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Everything posted by h90

  1. I assume you mean below 1....below 0 is something only mathematician can understand... wrong....it will get less, till the R number increases again.....We have every year in spring flu R numbers below 1....much below 1, and in autumn they increase again
  2. Yes but the state can't replace the parents....the broken society is a problem......schools can help a little bit but not very much.
  3. Well university lasts a bit longer for some....specially if they focus on politics
  4. yes...low probability but could be...could come a deadly flu. Could come a dengue fever that is transmitted by aerosols.... There can be a solar storm that takes out the electric grid...after 2 weeks we have a mad max scenario in the big cities. Lots of dangers in life.....Some become prepers build a bunker and stock food for 20 years but the majority lives on....
  5. agree.....sooo bad and a drama if the only son dies or in the wheelchair. Should be banned or at least restricted to 50cc And when we are it....we must reduce the speed limits...at 20 km/h in the city and 50 on the highway we can reduce deaths 99%. Ban cars that can do more than 50. And people who upgrade their vehicle get life sentence in jail as the endanger society.... Stay at home, watch netflix and be safe.
  6. Yes freedom is not easy. For me it seems that freedom is now some scary bad word....The nanny state began long ago but with Covid it got much worse....
  7. We have some immunity....and Covid get less and less harmful....it will fall back to the normal usual corona viruses that are unpleasant but no drama. Or short: It is over....
  8. protection against severe illness....not coming in the ICU: OK and what has that to do with your quote Covid "effectively disappears". No it will not disappear...it will stay with us.... And the anti vaxxer will get infected and will have the same immunity the vaccinated have after they got infected on top of it. And that immunity will help but you'll still get the next mutation.... Now in 2023 really everyone should know that.
  9. What criminal behavior is caused by Marijuana??? I know a couple of young women that have massive problems with diabetics 2 that is devastating for poor people...but not a good example as well. But they would have been better of smoking some Marijuana in a society that bans junk food. Still I would not ban it. You don't need any infrastructure as we have seen....farmer start to plant marijuana, shops open, all pay taxes...the infrastructure builds itself in a free market and unless the drug dealer, they even pay taxes.
  10. and on June 4th they purchased the ticket.....doesn't say they fly on the same day. opens the question on what mistakes we don't spot in articles? And with that quality who know if it was 2 woman to India or maybe 3 men to Indonesia a year ago....
  11. Many things affect the society....industrial food with too much sugar more than narcotics. And from the narcotics alcohol is the worst. Still we don't ban it. Overweight itself is bad for society, still with don't catch fat people and put them in jail. The state controlling things for the better of society we tried already in Nazi Germany and in Soviet Union. It never worked. You must aim for the biggest freedom of the individual and protecting that freedom (against robber, murder, etc) as long as it does not reduce the freedom of someone else. Someone who peacefully smokes at home does not damage my freedom. Someone who drive the car full with some narcotics does. So there is the line to draw. Not: The neighbor shall not smoke Marijuana because my invisible friend said it is a sin.
  12. The working place is at a beach hotel in Laos Or would you prefer the beer bar in Saudi Arabia?
  13. Well we have TV/Facebook/newspapers....So you must be either extremely silly or you know there is more than cleaning, but you accept it, and think it is in a far away country so no one at home will know it (unlike working in a bar in Pattaya). I think both is possible....there are silly people.
  14. I think no....I think the price varies. If there are just 1-2 votes missing and no one want to do it, they'll ask for the double. Price depends on the demand. On the other hand if only 2 votes are missing and many people are ready they would pay only a fraction.
  15. Not only Thailand......A few days ago they recorded a BlackRock guy explaining how cheap US Senators are...can buy them for 10 Grands. Only in Thailand it is more visible....no one pretend that they are honest.
  16. Determine their own destiny=Freedom: If you don't like Marijuana: don't use it. Tyranny...can be also tyranny of the majority against a minority: Force people to do or not to do something. Less free society.
  17. CCP? I didn't know that you can vote for the CCP in Thailand.... What on the workings of the parliament is what you don't understand? The election of the government is done by the parliament not in twitter. The majority there counts. MFP and PTP are almost the same strength they can both form a government without the other or they can form one together. So there are 3 different coalitions possible and an infinity amount on how they share the positions together. Coalitions between the second and the third party with the 3rd having the Prime Minister happens in other countries. No one would call a >50% coalition undemocratic
  18. have you been sleeping the last few month? vaccine does not give you immunity against Covid...you can still get it and spread it. polio and smallpox are complete different viruses.....Covid is more compareable with the flu. Which everyone had already and still we get it again and again as as with Covid it mutates.
  19. yes and? They banned misinformation. I disagree with any "misinformation" laws. So also with this one. But fact was: information was not banned and the red shirt/PTP/Thaksin run a huge "vote no" campaign....And it was up and down in all media...and than people voted YES. A 60% out of a 60% is of course a <deleted>ty result but again...when did you vote for your constitution? Every flawed vote is better than none.
  20. No the MFP has no majority coalition yet. They have a majority coalition after the vote. That some party boss tells that they intend to vote for them is meaningless. The actual vote is what counts. After the vote the have a majority government. Before it is only hot air.
  21. 100,000-150,000 Thai Baht/month for cleaning rooms as in India you can't find someone who want to work for that money?
  22. yes, it is a society and psychological problem...not something that can be solved with guns and prisons. And humans always used drugs, even before humans...animals love fermented fruits and get drunk like a sailor. So we must accept that a sterile drug free society is not possible (even in Saudi Arabia). Rehab for people who want it, of course.....but the addicts that don't want to stop, give them the narcotics in the pharmacy which defunds the mafia, stops the crime around narcotics and the financing of it. Kratom and Marijuana legislation from Anutin was surprisingly good. There should be a ban of any form of advertisement and a mandatory sticker that it might be addictive and harmful. So no one can misunderstand that allowed mean safe to use.....Or ban it, but without punishment if that is easier. But don't ban Marijuana and start shooting people on the street again.
  23. no it does not make sense. Dry up the mafia money by making them legal...the one and only smart thing from Anutin Education means try to brainwash the kids telling them all drugs are evil....put all in one basket from Alcohol, Marijuana to cocaine and amphetamins. Till they don't believe anything anymore. My school invited former addicts....cool people who told the cool times when they used the narcotics and how it all ended, with no teeth, homeless etc.... Not let some middle class Karen teacher explain things. And let everyone the free choice, that is the only way for a society....educate the people and than let them do....and when on it include industrial food+sugar as well, as it causes more harm than Marijuana.
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