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Everything posted by h90

  1. beauty contest was already odd before....the silly girls that can't even find their country on the map if interviewed.... Reducing woman only to their body. And not not even that, letting unattractive males win....
  2. No I did not say that. It was once. But I often said that the Senator appointment is a bad thing. But still they can't get an PM appointed that is undemocratic/has not the majority of MPs behind him. (And I'll apologize if reality proofs me wrong in a few weeks)
  3. They don't have any coalition so far. EC worked fast. If MFP get dissolved the only right thing to do would be to have new elections. Just continue and ignoring that is not democratic....On the other hand democracy wouldn't be the most important thing for me. Stability is.
  4. EC certified the elections rather fast. that the parliament met very fast, and now we are in the building of a coalition. So there is no delay. If Pita can build a coalition he can be PM in 2 days. If he can't it may need 2 more weeks till PTP can build a government
  5. I asked bard (the AI) so it can be wrong....it says the King appoints judges in Thailand.
  6. Can't remember....something Democrats/south/Thailand.....must be long ago >10 years....need to google it.
  7. Well at the end you could not outvote Thaksin anymore....he got similar to Hun Sen. And you could outvote the military (as we have just seen). Yes there was corruption but in compare to Thaksin times you would need to search for watches on Prawits hand....Bad enough but minor cases.....And yes complete buried the cases and all the yellow that were so against corruption didn't want to know because it is their guy (kind similar to the divide in USA....where people only see the crimes of the other guy). War on drugs that the army backed government didn't look into it....I never thought about that...you have a point. I thought they may want to close the case of Thaksin but I am sure there are plenty of people who are interested so Army must have actively suppressed that. Too many of the own people involved?
  8. what he says is most probably irrelevant if they are registered as media company and he did not cancel that. Surely they could operate without....like internet radio, internet newspaper. Renting space.... It is not about common sense it is about the law and maybe theoretical possible things.
  9. means if some wrote a book about penguins 10 years ago and still sales it, can't be PM of Thailand? Actually it wouldn't surprise me if the law is that sloppy.....
  10. to remove him for these shares would be really strange....
  11. Is a book mass media? I think not. What is if you make a book every month? or every 2 weeks...at some point it is a magazine/newspaper....would be interesting to know the legal definition.
  12. but it is registered as media company.....so they could begin tomorrow again.
  13. yes to protect against people like Thaksin or Berlusconi....what is clearly not the case. I don't know if the court has room for common sense or if they must follow exactly. Courts that let common sense (means their opinion) over law is only an advantage if the right people are judges, else it is also a problem. And if the punishment is removal or if there is lesser punishment possible...let him pay a million and go on.....
  14. I can live with that....and there are like 50 Million witnesses ...... And there is a book I officially bought in Siam Paragon Kinokuniya bookstore that explains how TRT did vote buying in the South and how the Democrats because they have little funds only went to the people who got money from TRT already to give them more....explained in detail and with names....Of course I am not saying that...I was not there. But they didn't get sued....
  15. Depend on how the law can be interpreted...if it says he can not have any shares. Than it is a violation. If it says he can't have any relevant shares than it is not.
  16. The company itself is a joke...you are right. But it is active, it has turnover (minimal one) and it is registered as Media company. So technical it is an active media company. Practical it is nothing. And the value of the shares is also very low. I don't know how much room the law gives here. Someone said, it is not the problem that he has the shares, the bigger problem is that he is so stupid and ignorant to not get rid of them long time ago. I kind of agree.
  17. I don't know how much is true and how much is anti china propaganda....But it seems the planing for the intra country high speed rail system was bad. a) they connected for huge amount of money areas that simply don't need it b) they make it personal only in the design first and not cargo...which lets out lots of opportunities as I said....not sure if it is true....it is binary....you have people that tell China is perfect and can do not wrong....and people who say China is bad and bankrupt and will complete die. there is very little objective information
  18. shouldn't be a problem in the gulf...also can skip the dive training
  19. yes if it finds that hole.....big parts are in the 30meter range.....it might sense with the islands.....but some very high up had doubts in the birthday speech years ago.
  20. I don't have the dates of the war against drugs in my head......but half had no connections and I heard in Nakhon Si Thammerat every night some shots. And keep in mind at this time Kratom and Marijuana were still drugs. Well I have seen myself truck bullhorning 300 Baht per vote.... And on this election, I have no first hand experience and I don't know which party did it (or if all did it) but lots of reports even here about family members who got 1000 baht (seems there is inflation) or who didn't and were angry because the neighbor got it.... Wife remembers many decades ago they bribe the people with flip flops....got only one side and the other only if the village voted the right party.... And imagine the money to pay at least some area 300 or 1000 Baht per vote. That are huge amounts that all must earned with corruption.
  21. I have seen the boats that patrol the marine park in Chumphon....they were hard wired.....with satellite dish on the land, etc....they didn't move for years....but I am sure in the books they still consume a lot diesel.....And I guess the staff has all diesel cars
  22. Read Thaksin up....he got rich with his pager service than mobile and satellite...he was the newcomer. Democrats were supported by the old families with the pretty WEF boy Abhisit. MFP is the Thai Summit clan.... Google Thai Prime Ministers. Take name by name down the history and google them and their families and connections. You can also google the influence of CP, the alcohol families, the bank families, something I better not name and their networks Thaksin was the new rich outsider and too greedy....wanted to much without sharing It is one big club, fighting for dominance and hard working middle class Somchai is not member of this club. And ALL of them visit the World Economic Forum and discuss the future there.....without any democratic input. That why it makes little difference if it is a military dictator, Thaksin, MF, Democrats or whoever....
  23. yes he got dictator by other means.....looks more nice....but with his 3000 deaths at the war against narcotics he is nothing better than Prayut with his war against covid. Stealing way more money that Prayut...but hey he was elected (if we ignore the full scale vote buying + buying of complete parties, with money he gained from corruption ....but that is still more democratic as tanks)
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