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Everything posted by h90

  1. There was no refrigerant in it...that was the problem, it leaked out from where the tube enters the compressor. But the last few installations with removal I have seen: They cut the tubes and let the refrigerant out......I don't know if HomePro collects them. The local shops don't. While these substances are not harmful they are Fluorine/Chlorine substances. Don't know what they do in the long run to environment if they are in UV light.
  2. That party that just want to ban Marijuana? I hope they do but I doubt it. Or the purchase time limits.
  3. And when the Buddhists can ban alcohol for everyone, than why don't we respect other religions and ban pork for the Muslims which are many in Thailand and beef because of the Hindus. Or maybe we better leave that all to personal choice (together with Marijuana).
  4. removal 750 Baht is rich.....I removed it myself in about 20 min and gave it for my staff they can sell it as scrap metal and are allowed to pocket the money. I guess someone more skilled can remove it in 10 min. But on the other hand in some cases it might be more difficult or dangerous.
  5. If medical use and that with checks and doctors, than it is a -95%....no recreational use and most of the medical will be too expensive
  6. Lets hope you are right! I am always pessimistic...12K shops + family+customer must be a lot of votes
  7. Liberal drug policy is more freedom, less drugs with mixed poison inside, less criminality, less mafia, less costs for police, less checks on the airport, less fees for the checks, less costs for home protection, no dealer that want to hook kids on it, less people in jail and less costs, medical use: better treatment, cheaper, feeling better. If there is tax on it even extra income for the country. Even maybe more tourists. Better for absolute everyone beside the drug mafia. And that is also the reason why many countries slowly go that way. And I don't use any narcotics and I would love if the addict can buy some safe drugs in the pharmacy instead of breaking into my house and give the money to some dealer.
  8. Now I get it....I read bike and thought bicycle....but he means motorbike...got it....
  9. I just ordered one more on Shopee but next one will be HomePro as so many recommend it. Before wife always did HomePro....
  10. If I buy a brand name device I read the reviews on Amazon....don't carry the average number but what people write. On Aliexpress it is only worth if >100 reviews and than you get only rid of the worst of the cheaters (like fake products)
  11. Was once a bit in touch with hotel business...yeah common...all your 20 friends book 1 day and leave a 5 star review.
  12. yes on all my aircon installations here it is NOT connected and a while ago I repaired the outside unit and when I touched it I got a nice shock, as either the fan or the compressor was short to the metal housing. Prime example why we need it. In the previous company I worked you couldn't touch the computer they had all electric on the housing...not terrible much but not nice.
  13. I had endless battles to have that earth wire installed in the house...every "professional" electrician meant it is not needed or put in some look a like so that pesty farang shuts up. If something is sensitive....like washing machine where people may stay barefoot on wet ground....double check with a multimeter I have several 3 pin plugs, where the cable has only 2 wires inside. And I have a few where the connection from the pin to the wire is broken inside. And I had a plug where the electrician connected earth and zero wrong....and things still worked. (And one case where the housing was on the phase but that was an industrial machine....off topic here)
  14. Well trekking guides is different.....people who stay in nature
  15. That is enjoyment for women. It is the female version of hiking....basically the same just at tesco and not in the woods
  16. I was on a lovely island in Malaysia.....Everything Thailand in 50% speed.
  17. yes between two steps I can read a book...boring walking behind such people. On the car it is also only some...there are lots of people who drive very slow. On the country side it happened that I overtook motorbikes with the road bicycle and I am not doing much more than 30km/h
  18. Yes.....I always try to read the low star comments, but that does not help very much....only if there are hundreds of comments. I always assume that the first 5 comments with 5 stars are the friends of the seller.
  19. You could add some militia to it...So you have manpower in case of floods and have some structure to rebuild a big army in case you need it.
  20. I did explain a bit previous.....From your name I assume you are British....the drunks were Austrian military. I was 6 month in the defense ministry (or a part of it...different building than the politicians) and it was straight out of a Monty Python movie....and it was the environment department that wrote funny things on how to not disturb the birds when exercising (which is nonsense because the birds get used to it, and tanks really help them, as they can find worms easier).....there was also a "secret floor" with one of the people drunk monologing in front of the guards how secret he is.....
  21. In absolute everyones best interest, maybe everyone beside the drug mafia
  22. The speaker is voted in the parliament by the majority there (if it is the same here). That means the coalition needs to find a consensus. It is not the MF got elected to be dictator. They need coalition partners. There are other coalitions without MF possible so they have to please everyone (at least the second strongest). The red shirts start already to call the MF names for not sharing.
  23. OK that can be avoided by giving the prime minister job to PTP and the speaker to MF
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