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Everything posted by h90

  1. I have problems with the police being the enforcer of the government....and during Covid they have shown that in many countries. Not the police that prevent crime or help people.
  2. "foreigners will come to understand Thailand is not the best location for medical treatment." I think the same happens in many countries....A year ago I was sitting and waiting in a hospital and wondered why the nurses are all young and beautiful. I asked myself where are the old and the ugly ones??? They wouldn't hire according to the looks? Or would they?
  3. It is the bivalent one....So it can't be that old...just in Europe no one wants it anymore.
  4. h90

    Makro Pro

    ORdered BigC a few days ago...almost nothing on stock...even the mineral waters. No ham and salami....no organic eggs. Looks more like someone did not update the stock because it can't be that the water is out of stock.
  5. But instead of purchase you can lease them...on daily or hourly contracts...That is in the long term much cheaper
  6. Than the senior fires you..... And you know that the patients suffer even more because lack of people. The problem is that too many people leave the system.
  7. Not only this governments fault...it goes back to Thaksins times and was never really repaired. I don't know how this could be repaired
  8. Even the royalists are bored seeing his face.....But who knows they live in their own bubble....If MFP and PTP can't form a government and there is chaos, he can try to present himself as the person of stability and reason.....That would have worked 2-3 years ago but not now....I think and I could be wrong.
  9. or by having a monopoly....flying short distance I and most probably also most Thais take the cheapest offer. Don't need no service for 1-2 hours.
  10. And it is working....almost all went for the jab and the people still walk outside alone in the sun with the mask on....The powers think the people are stupid and "we" proof them right.
  11. The country isn't burning....It is all OKish...Could be better but could be worse
  12. Curbing inflation with printing more money....I ask myself if that is pure incompetence and populism or some big conspiration to crash the money system to introduce the CBDC? I am undecided.
  13. Gas, Gasoline and Electric will be even more expensive if the Baht is devalued
  14. I am working in a company (a real company that produce real things). And I would say we have zero corruption and the overhelming amount of our customer have no corruption. But there are odd things....when FedEx offers 500 Baht gift cards from Central if the company send a certain amount of shipments to the girl in the office.....than this is clearly corruption. As not the cheapest shipping will be selected but that that gives money. And we actually received 4x500 Baht gift cards in an envelope. That is the weirdest corruption I have seen so far.... Only that I do the FedEx shipments myself....
  15. she was before defense minister in Germany, where she complete failed. She was on no list at the election...she was truly selected and put in position (everyone from Europe who complain about democracy in Thailand should look at that case). It is not incompetent OR corrupt. It is incompetent AND corrupt and complete shameless. I do understand that in such a situation you over purchase to be on the safe side. But a lot of the purchase was made when there was no shortage of supply anymore, there was already oversupply. EU parliament requested the documents and got blackened pages.....That is a huge scandal but no one seems to care.
  16. Yes/No....I didn't explain well... I take the glue board, put it in a plastic bag, which I put in another plastic bag. Than with heavy boots outside on the street...so far not making a mess. But it is extreme disgusting....Can't eat afterwards
  17. yes it is like 8 or 10 shots per citizen in the EU + countries additional ordered some. Contracts made per SMS on the mobile phone and Pfizer Boss is a kiss-kiss friend from Von der Leyen....
  18. drowing them is cruel. Step on them in one powerful step so it is a very quick pain
  19. Actually they are servants of the country....the Thai citizen (not we) are their bosses and are entitled to know at least their salaries .... In one big database. That alone would help...if you earn 30.000 per month and buy every year a new Mercedes than there is a question how it is financed.
  20. The Myanmar thing, this here...yes strange....his time is up, even if the MFP can't form a government it won't be him. He reached his expiration date. He can make a nice plan and leave it on the table for the new PM to consider
  21. If you think 50% more are needed, than there is something very seriously wrong. Did so many leave during Covid (mandatory vaccinations, mismanagement, low salaries, whatever?)? Are there now so many more sick people? Long covid? Side effects from the vaccines? Side effect from sitting at home and getting more fat? You can't need +50% without detailed analyzing the problem.
  22. they successful killed small and medium companies and the tourism industry.
  23. cut the aluminum support and fix the two ends.... I would try it out...maybe he is right and no problem, I don't know.
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