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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. What I would like to know is how many people actually die from taking illicit drugs as oppose to those who die from taking prescription drugs?

    As the medical establishment is the 3rd biggest killer in the US and the 9th biggest by accidental death it must take some beating!

    According to the following site: http://www.naturalnews.com/009278.html 783,936 people per year in USA, from what the report terms 'Conventional Medical Mistakes' 106, 000 of these are due to Prescription drugs. See the Death by Medicine Report, some experts estimate that it may be as high as 200,000 as some adverse effects of medication are not taken into account.

    By the way Guatamala has said that it is considering legalising illicit drugs, see today's Bangkok Post. The truth rarely comes out, just an opinionated position continually propagated in the Media for whatever reason. Hence the continuing US led campaign on drugs.

    Here is a link to a New Yorker magazine article about Portugal's decriminalization of drugs.


    I read your link concerning Portugals virtual decriminalisation of Drugs,they are also a EEC Bankrupt Country,sadly a Nation that has given in to a minority group.

    And a nation in severe decline.

  2. and this came from Thaksin i take it !

    you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

    If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

    1) Because they haven't killed anybody

    2) Because the death penalty is evil

    Drug dealing and drug-taking should be decriminalised and replaced by government-controlled and taxed supplies. The taxes would pay for addiction, rehab and advice centres. That is the only reasonable way forward. Drugs have always been with us; drugs will always be with us. Their trade and use have to be controlled and monitored sensibly, not attacked by the security forces as if the traders and users were some enemy army.

    A nice rosy picture,which will never work,what Country will destabilise their Country,by legalising Hard Drugs? and escalating the Cancer /Enemy within?

  3. Taking your partner to your own country is the beginning of the end. They become westernized very quickly and realize they dont need you any more. It is the worst possible thing you can do. Believe me, I have experienced it. They become even more greedy. They also meet other thais who teach them how to be successful and its does not include you.

    this guy explains it well

    If you're a normal person who came here for anything but love, you'll do fine back home with your gf/wife


    If you're a lowlife/faty/loser/desperate man(ie: guy in my avatar) and think you saved your thai girl from a life of misery in bars or on a farm and bring her back home. Then yes she will find better because you're not that great to begin with and were just a meal ticket anyways.

    I've found the 'normal guys' get taken far more often than the 'lowlifes'.

    The lowlifes are usually that bit more careful.

    Or Cunning!

  4. You're problem is that you have cherry picked a definition of "culture" to support your contention and you have picked the wrong one.

    I concur. The question is loaded.

    The usual Paranoid answer UG.

  5. Tourism numbers are going to drop like hell now ..

    Want a bet, just watch the figures go through the roof. The ministers have a meeting in the morning with the P.M and I bet in a day or so the tourism authority will release a flash indicating record numbers and stating tourists are not concerned about a little firecracker. Floods, bombs, riots, curruption and scams are a magnet for top end tourists. Watch this space.

    And not forgetting the Western World Governments,should mind their own business,and not issue any more Terrorist warnings,because there are no Terrorists,and it's effecting tourism for no reason.

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  6. What's really alarming about some of the comments in this thread is the number of people who have adopted a vigilante position and who ignore completely the need for legal due process, scary, very very scary.

    Legal Process?, she will undoubtly get it, but maybe will dissappointed, You wanna start a fighting fund for the Money grabbing *****.

    Just a reminder to White western guys out there why Thai females say they like you, and it's nothing to do with your looks or charms

    You've got a point. All those posters that think she has is 'right' in pretending she will commit suicide if she is unable to pursue more money by gaining admittance to the UK, should set up a 'fighting fund' to allow her to pursue her dream.

    She spent how much on legal fees? Not exactly desperate then...

    Probably the Husbands money in the first place.

    • Like 1
  7. A member of my Thai family went to the UK on her 3rd tourist visa. She said all the Thai wives she met were working as escorts there. This does nothing for the reputation of being married to a Thai in the Eyes of the average red neck or Brit for that matter!

    People have stereotyped views of Thailand!

    your last remark is spot on....as for the member of the family, think she should have had a look round for a better quality of company to meet...I mean if she not in that line of business then why the need to hang round with a load of hookers?

    No thai wives are not all working in escort agencies, my missus works in a warehouse/factory job with a load of other thai people...again it's all about the company you keep


    I know dozens of Thai ladies and their English husbands,and I have yet to meet one that does "Escort" work.

    Do people really think that the husbands bring them to the UK just to put them on the game,yet more biased nonsense!

  8. I realise you are doing a public service to tv members,but have you actually booked at the Internet advertised price?

    I have seen this kind of deal many times,it's actually non existent,you can't book online,and when you phone up to book,the price has shot up to nearer £500 pounds.

