals and take their jobs seriously. The american doorman won't even lay a hand on you for fear of getting sued. Have you been to a western club in the past 20 years? Stop being such an arse licking apologist and grow a set. Knocking a blokes teeth out for bringing a drink into your bar and gettting a bit lippy is way out of line.

    The worst thing the apologists refuse to understand is: The Guy walked away,and was 50 yards down the road, before the cowards attacked him,no justification whatsoever,for this Gang of Thugs Attack./ Pack Animals.

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  2. Say what you will about Thaksin, he got things done and people's lives improved when he was in power....eg electricity grid expanded in rural areas; poverty levels slashed in half during his tenure (according to the World Bank report...yeah they made it all up); health care access expanded dramatically; many schools and hospitals built; low income housing built (subsequently abandoned by Dems) leading to half-built "Thaksin villages" all over the place; my mother in law now has a thriving business due to the micro credit facilities which were extended to the rural poor. Did he do some bad stuff and enrich himself...yes of course as many of our politicians do.

    The reason that Thaksin is popular is that rural people's lives improved while he was in power, and they associate that improvement with him. Under the Do-nothing-Dems the the improvement in quality of life ground to a halt in the provinces, and people's hopes and aspirations of a better life.

    Politics in Thailand are complicated, but what all the poor know for certain is that they are going to get robbed by the elite, and whether it is by the conservative elite or by the elite they are going to get robbed. Would you prefer to be robbed by someone who gives you something back, or by someone who doesn't? Which is why populist politicians will get elected here and which is why the yellow shirts want to deny provincials the vote.

    Say what you will....Thaksin is THE figure in Thai politics, and one way or another he has to be dealt with...and for all the swivel-eye right-wing nutters, no I don't mean he should be assassinated...he needs to be brought back into public life and an accommodation made. Ammart do not go to jail in Thailand, the trial was a pig circus, and he should be allowed to appeal and stay on bail for the years and years like the other ammart do.

    sure......but did he make the trains run on schedule? perhaps he will meet the same fate as mussolini

    Or the curing the gridlock traffic problem in Bangkok,in six months (again) as he promised/

  3. I hope she will listen to Gen Prem and stop running the country to ground for benefit of her brother

    I hope he has the moral courage to listen to an elected Prime Minister.

    if the "elected" (when were the Prime Minister elections?) has something to say, why not

    if the "elected" (when were the Prime Minister elections?)

    And isn't it normal to have a choice of MPs,nominated as a possible choice of PM? of which Yingluck was not even an MP!

  4. OP, very sorry that you were not given the correct Thaivisa site map, let me fix that for you.

    Where to find a coathanger.......................................................Local forums.

    Where to find inner peace.........................................................Buddhist forum.

    Where to find intense disapproval of the male lifestyle..............Ladies forum.

    Advice on Tyre pressure............................................................Motoring forum.

    How to grow a chicken/frog/buffalo............................................Farming forum

    How to upset pensioners...........................................................UK pension thread ( see above )

    Where to talk any crap you like.................................................Farang pub and entertainment forum.

    How to get confusing holiday advice..........................................Travel forum

    How to get fashion tips for men..................................................Gay forum

    Where to boast about how rich you are.....................................Business and money forum.

    Where to fight like rats in a sack and let off steam while rippin the p*ss out of each other........................general forum.

    Hope that helps. coffee1.gif

    Is that the new UK Pension Thread,after the Court of appeal,or the original one ? biggrin.png

  5. Suvarnabhumi is a dump. It is actually unfinished. Read about it. The scandals surrounding the money and contracting are legendary. The airport staff are quite nice, however. True Thai style. A smile and willingness to help are very important.

    To rebut a few points made in earlier posts --

    1. When comparing airports you should take into consideration the age of the airport. Suvarnabhumi is not so old, but nonetheless is it terribly built. It feels like a dimly lit bunker of sorts. Certainly it feels nothing like a modern, relatively new flagship airport.

    2. Someone said you have to take into consideration whether a country is poor or not. Well, in the case of Thailand, surely we all know most PEOPLE are poor here. However, the COUNTRY/GOVERNMENT is far from poor, so I don't see that a valid excuse. Look at China's airport in Beijing. It's massive, beautiful, efficient and quite a pleasure to go through. Countries show off to an extent in building their flagship international airports. You'd expect so much more from a country like Thailand who has spent the better part of a century working the international tourism market.

