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Everything posted by h90

  1. Yes I have also solar panels and that could be used to charge a car (if I wouldn't have lots of machinery running already). But that fast charging is a complete different problem....When like first day of holiday all do it at the same time leaving Bangkok.... It is all old technology, we don't have to invent something new, but having that energy on demand at the place it is needed is a huge challenge. And than you have the people who don't want the high voltage cable close to their house and you'll need nuclear power plants which everyone agrees on as long as it is not in their neighborhood. All doable but not easy. Much more difficult than putting first some solar panels on your house....I do now see solar panels in the neighborhood but not that many.
  2. Yes......in his first term..... they soldiers went into many offices and found corruption, cleaned up things, restored the nation parks. That was all great. In his second term he prepared CBDC, killed Paypal, killed the small and medium companies and destroyed tourism with the Covid lockdown, made the digital ID. Met with Klaus Schwab the same as Yingluck, Thanatorn and Abhisit did. He got as bad as the others. If after the 2019 elections he would have went aways with "I restored democracy, my job is done" He would have been great.....but he become an Yingluck himself.....his Covid was worse than Yinglucks floods.
  3. That 5 min charging will fail on the supply side. When you have a bigger gasoline station and think the same amount of cars will be charged electric there at some begin of holidays or so.....You need to connect a Chernobyl reactor to high speed load many cars in parallel.
  4. Some say he'll come stay a week in jail and than get some pardon or house arrest.... I can't imagine it...but some believe it.
  5. just he was a weak leader....who was more interested in meeting with Klaus Schwab, US military (when all others were lockdown) and China than doing something for Thai people. He was no patriarch who isn't democratic but would sacrifices himself for Thailand. He was a weak opportunist.
  6. still better he walks out....he has overstayed his welcome already.....He should have gone after the 2019 election.....Than he could portray himself as hero. Now go for whatever reason but go.....He did all the things the yellow did not want....but they are similar blind as the Trump supporter....
  7. what is the point of expired if it has no consequences? It is just obvious..... And actually I agree that Prayut was expired after 8 years as well.......the same...no regard for the constitution....
  8. The problem with liberal democracy is that it attracts the wrong people....Not some well meaning who if they are to silly get voted out....it attracts corrupt evil people. On a non democratic system you still have the problem: how to select your patriarch? Such selection can work well, but what to do when it degenerate? It is even more difficult to get rid off. I think the question if democracy or not is the wrong question: The right question is if the government protects the freedom of everyone and increases the well being..financially, health, etc for everyone. Or doesn't do it. People want to live safe and healthy and have a better future for their children...having a house and car and dream, etc.. Democracy but living in a shack or getting drafted for a war is not helpful.
  9. Well gas tank is also far away from being exact....only you can fill it up in seconds everywhere...and a small emergency 5 liter canister brings you far if you drive carefully.....different than finding a loading station...waiting till it is free, hassle on how much you get out and how to pay, wait wait wait... in the ICE you stop with a quarter full and fill it up faster than wife can come back from the toilet.
  10. You aren't sure....while I don't trust the Chinese batteries, I equally don't trust the western propaganda. And haters of EV show everywhere exploding Teslas.....but if you look how many Tesla are produced, it is minimal. I am not saying it doesn't happen...only I would be careful on how to judge the information
  11. complete agree with that....
  12. no the where expired....the word expired says it all. An expired government without elections can't stay in power forever. There duty would have been to inform the King that they failed. The King than can appoint a new emergency government...ask them to continue or take some elderly statesman or take some bureaucrats with the sole purpose to hold new elections. That is similar in most countries and when you look back you find such governments also in the west for a short while. Usually the duty of the president. A strict expiration date is needed to prevent having a government that prevent orderly elections and so stay in power forever.....(In this case Suthep prevent the elections with the purpose on getting the government to expire and create a power vacuum).
  13. and if less senators/MPs vote you than you bribed? How would you know which should get the money and which cheated?
  14. hey a posting on which we agree.....must be the first one....In the jungle I would rather take the DEET (for a very short time) than a 1000 mosquito bites and the diseases. But for sure I would not use it for years every day
  15. what coalition government is now? Tell me.... As far as I know it is still the caretaker government. The new coalition government, with luck will be tomorrow
  16. yes old Volvo of us is 30 years old. I worry less that after 8+ years something brakes and needs to be replaced, sure there will be some cheap parts available in future...and the backyard shop will know things as well. But if moisture goes into the battery....will it explode? Or will it be just not working? I don't know....I am not one of the "we'll all die" people but I don't want to be one of the first as well. humid hot air near the beach with some salt content can do weird things....I have seen electronic boards where either solder or the traces corroded. I have seen the electric connectors fall apart. Is this a problem or maybe it isn't....
  17. But we call it different....if some former politician gets some high paying job in a field he has no experience afterwards....Or holds a 20 min speech for $400.000 than this is not corruption it is honestly earned money....
  18. Because on 13th they will make a coalition....than there will be one
  19. In my opinion there is zero chance that the current regime remains in power.....It will be a democratic elected government....
  20. no moderate corruption is like a leech...it weakens the country but does not destroy it....Thailand always had corruption and is still doing well. And there is zero hope that the new government, no matter who and what is not corrupt. They question is only if they pocket 10% or more and if they would do things that directly harm the country for money or if they just take off a bit on every purchase.....There is a speech from Mahathir about Chinese high speed train protects where he explains the numbers...how much got paid on corruption what lines will be beneficial and what line will only bring Malaysia into forever debt....Unfortunately no party in Thailand speaks such truth.
  21. And having it 15 years in Thailands heat with the corrosive air....We know what happens with ICE and how the problems look like. We don't know yet for the EVs....get moisture in the battery pack? Or is it no problem?
  22. I hope it is something not radical that destroys Thailand......
  23. Just he didn't do that.....he overthrow an expired caretaker government, which refused to leave
  24. very possible but sad......B quality copy of Prem.
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