    Sorry but in my experience it's just another advertising ploy,to get you to phone them, but I really hope you can prove me wrong?

    Just phoned this company from your link,fares are now £489,(and that's a long term booking) told the agent that wanted to press ahead with a booking,that I will not deal with them,on principle! the agent didn't reply when I asked if these low fares ever existed?

    Fair enough. Then it seems it is a ploy on their behalf.

    If so, my apologies for posting it.

    Deleted double Post

  9. I realise you are doing a public service to tv members,but have you actually booked at the Internet advertised price?

    I have seen this kind of deal many times,it's actually non existent,you can't book online,and when you phone up to book,the price has shot up to nearer £500 pounds.

    Sorry but in my experience it's just another advertising ploy,to get you to phone them, but I really hope you can prove me wrong?

    Just phoned this company from your link,fares are now £489,(and that's a long term booking) told the agent that wanted to press ahead with a booking,that I will not deal with them,on principle! the agent didn't reply when I asked if these low fares ever existed?

    Fair enough. Then it seems it is a ploy on their behalf.

    If so, my apologies for posting it.

    No problem,I know you posted this in good faith,for the benefit of all.

  10. I realise you are doing a public service to tv members,but have you actually booked at the Internet advertised price?

    I have seen this kind of deal many times,it's actually non existent,you can't book online,and when you phone up to book,the price has shot up to nearer £500 pounds.

    Sorry but in my experience it's just another advertising ploy,to get you to phone them, but I really hope you can prove me wrong?

    Just phoned this company from your link,fares are now £489,(and that's a long term booking) told the agent that wanted to press ahead with a booking,that I will not deal with them,on principle! the agent didn't reply when I asked if these low fares ever existed?

  11. It doesn't take an Einstein to work out,that on this occasion Yingluk is probably hedging her bets,in order to be right.

    A serious water control problem such as Thailands,was always going to take years to solve,and not 6 months.

    See how long the Dutch worked at mastering their water control problem.And yes they were two different problems, but this one will take years to solve,the same as the Dutch problem.

  12. That's great Majic.Sounds like you forgot why you came to live here in the first place.FREEDOM.Maybe you need to go back to your western country for a while and observe how many government departments there are telling average taxpayers how and where to sit stand walk talk ECT ECT.Got it now.Example.In Asstralia oops australia there are more government jobs (taxpayer funded jobs) than productive jobs.They have a rule for everything.It's killed all outdoor festivals ect.

    Try staying indoors for a week,look at T.V or something.Stop worrying,relax.

    Cheers Cobbler.

    P.S. What government department did you say you were from?

    Well I did'nt come to Thailand to have someone who has got no concept of danger to risk my life, and my familys life.

    If you like playing Russian Roulette,then good for you! and my department (non governmental) is self preservation!

    Have a good Songkran.Got it?

    Sorry but I agree that your point of view is exaggerated. Your choice of the word Russian Roulette is characterizing your attitude. After 21 Songkrans and another 20 to come, with me and my kids enjoying each, I for one agree with Cobbler. We don't need western zealots to impose rules rules rules rules and legislate everything to death. If you don't like it go on a short holiday or simply go home! You obviously can't take criticism that your argument is NOT supported by all people, those who don't want to see Thailand loose it's Wild West-ness! That's the camp I'm in, and in to stay. Ever heard of the term "fatalism"!

    You are most certainly entitled to your views,and so am I,and the members who took the trouble to vote,whichever way they decided.

    Those that imagined the questions were loaded in some way,were free to abstain!

  13. Just got My wifes IDL to remain Visa back, Did it all myself from Holiday Visa , Spouse Visa and Now Settlement Visa. I think many people worry to much. It can be done without an Agent, as i have just proved, I am not the most Intelligent person, has as been said many times on Thai Visa.They only thing i can say is just take your time read the Visa Application Forms. usually if there are any problems they will let you know and you can rectify them. PS I like the UK it not miserable its just the state of negative peoples minds. It can be the same anywhere, Including Thailand.


  14. Fabians,thats what they are.They want to come to a free country cause they like it and then change it to be like home ,but with bananas and coconuts.Don't let fabians creep into your society.

    Do you think that George Soros could be funding this poll? unsure.png

    It appears you are conveniently not going to reply to my questions in Post #51 or understand the points I made in the same Post.

    All this paranoid stuff from some,is becoming quite tedious,so lets just let the Poll and the members answers decide the majority of opinion.

    Of course you are free to start your own Poll,and use your own "Rigged" questions,if that's what you mistakenly think!

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