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Everything posted by h90

  1. That is possible. Would be also possible that the PTP makes a coaliton without them, but with BJ and Dems....I think (but not sure) it would be possible from the numbers
  2. maybe he knew that....but I am sure it was not meant as Hindu symbol. (Just noticed I have a "take it easy" trouser wife bought a long time ago and one part it is full with hindu swastikas...but they are in the same direction and look the same as the Nazi ones......so they really use that symbol in exact the same design.
  3. I was here all the time....a bit outside from downtown. If you don't watch TV you wouldn't have noticed that something is different.....life continued exactly the same as before.....No one care about the coup (as no one cared about the yellow or red shirts before). And in most parts the military continued the bad politics without any positive or negative reforms
  4. When the army came with rubber bullets and tear gas several got shot and killed with grenade launcher....than the military had to step back to bring the guns....and than they infact killed red shirts in the battle.....that the red shirts shot first not the military just went in to kill people. And still the military was not fast enough to prevent them to burn down many buildings. Can't blame the military for that. (But you can blame Abhisit....he could have easily prevent that....)
  5. best way to bring democracy is to first bomb the capitol and the infrastructure ????
  6. But MFP gave already the speaker to friends of PTP . Another blunder
  7. quote: "I think the EC commissioners will soon be out of work, and looking at being charged, hopefully imprisoned sending a very strong message to all other government departments." If you imprison bureaucrats for decisions you don't agree than you do like the worst dictators did. No one even claims that the EC broke any law...just disagreeing with their timing.
  8. seen one with a Swastika tattoo...He told me he has it because he love communist
  9. They could also control their loose mouth.....
  10. yes but not many did the same....if you leave at every coup you are only half the time here
  11. Not unique...Thailand had the same many times and most of the times it got resolved without violence..... But for tourism not good...
  12. no it is not a virtue, but it is more honest than being corrupt
  13. yes...I said it is an improvement but not as big as many believe. Your money is stohlen the same
  14. And 1% have the German Nazi Army Helmet. I would like to see what happens if you wear that in Europe on the motorbike
  15. and no travel without the vaccine.....which we don't have yet but surely we can warp speed produce some...no need to waste time with testing
  16. But google Dengue Vaccine Philippines.....They rushed a Astra Zeneka type vaccine without much testing and than bad problems long before Covid
  17. not only careless about the iTV...also careless on what he is speaking.... My theory is that PTP will get PM....but I heard many theories from Prayuth stays to Prawit to Anutin. I can only recommend to have a look at prime ministers of Thailand on wikipedia...that is an amazing amount of people who were very short times....the same thing as now must have happened similar many times in the past
  18. which you saw? The red or the yellows? I guess both spend a lot of money on infrastructure....Yellow I think Santi Asoke supplied the food and cooking, but it still must cost a lot. And bands and entertainment in the evening must cost something. Can't be cheap
  19. Yes it would send the message to bureaucrats that Stalin is born again.....
  20. I agree on the timing..... But they can be true believer in doing the right thing
  21. the 300 Baht were the red protests...the yellow protests the aunties payed in......at least the staff in our company did not receive money but donated....and they for sure would happily take whatever they can get
  22. you mean morally corrupt...yes maybe.....but I think there are also lot of people who think they rescue the country from something bad.
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