    3. Someone tried to compare the Suvarnabhumi to some of the US airports... OK, sure, there are crap airports in the US. BUT, please remember the following:

    1. The US has the oldest and most airports of any country on Earth.

    2. The US is beyond the point where it needs to rely on nice airports to gain FACE in the international community. It's a rich country, beyond these silly things.

    3. The US has two of the busiest airports in the world (Atlanta and Chicago) which are in fact decent airports.

    4. Generally British/US/Scandinavian culture places more emphasis on function rather than form. Asia is exactly the opposite, so you'd expect not to find very pretty or 'nice' airports in these countries. I mean, to put it plainly, people in the US would rather invent the planes (which they did) and the airports (which they did) and the computer systems (which they did) and let the FACE savers reach into their corrupt mafia-style governments budgets to 'pretty up' their airports in countries trying to make statements that 'they've arrived'.

    5. When was the last time you flew into an international airport in the US and had to deboard the plane onto a bunch of hot, packed busses to get to your gate? I am shocked that this seems to be the standard here in Thailand. They can't get the numbers or logistics right so that the planes can be taken right up to the gates. It's rather pathetic. Did not happen to me at Beijing, just as an example.

    So, in summary, the staff in Suvarnabhumi are largely great. Typical of well-trained Thai staff. Very polite, helpful and it certainly doesn't hurt that the women tend to be easy on the eyes. The facilities, however, are 'bottom of the barrel'. Cheap looking and feeling. Dreary is a good word to describe the place. With poor lighting and often inadequate air conditioning. The duty free gives new comers an immediate taste for the scams and ripoffs they can expect as they embark on their journeys into Thailand. It's just an awful airport. As bad structurally and in feel as JFK (although JFK is much, much older).

    Atlanta, are you kidding? The only good thing about the Atlanta airport is that it has a Chik-Fil-A (just try not to connect through on Sundays when it's closed). Try going from the E concourse to the T gates- a 1K walk, then 15 minute a subway ride and then another 1K walk, no moving sidewalks either (I am totally underestimating the walk distances as well). Atlanta is a very American Airport in that it resemble a huge strip mall-tacky clothes and junk food galore!

    Let's look at LHR terminal 5. They obviously spent a lot of cash on it, but it really leaves one feeling cold. It is also not very well maintained-the bathrooms are pretty gross and the terminal just looks like it isn't cleaned enough. One could also say this of T3, which overall I like better. Now, do I have to even mention again what an ordeal it is to switch terminals here as one does flying from the US to Thailand on BA? Sorry, I guess I'm beating a dead horse about the 45 minute bus transfer between the two.

    "The duty free gives new comers an immediate taste for the scams and ripoffs they can expect as they embark on their journeys into Thailand."

    Have you ever been scammed in duty free? Referring to the most famous case of "scamming," I think the people claimed this were actually what we call "shoplifters" who then got a taste of what it is like to get arrested in Thailand.

    Finally, what you call mafia in Thailand is what we call Mafia in the US-why did it take so long for a major airport to built in Newark, NJ? Because the port authority wouldn't pay off the crime families in NJ. In the UK, I believe that they call the mafia "unions" who routinely drive up the costs of public works projects like roads, bridges and airports. You shouldn't be so naive about the existence of graft in ANY major public works projects. It goes on everywhere.

    The cost for T5 (the building and related infrastructure)- 4.2 billion pounds or about $6 billion . The cost for building all of BKK including terminals, runways and related infrastructure-$3.8 billion.

    BKK's main failing is its absolutely scatter shot immigration process. Sometimes it is a breeze. Other times, it is a ridiculous. If they could work this major, major issue out, I think there would far less catterwalling. Let's face it, BKK will never be #1, but it is better than a lot better than people make it up to be.

    In the UK, I believe that they call the mafia "unions" who routinely drive up the costs of public works projects like roads, bridges and airports. You shouldn't be so naive about the existence of graft in ANY major public works projects. It goes on everywhere.

    I don't know where you got this idea from,but it is absolute nonsense speculation drivel,bet you can't come up with one shred of evidence.

