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Everything posted by h90

  1. Tipp: If you don't like drugs, don't use drugs. Don't go on the street and shoot people who think different like Thaksin did.
  2. "aged from six months to five years, for COVID inoculation" Not many countries think that this is a good idea.....
  3. Politician are a other kind of parasites....but not viruses.....
  4. So 100 Million is the price for a normal MP. How much is a Senator? That adds up to serious money if you need a lot.....but no worry it is just tax payer money.
  5. That is just not true....the red shirts made a huge "vote no" campaign....all over the country. And Prayut told if the constitution is rejected the previous one will be reinstalled....That was what I understood, but someone pointed out that he actually said A previous one....So that one that fits him best??? But even if the referendum wasn't perfect.....I don't know where you come from: Did you or your grandparents ever had the chance to vote about your constitution? Very few countries did so. Most installed their constitution by very undemocratic means. You can't criticize an imperfect referendum in Thailand but accept the illegal constitutions (revolutions, coups, etc) all over the world. The Thai implementation is one of the most democratic one. The constitution itself is garbage....That senator thing is nonsense, the election process, the areas that is all between sloppy and complete nonsense. I really don't understand why they didn't copy paste some good constitution from a other country and make it fit to Thailand. There is no shortage on constitutions worldwide... Maybe the 2028 constitution after the 2025 coup will be better?
  6. I complete agree on that all....and I even more surprised by the lying around with the watches with some unbelievable stories.....That watches are small money, but there should have been made an example out of it. If corruption could not have been proofed at least he should have been fired.
  7. hi-so money...with boycotts you destroy the middle class not the hi-so....
  8. Silly me thought we had an election 2019 in which Prayuth got the most votes and therefore the parliament voted for him....I complete missed the 2019 coup.
  9. They were half half.....the most yellowish....but they kept their distance to the movement and got harsh criticized for that. And they were strong anti-military and therefore lost in the yellow areas massive. It is more the WEF globalist party
  10. A majority in parliament is anti-democratic when it does not include the party you like??? A majority in parliament (not speaking about the Senators) is per definition democratic.
  11. That is what the article wrote....didn't come out of my brain....
  12. yes but you can't just add all other parties to MF....PT can form a majority without MF. And they'll happily do it if they get an excuse for doing it.
  13. Fact is the coup against an illegal government (remember it was a caretaker government that was expired) was NOT violent. There was no resistance.
  14. How would someone see at healthcare if you are gay or not gay? That is not something that can be seen.... Old....I fully agree Obese: I do understand that healthcare who want to help people have a problem if their customer damage themself on purpose....Being obese is a lifestyle choice.
  15. I have learned to complete ignore them...they can even call me whatever they want.....They are happy if they can anger us.....Maybe if someone call you cisgender, insist that they address you as Miss. Like the bearded athlete who declared himself woman to show how ridiculous that all is.
  16. What is vote Yellow? There was never any "yellow" party. Could mean to vote for the Democrats but they aren't yellow.
  17. If they find another majority without MF than it is not stohlen....They got 38% so other coalitions are possible
  18. We know a guy who lost his leg, thanks to the explosive tear gas grenades. But what is odd: in Thailand they are first far less violent than in Europe, but than it can escalate more.
  19. OK only cheerful people is bit too much....Not much fake smiles and no handsome man here....not a tourist area....But beside very few people everyone is polite and friendly. And the few unfriendly people they are unfriendly to everyone, not only me.
  20. I doubt that Abhisit can win any Democrat voter back. He was a very weak prime minister.
  21. I am no fan from school uniforms but from school uniform to Hitler Jugend??? Are the Buddhist monks also all fascists? As they have their uniform?
  22. and the teacher also wear uniforms....also in the bank they wear uniforms.....actually everywhere I look, Bank, Immigration, many shops, airlines....
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