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Everything posted by h90

  1. beside the sleeping it is a disrespect to sleep while other speak
  2. For me not.....but for Thai people yes.....We have similar crazy laws in Germany and Austria....Things we are not allowed to speak....I don't agree with it but changing would make so many people upset that it is impossible
  3. MFP and PTP are part of the rich elite of Thailand. MFP is Thai Summit which is a huge car manufacturer. PTP is the Shinawattra clan. It is not democracy against the elites.....it is which Oligarch wins over the other, or if it is the men in green uniform.
  4. yes, but the PM must have a majority of MPs as well, else he can't govern at all. So the Senators can't try to get someone who doesn't has a robust coalition supporting him/her. MFP has 151 MP of 500. So there are plenty of coalitions possible without them if they are too radical
  5. Too late...too much hostile rhetoric already. I would have guessed they drop it the day after election so he get electable. And it isn't the most urgent problem of Thailand, they could have started that 2 years later.
  6. That anyway no matter which Oligarchs puppet will be PM....Thaksins or Thai Summit (Thanathorn) and all are members of the World Economic Forum and follow their agenda (Prayut, Thanatorn, Shinawattras, Abhisit). So less of a question about democracy and more of a question how bad it will be.....
  7. For the country I come from, it seems to me (and I don't have much insight so I might be wrong), that the change to worse came when they put in manager who run the hospitals like private companies that should make profit....Before doctors run it, who might have been bad managers but care for the patience not the money. And it needed decades till the problems show themself
  8. lets lock down...2 weeks to flatten the curve
  9. In my country eggs must be ALWAYS refrigerated....from chicken to the cooking. Else it is extreme dangerous. And of course every food poisoning, minor bacterial infection is deadly...no chance of survive and if only with doctor. So Thailand should be extinct already. And it is not only food, also safety belts, cholesterol, helmet on bicycle, fire insurance
  10. because recently they did some radical anti royal rhetoric. So it is clear that they don't want to have some minor changes or that it was just rhetoric before election. And as BKK Post reports it was also the foreign politic...anti Myanmar, anti Cambodia, Anti China, Anti Russia and talks about US military base.
  11. Why? people elect parties and a majority of the MPs agree on a prime minister. It will not be democratic Pita, but it will be a other democratic elected person.
  12. We had several customer who supported larger companies in servicing hydraulics....they did well...turnover 100-200.000 Baht with us and a got 20-40% added for themself on top of it.....Often they come from motorbike delivery guys who had good contact with the customers. All of them at some point went from motorbike to car...had big costs and stand in the traffic jam, visiting less customer and lost their business again. Because without car you are not important....
  13. In this case of elderly care it worked as most staff stayed there long and in our case the primary person lived just a few 100 meters away so it could be easily the first or last customer. That why even with the rotation she was always in that rotation and just continued to be unofficial primary person. What I see here also as problem is cowardliness....A rather big group of middle age nurses, who know their job well and a big share of them are not depending on that money. The two organisations are either catholic or socialist. Than some manager who often does not even know about nursing comes comes on top of them and they just do what they got ordered and shed tears about how cruel that is. Some stop with that work as they can't watch it.... If they would just say NO we continue our way, they would win in many cases, and they would have political support (even for the wrong reasons).
  14. The solution for the government is not to help either banks nor people. If a big bank goes bankrupt, the other banks will learn it. If twice someone loose the car which is already 60% paid up, he'll learn it.....
  15. yes I had exactly 40 degree....but paracetamol brought it down to 39 or a bit less for a few hours. So stay in the bed with 40....eat a para...go in the office for an hour, sign whatever they hold in front of my face and go sleeping again. Like 5 days.....than fever went down to 38 or 38.5...and than the skin part come for another week. Than it needed a while till I was the same as before...couldn't sweat for some time. Nasty
  16. Got it in Bangkok....maybe I got it in the second floor....if that is higher altitude
  17. Of course it is, else the Australians would fall off the planet ????
  18. and nothing worse than being in an open small "tend" in the wet clothes tired and than having a million mosquitos killing you, while the officers have closed tends with mosquito nets.....
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