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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Threatening suicide is not the way to argue for a visa.

    Exactly I think she just slammed the door on herself for any chance of a visa in the future. The risk of allowing her into the country is way more than anyone would wish to deal with.What if she is in the country and loses it and kills herself what would the ramifications be of that.

    IMHO refusing a Visa to someone who threatens suicide,(indicating a mentally unstable person) would be justification enough for a future Visa refusal.

    Not to mention intending to Blackmail the UKBA into submission.

  2. Interesting. The couple is married in Thailand and then (from what I understand) Mr. Booth divorced her in England without Mrs. Booth present? We obviously don't have the whole story here.

    ***First question I'd have: If your marriage is registered in Thailand, can you process a divorce in your home country. If so, is that divorce than recognized in Thailand? Does anybody know?

    Now for some comment -- It sounds like Mr and Mrs Booth lived in Scotland and took individual vacations. He returns to England, claims she deserted him during that time, process a divorce without her present, gets her visa rejected so she can't return -- I'd say there is the potential in that scenario to use the system for one's own unethical gain. But, if she did split to Thailand and chose not to return for the original divorce proceeding, and Mr Booth got a judgment in absentia against Mrs. Booth, that would be her problem. I understand the dilemma in the sense that if he tried to process a divorce in Thailand, her would of have to proved to the Thai court that his wife was having sex with another man, which unless he had a PI with a camera who caught her in the act, he wouldn't legally have a leg to stand on. Also a Thai court, without a doubt, would be biased in favor Mrs. Booth. This really sounds messy.

    However, tit for tat -- Mrs Booth isn't going to get any sympathy from me for her attempt to file Human Rights charges. The Thai system treats foreigners who are married to Thai women as though we are little more than walking ATMs -- no money, get out; wife dies -- get out. We have no real rights. Consider this. If a Thai marries a Westerner and obtains a visa to live in his home country, she is afforded rights that we simply do not have here in Thailand, including a road to citizenship if she wishes to pursue it. If a Thai women's husband dies, she can remain in the country and eventually apply for citizenship. Western countries do believe in human rights and act compassionately enough to understand the bond of married is not total severed with the death of the Western spouse. The spouse usually forms bonds with the Western family and has become part of that Western society. And being a spouse of a Westerner gives that spouse a path to citizenship. That's compassion.

    But here in Thailand!!! I'm here on a marriage visa. If my wife dies, I don't even get time to grieve; I don't get the time to make funeral arrangements. My first act needs to be to get my bereaved butt down to immigration because my visa is immediately null and void at the time of my wife's death -- otherwise I risk being fined and/or thrown in jail -- really compassionate of the Thai government. "You wife dead. Either put 800K baht in bank for retirement visa, find a job, or get hell out of our country farang. Thai wife dead - you go." The Thai government could give a rip about human rights or compassion.

    So when Mrs Booth pulls the "Human Rights" card out of the deck, and that mob in front of the British embassy are crying about Mrs Booth's "rights being violated", all I want to do is laugh. These people need to petition there own government to clean the s**t out of their own backyard before they start slamming the British judicial and immigration system or that of any other Western country. Any Western country's immigration system puts the Thai immigration system to shame, especially when it come to "compassion" for foreign national spouses.

    It will be interesting to see how this story plays out, especially considering Mrs Booth has just shown the British authorities that she is suicidal, and hence, also mentally unstable. Now it's that much more difficult to get a visa.

    I agree with all you have said but it has no bearing on this case, certaintly the Thai system is appalling but that doesn't mean the UK should be doing likewise, this issue is in the UK not Thailand.

    You have made many points in your Post,but to reply to 3 of them:

    1.Thai Marriages are recognised in the UK,they also got married in a UK Register Office,so he was entitled to Divorce her in the UK

    2. When a spouse is on a Married Settlement Visa,and the Marriage breaks down,then the Sponser (Husband) is legally obliged to report the fact,to the UKBA,as the wife is no longer living with the Sponsor (Husband) the Visa may be revoked. Or refused in the first place,and as you say "that would be her problem" and IMO nothing to do with Human Rights,nobody has the right to a Visa in any Country,the Country concerned make the rules of entry.

    3.Divorces in the UK,can be decided by a UK Court,without either party being present,and concluded by the Court on paperwork submitted by both parties,Solicitors (Lawyers)

  3. Religions, whether for the most part for the good of Mankind or not? is open to personal interpretation,one thing is certain,each and every one of all Religions attract more than a fair share of those that have ulterior motives,and use the Cover,Trust and Power provided, for their own gratification.

    Which has been proven throughout modern History, but that does not mean that all religions are evil,only some of them,and some small groups of other Religions.

  4. Well here is 10 reasons that i left

    1/councill tax that you got nothing for

    2/traffic wardens

    3/intolerant immegrants

    4/no police on the streets

    5/traffic speed cameras all over the place

    6/massive car parking charges

    7/overcharging for the simpelest repairs

    8/ massive cost of petrol

    9/ nanny state

    10/motorists being targeted and not criminals

    i could go on and on but you guessed it thats why i left Britain

    so glad i am here in Thailand ,its more like Britain was in the 60s and 70 s not so many rules and regulations.

    You could have halved that list by getting rid of the car! laugh.png

    Yeah thats true, but by removing the car the list would of gone out of control. Have you ever tried to use public transport in the UK. crazy.gif


    Two Bus companies and 1 every 15 minutes! 6-30 am to 11 pm.

  5. Quoting "human rights". Oh dear. The news has spread around the world then about how to most successfully play the UK system and win every time.


