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Everything posted by h90

  1. Well the 10K for everyone is a pretty clear brake in the laws.....can't blame the army for it and Bhumjaithai Party has nothing to do with the army
  2. And no one really knows how many people are there really in Bangkok
  3. The Move Forward is owned by an oligarch and heavily supported from outside.....So it will be only other people who feed on the tax payers money...But no one care for the poor people, they are just a way to get to the feeding trough
  4. When MFP takes over the will take over the gravy train and some different self serving corrupt politicians will steal the money.....so not much change. But it is expected that whoever wins the other side will make troubles....they yellow also start to warm up. And there are already cases at the EC for disbanding parties.... Hope it won't be too bad.....
  5. So more or less the same....And Germany pretending to be world champion in avoiding trash...
  6. Well it is not free in Austria...pretty expensive so they are a paid service. They should ignore minor things, and if big things, just not take it. And it is usually small misunderstandings of people who try to make everything right. At immigrant places all is mixed, nothing separate and they take it without complain. Things like that cause avoidable anger. (I am not speaking about people who make it wrong on purpose, I speak about the elderly lady who make a mistake)
  7. Well it is glass and pet bottles mixed....but all clean...nothing broken. Basically only water bottles and soda bottles with some odd beer bottle from time to time.
  8. Better than in Austria.....In Austria they look into your bin and report you if you did something wrong
  9. Here they take everything....including all we removed when we took out some walls.....Also 9000 Baht worth of metal waste our staff wanted to sale but put at the waste place till he has time.....
  10. We put glass+plastic bottles + metal in separate bags...easy for them.
  11. Theoretically, speaking as technician: Plastic bags are basically oil. You can convert them back into oil with a loss of 30% (which is heat which could be used) or you can burn them to generate electric instead of burning gas. But if the plastic bag comes with half the lunch inside you can't do much with it.
  12. are these plastic bags really the old style or some modern biodegradable?
  13. Today I could take warm shower......from the walls were so heated up that they could heat the water like an heat exchanger....Never had that....OK not cool is normal but it was a warm/hot shower temperature....
  14. BKK Post had Pheu Thai first and second Bhumjaithai Party and Move Forward third.
  15. On weekend I read in the BKK post that they only be third and not as strong as though....
  16. I can't remember the details but he promised an election before 2011 and than broke his promise. 2011 was the regular date (2007 the previous so it had to be 2011). That was all bad....the way Abhisit came to power....the way he did his job....the red shirts, the end of it....that was some of the lowest Thailand could get. I hope that does not repeat itself....(neither with red nor with yellow nor with any new color)
  17. yes that is bad....but pretty much a nothingburger in Thailands corruption......Getting some free watch for a million. It is more embarrassing...actually very embarrassing....
  18. yes they are also a tool for marketing.......In other countries were some scandals of fake polls....would of course never happen in Thailand ????
  19. Yes I think the Dems aren't very popular anymore in the South. Prachachat was the Prayuth party? Or do I mix up the many ever changing parties? I don't know where it goes in the South but I have the feeling no one likes the Dems anymore. (OK not noone but they lost popularity)
  20. did I say something different? They offered huge bribes for the MPs and Thaksins wife called them and offered even higher bribes.....And than the red shirts started a violent mob against Abhisit...paid by Thaksin.....Which was silly because Abhisit was so weak that just letting him doing would have shown how weak he is.....
  21. and even if you are atheist and don't do the dance you still get the burning smell
  22. BKK post wrote something....They got already reported for violating the election laws. So it already began.
  23. I wasn't in the South for a while, but I would very much doubt that someone there vote for PT...Bangkok is always mixed...But I agree that the masses in Nordeast and maybe Nord will vote for PT. But don't know if that is enough.
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