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Everything posted by h90

  1. after many people noticed his plans..... But yes uncertainty is even worse...investors want to know what happens in future and is at the moment difficult...but I guess he'll be PM..needs only another 62 votes that can't be too expensive.....some from other parties and a few Senators. Than he can make electric more expensive, add 50 to the minimum salary. Sanction Myanmar, China and Russia, ban Marijuana and watch the economic grow like never before...
  2. Will be interesting.... Wife says: no way he gets PM I say: he'll be.....that this all is just theater
  3. If I am the second: I don't condemn peaceful protests.....violence I do condemn. The right to protest is important and must be protected also for things I don't agree with.
  4. yes but there are majorities without MF possible. It is possible to get >250 MPs without them.
  5. yes and no party got an majority....62% of the voter did not vote for MF
  6. "Barriers to transgender people accessing Thailand’s healthcare system" And people think they are not treated....and was surprised... Than "including the use of pronouns with which they do not identify"? OK some nurse calling someone "Mr."....if that is the worst problem we have.....Next week I am going to the dentist.....I am all male but if the dentist want to call me Miss, he/she is free to do so....it doesn't matter.
  7. Sure: more salary, higher electric prices, sanctions against Myanmar, bad relations with China, that incoming government is scaring investors, more than the do nothing government from Prayut
  8. They are legit......And the last government was elected, Prayut won the popular vote and there was a referendum about the constitution.... That is way better than most countries as most political systems came into power by illegal means....(The American Revolution was also illegal). So courts and EC are legal. If that is not accepted the society will be complete lawless as everyone will find some reason why laws are not lawful (I am Libertarian, I would be OK with it if I have something like the 2nd Amendment, but most people want laws)
  9. yes if someone looks very weird I also move away before I get in troubles. Not because someone wears a short trouser in a restaurant, but if it is extreme.
  10. Who is us? Americans? They just had a black president. Pretty much second in everything is China. These who show most rich often as tourists are Arabs, but also there are well off Japanese. I don't feel like I belong to the ruler race of the planet....or if I do they cheated me...as it needed 2 generation to work ourself out of being complete poor to something like middle class only.
  11. For the burning cars I read they submerge them in water...I guess not easy to kill that electric fire.
  12. Maybe they looked to bad that it was obvious.... Ours looked pretty bad a few years ago...will check them now and I am sure I'll just dumb them.....and hope they don't explode while I do that.
  13. Yes than the courts will dismiss it....but it is legit to bring it to the attention of the courts/EC.
  14. Yes I don't like school uniforms, but they are better/smaller problem than the fashion parade and bullying of the poor kids.
  15. Well my Volvo is so old it sure predate that. But we produce some spare parts for cars and now there are all brands crap....even brands like Mercedes and Rolls Royce have plastic parts inside that get brittle after 10+ years, even there are alternatives that last 40 years.
  16. Review yourself.....bad clothes? Smelly? Political TShirt? It never happened to me....Actually I only see cheerful people. On the other hand, with your table experience, I would not notice it, I would not think anything and if I would think they would like to sit closer to the AC or window or something. I would not think it has anything to do with me.
  17. I would not rule out that they are just lying...So they can claim later that it was not their doing, but not as they failed all by themself they come to rescue the country. If they don't do it than only because they didn't had an opportunity.
  18. maybe you should read the law....because shares of media companies aren't allowed. And iTV is registered as media company. If it is not working anymore and the shares are too minor to be a problem is a question the courts must find out. So the question must be asked.
  19. For me is regulating the same as destroying it. If there is no recreational marijuana than there is no industry anymore. If they ban advertising only than it is OK, but basically everything else will destroy it.
  20. "minor misdemeanors such as stealing." The treatment might be wrong but stealing is not a minor misdemeanor. If the kids don't learn that they can't steal, they'll end in jail later. There might be a more human way to teach them but stealing must have serious consequences.
  21. what is wrong with that.....all over the world we have protests calling for resigns and new elections.
  22. They were very inefficient and are WEF people...but they do not have bloods on their hands
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