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Everything posted by h90

  1. buses, trains and infrastructure are used to pay for themself and should not cost tax. I agree to education.... health care is a difficult topic but in general I agree...Most west has a state insurance which is supposed to pay for it...but I agree that is state/tax. But you are speaking about robbing the people with taxes and than handing out money. It would be better to cancel taxes for the poor and finance the few things the country need to do (education) from import taxes and taxes for the more wealthy.
  2. yes submarines in the gulf is really strange. But I am no military expert. Yes the carrier It could rescue tourists from Koh Samui in 2011, so it is not useless
  3. Really.....more than Thailand? I recently read that they are down to 1 birth per woman.....every generation being half of the previous.
  4. It has 5 Million people.....that is not even worth mentioning...Thailand 77 Million. Half than Bangkok
  5. maybe not the worst ever happen....if you read what Europe did to Thailand in the past. yes war against drugs, many extreme harmful laws, extreme corruption, sending troops to Afghanistan, etc etc endless list. I would not have him executed but 20 years jail and seizing his wealth would be OK
  6. legally it is a state....But it is just a city, you can't compare a city that has banks and some trade with a country that has power generation, farmer, trains, mountains, regional differences...with something slightly bigger than the Vatican .....That doesn't make sense. it is 1/700 in size of Thailand. It is half the size of Bangkok, so it is not even a big city by Asians standards
  7. Thailand almost had a war with Cambodia a few years ago. There is a lot tension at the Myanmar border and the new government want to openly support the rebels which in turn will make the Myanmar government hostile to Thailand. So investing in defense makes sense. But the health system is of course complete rotten....Thailand need both and could easily save money at the bureaucracy. Thailand has 76 states with all having a governor and the full pyramid of staff that does nothing. Like Samut Songkhram has 190.000 people and it split again into 3 districts.....what a waste of money
  8. handing out money is a bit in the direction of communism.....It would better to lower or abolish the taxes for the poor as the first step. As second improve education....best with free technical schools...but that need decades to show results. Taxes would help immediately.
  9. Look at the map.....it is a city....Google is your friend....google the size. It is half the size of Bangkok. So there is no farmer, no large factories, no large infrastructure, they need to import everything, you can't compare that with a real country. Your apology is greaty appricated.
  10. I would not connect that.....beside that it is the same government who destroyed the small and medium companies that want to purchase the subs. But I can not see a connection
  11. Whoever wants the vote...or wants a no vote.... It is all about the money
  12. Singapore is just a city. Malaysia: You have a point, but it has lots of oil and gas. You can't compare that. For research: I am ready to learn from you: which one Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, if we really stretch it: maybe also Vietnam, Bangladesh and India is doing so much better? You can't compare Thailand with Japan...that would be as absurd as comparing them with Germany
  13. Would be interesting how much they offer for one vote?
  14. And Thailand did excellent well with the military kicking out governments when they got too corrupt. It is the best developed country in the region.
  15. If I remember right Anand and Prem as well but can't remember the details
  16. No your impression is wrong...there are a lot of hard working Thais. Only Thailand has full employment, they have a job and the companies don't let them go if they work good. Our foreman started with 12000 Baht and get now 35000 Baht. So you see only the lazy ones.
  17. he got elected...But if you don't like that example: Abhisit? Chavalit?
  18. He is on track to become PM that does not look like a fool. Of course, which rich politician care about nation or people? None....he not more or not less than any of the others. It is naive to believe there is one hero that care...
  19. the economy does not care about political stalemate. The economy has a problem with the failed politics of the last 8 years and of the announcement of bad politics for the next 4 years.
  20. I am sure he makes huge donations every year.....Most probably to every party in Thailand to get the laws he need
  21. Selfmade....I am actually too lazy but wife makes good one
  22. No no there is no lifestyle fix....eat your mcdonalds, don't think too much and eat your pills. If you talk about lifestyle change, eating healthy, doing exercise you are labeled right wing.... (/sarcasm)
  23. 600 baht would mean unemployment and moving to Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos. If you want higher salaries than you must limit the worker from outside. Create a shortage of labor. That creates a pressure to higher salaries and higher productivity
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