    And that's why Cameron made a long speech in the European Parliament last week,concerning devious/dubious minor Human Rights cases,which should be heard in lower courts,and not allowed to drag the Country down,and clog up the European Courts with 10s of thousands of cases designed to Fleece the UK,and tie our system up in knots.

  6. I might have my cases confused, as there are so many, but I DO remember there being testimony from Thaksin's driver who corroborated that he traded in shares over the phone each day while PM. My recollection is that many of the transactions concerned his own company, while many others concerned companies that his government was making policies concerning. I'm not sure if a guy like that deserves the firing squad (leaving drug war issues aside), but he certainly deserves a long long stretch in prison.

    In most of the Civilised Countries of the World,this would be "Insider Trading" at it's worst,and completely illegal.

  7. It's highly doubtful that those that missed the Meeting and Speech,would have missed much anyway,

    seems that even the Newspaper Reporters are finding it difficult to make a story out of nothing!

    Well they managed to make a "story" out of the fact that the PM was annoyed by having to speak to an empty room didn't they? And true to form because it could be construed that this makes a member of the Shiniwatra clan look "bad" we get 4 pages of car wreck voyeurism by the usual suspects.....................

    On the other hand,it could be construed that she wasn't worth the effort to turn up, and listen to the usual all pomp,and no substance speech.........simple as that.

    • Like 1
  8. PM clone and chalerm will bring it down on their own,

    “We have received confirmation from all sources that the rumor of a coup is not true. The rumor was spread by some faction, but it is not true.” - Thaksin Shinawatra - His first statement while in New York, following the news of the 2006 coup.

    "I came here as prime minister but left as an unemployed man," - Thaksin Shinawatra said while leaving New York after he was deposed as interim prime minister in the 2006 Thailand coup d'état while he was at the United Nations headquarters.

    And may he long continue to be an Unemployed man!

    • Like 1
  9. Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

    Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

    There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

    The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

    Absolutely agree! smile.png

    Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

    Your view of recent history is a bit skewed.

    Most of the violence took place after anti-religious leaders came to power (many by force) and kicked out the CE missionaries so they could have a free hand in stamping out local evangelical congregations, who were a philosophical threat to their inhumane regimes.

    So you feel that the philosophy of the Nigerian gov't needed to be changed and it was the job of CEs to bring about this change? Very, very interesting!

    Nigeria has one of the most promising economies in all of Africa. I don't think Nigeria, or any other country needs UNWANTED outside influences. Nigeria has always had its problems, but with the CEs trying to upturn the apple cart the situation has just gotten worse! CEs come in trying to manipulate and change what already exists thinking what they are offering is better. This is simply not the case! CEs want to help? Let them try sans the moral and religious preaching. It's not like Nigeria is living in a moral and spiritual void!

    Peace brother!! smile.png

    Yes! its called the 419 Scam.

  10. If you originally Married in the UK? you would need your "Decree Nisa" and "Decree Absolute" document from the UK Courts,and If I remember correctly also a "Affirmation of Freedom to Marry" document,both documents checked by the British Embassy.

    That is Assuming you intend to Remarry at the local Amphur.

  11. Unfortunately GK research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.

    Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random.

    Please tell me where these qualified studies are found. From what I see, the rate of male on female violence is at least 2X greater than female on male violence. I won't even mention male on male violence.

    Here are 3 links (and there are many more) that you may find interesting,bearing in mind that there are many incidents of Female Violence towards the Male,that go unreported,if you look, there is plenty of evidence that Female Violence is played down,and tends to be somewhat a taboo subject.




  12. Some of the comments are very sad. Is it any wonder that women ask for divorces, and that the children of such fathers cut off communication? My experience has been that masculine men are able to manage the vagaries of women's temperment. It's part of being a man. The man with common sense moves on or deals with the situation: He certainly doesn't wallow in self pity.

    According to the commentary of some TVFers, women are violent manipulative harpes bent on exploitation. And yet, I see decent men walking about Satan's salon aka Patong, being decent husbands/partners and fathers. Yes, some women are violent nutters, but that's because they are either mentally ill or hooked up with a guy that brings out the worst.

    If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about? These nasty man hating women seem to me to be the product of families where dad was a useless nasty piece of business or where men have abused them at some point in the woman's development. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

    Unfortunately GK

    Research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.Considering that most men find it difficult to admit that their Wife/Girlfriend injured them,or beat them. Complaining to other men means they would be called a Wimp,softy,etc,most Men have had it drilled into them not to hit a Lady,so the violent females,have Carte Blanch to do what they want with no retaliation from the attacked male.

    A man with a black eye is obliged to lie and say he walked into a door, or got mugged,anything to hide the truth,and be ridiculed by his mates.

    Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random. Making excuses for violent Females IMO is not the answer.

  13. Some of the comments are very sad. Is it any wonder that women ask for divorces, and that the children of such fathers cut off communication? My experience has been that masculine men are able to manage the vagaries of women's temperment. It's part of being a man. The man with common sense moves on or deals with the situation: He certainly doesn't wallow in self pity.

    According to the commentary of some TVFers, women are violent manipulative harpes bent on exploitation. And yet, I see decent men walking about Satan's salon aka Patong, being decent husbands/partners and fathers. Yes, some women are violent nutters, but that's because they are either mentally ill or hooked up with a guy that brings out the worst.

    If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about? These nasty man hating women seem to me to be the product of families where dad was a useless nasty piece of business or where men have abused them at some point in the woman's development. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

    Unfortunately GK research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.

    Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random.

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