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Everything posted by h90

  1. no moderate corruption is like a leech...it weakens the country but does not destroy it....Thailand always had corruption and is still doing well. And there is zero hope that the new government, no matter who and what is not corrupt. They question is only if they pocket 10% or more and if they would do things that directly harm the country for money or if they just take off a bit on every purchase.....There is a speech from Mahathir about Chinese high speed train protects where he explains the numbers...how much got paid on corruption what lines will be beneficial and what line will only bring Malaysia into forever debt....Unfortunately no party in Thailand speaks such truth.
  2. And having it 15 years in Thailands heat with the corrosive air....We know what happens with ICE and how the problems look like. We don't know yet for the EVs....get moisture in the battery pack? Or is it no problem?
  3. I hope it is something not radical that destroys Thailand......
  4. Just he didn't do that.....he overthrow an expired caretaker government, which refused to leave
  5. very possible but sad......B quality copy of Prem.
  6. I think there is no free place on his arm anymore
  7. you would need to mark the ballots also, else you wouldn't know who voted what. You need to do that for the vote buying payment. (recall the MPs locked in the hotel when they got paid to vote for Abhisit, but as it was a small majority, Thaksins wife tried to buy a few out with more money....)
  8. China these days produce both high quality and low quality.....Just the high quality isn't much cheaper than the western products, and for end products often you just don't know.
  9. used the US version...I think called "OFF" at the military and it works great....but if there is 1 cm on your skin that is forgotten the mosquitos find it... And I wouldn't use it every day for many years.....not sure what the chemical makes to the body
  10. If you are strict of not having any standing open water in Bangkok, than there are very little mosquitos....together with nets on the window we have like every 2 month 1 inside and that is because I don't close the net. Than on top we use the spray...... As I saw your previous postings on the Covid measures....google Dengue Fever vaccine Philippines...maybe need a other search engine than google. Big case of an untested vaccine that caused big harm for children years ago...based on similar technology as Astra Zeneka....and it is nowhere in the news.
  11. lets see what happens and who get PM.....there will be a compromise....
  12. both complete off topic....
  13. That always happens....before it was the gods, we burned witches or slaughtered virgins. Now we cut our food and energy supply
  14. yes and no....truly random things like to make small cluster (if they would be even spaced it wouldn't be random). if you shoot an dart randomly it appears that there are always 2-3 together. Of course it doesn't really come in 3, but if you look at it, it looks like it does
  15. Something for sure, because we run a lot things in the company....and some real electric sucker and we could never reach 30K....highest ever 24K
  16. No no...there are now 67 genders...and that was a few years ago....I am sure now it is already >100. Must be very difficult for the young people to figure out which two are compatible to procreate... No no women are equal strong...see her the Avi Silberberg girl benchpress 167kg https://www.sportbible.com/other/male-enters-womens-powerlifting-event-and-shatters-record-848829-20230330 (read the link before answering)
  17. average farm size in Thailand is small....so I doubt it is controlled by a few people only
  18. I am neither political activist....that is you. Nor environmentalist....but I like it clean. No it is not "Thailand" if close by they burn trash, and the smoke upcountry is mostly homemade by burning the fields and that is not new science that is discussed the same way since 20 years. Road traffic got massive cleaner, only people got more aware of it. Transnational also exist but is in compare a small problem (In the south from Indonesia, can be bad)
  19. Come on.....that is so 1970.....today we must accept the feeling of other people not the reality. That was always in old civilizations just before their end....like in the Roman empire. We are at that endpoint now.
  20. how many coalition governments are formed on MOUs? Never heard of one
  21. they burned trash (trash from the trash collectors....big amounts) here in Bangkok....it was always snowing ash and strong burning smell (and I am not sensitive to it....). Someone tried to stop it....no police didn't want to do it, people just didn't care that you can't go outside. Slightly off topic....when I go running in the morning I often see people cleaning their house early morning and thro the trashbag into the river in front of the house.... It is hard to stop it, if no one care.
  22. parading empty head meat on the stage and give numbers on how they look like is really not something that great...that is even 2 steps below professional bodybuilder competition. Everyone should do and watch what they like....I don't have a problem with it, but it is not really an achievement of civilization. There are no skills involved.....if they do a cage fighting against each other it would have more value....Or combine it with an IQ test...whoever finds Russia on the world map in under 5 min win....
  23. I thought that is an objective truth? Men aren't beautiful and don't even try....well this article proofs me wrong...but real men.
  24. yes the law...and the MOU goes to court if some MP votes different.....is it lonely on your planet? And yes Thaksin as nothing to do with PTP......on your planet
  25. In everything that needs body strength or endurance we are superior. On the other hand we live shorter. On exact small work women are better.....like women are the better sharp shooter. For beauty also real women wins
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