  6. Living in Soho for 10 years and buying Freehold, Westminster of all places, Then later selling I found although much was as you say leasehold a vast amount like mine was freehold. If you buy leasehold, who cares you are well and truly GONE before it expires. But before that anyone can sell leasehold if there are above 40 years left on the lease. However Thaksin got his property, is not for me to speculate, BUT looks like money is talkng. Who wants to buy a silly 25 years lease here. All posters are really wanting is a 40 meter x 40 meter or even less to build a house on, thus having no one kick you out. (90% of the time it will go to your Thai partner or the state) so why the hell are Thai authorities so pigged off with us ????? In most cases they don't deserve visitors here.

    More to the point they don't deserve the money we spend,and the housing stock improved for them by Farang fortunes.

  7. On the whole I couldn't care less what he does but there is one part of this story that makes me mad;

    "He has a house in London"

    Prick. He and his ilk do so much to try and stop farangs owning a house in Thailand. I would assume all the politicians own houses outside of Thailand. A-holes.

    Did you expect anything other than hypocracy,from this meglomaniac? on a scale of 1 to 10 this doesn't rate a one.

  8. Hang in there OP smile.png

    You are correct to count your change, starting with the amount of the purchase and adding the coins and notes to equal the amount of the bill tendered. The clerk will usually nod or make some sign of understanding- if they don't, repeat the value it or simply walk out.

    Don't expect a friendly reception if you post any critisims of the host nation on this forum. You'll just be told it was your fault, this never happens here, etc etc.

    Thanks for the heads up smile.png

    And usually,you are also told: if you dont like it,"go home"

  9. Guesthouse, I dont get why the guy launched into a tirade against you. I might just be being thick, but the 3 questions he asked seem quite normal, or am I abnormal. Anyway anyone want to fill me in?

    Regarding the op, I think that expats are are funny bunch. Many will completely blank me as I say hello or pretend they didnt here. I have a running joke with my wife that whenever we see a farang and he sees me that he will look at the floor immediately. Are they all international criminals. At this point I must point out that I dont live in an area with lots of farang. One guy was even behind me in the queue in Tesco's and ignored me and looked at everything he could, except my way. Maybe I'm scary looking or such an arsehol_e that people know not to talk to me.

    Many farang I've met like to turn every conversation into a pissing contest. One guy would always tell me whatever I bought was shit and that his was the best........and I mean everything fridge, sofa, car, even said to me, 'my wife speaks better english than yours'.

    I wonder why so many farang see each other as direct competition??

    Basically, Childish Insecurity,remember when, who had the best pedal cycle,or the best quality marbles?

  10. When Mr. Thaksin comes back all their troubles will be over. He will make them rich, just like he and his philanthropic family.

    No worries, life will be good. Trust him.

    Why is it whenever there is a discussion happens unrelated to Taksin, some poster has to throw in some comment about Taksin?

    What's happening is basic economics 101 and has nothing to do with Taksin. The only thing it does is up his posting count.


    It wasn't "Ratcatcher" that made this statement originally ,it was Thaksin himself!

  11. All this misguided nonsense about what Thaksin did for the people,it's absolute rubbish.Farangs have done more than he has!

    Ask yourselves,who has done more for the people (your inlaws,and extended family) You or Thaksin?

    Guaranteed there will be a few objecters,who will claim,their Wife, GF,and extended Family have never asked for a single Baht,but the other honest 98% of Farangs know that's B*** S***.and a Big Lie.

    He will be coming back to take,not to give,as the gullible believe.

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  12. Don't care how "Thai" people are as long as they are respectful.

    What I don't get are the people who seem to hate Thailand and Thais...yet stick around. They are the ones who need to move on, for their mental health and that of everyone around them.

    Excuse me. What gives you the right to tell anyone they need to move on? ........

    Does him being a Thai, and you being a foreigner count?

    Is that a real Thai? or a pretend? cash bought one?

  13. Are you really that young and naive? There are reputable agencies both in Thailand and Australia that can advise you. You can also get some exposure to them on the web. Use Google for modeling and acting agents, photographers. You can find ones in Australia and Thailand. Thai Visa is about the last place for good information about those kinds of things.

    Well I've got great contacts in the field.

    Just waiting for her bikini shots via PM and I'm sure I'll be able to help her on her way. smile.png

    Your user name"Strolling" anything to do with permanently trolling?

  14. I would like to believe the result of the by Election,had a deep meaning, that the people had finally woken up to the fact that their Party: PTP is not their Saviours after all. But in all honesty,I fear the simple reason was,the normal cash Injection was not available!

    Enlightenment of the people,will take some time!

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