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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. On Saturday, November 12, 2016 at 0:02 AM, madmax2 said:

    Most so called builders here would not be qualified enough to be a bricklayers labourer in a lot of developed countries where you have to be qualified and have a builders license to manage building construction, not here from the building standards i have seen

    There must be some qualified people around but i have not met one yet who can show me a diploma or degree, even a fake one which qualifies them to build a house


    Being qualified is not the real issue.  The real issue is that the people hired to actually do the work are unqualified, and work goes ahead often with only minimal oversight by someone who may, or likely, may not be qualified.


    Basically the quality of any work here is horrible.  Those actually doing the job have no clue, and the guy showing them how to do it is equally clueless.

  2. No more 7/11 for me, even if they do eventually get 12Call back.   A couple of weeks ago I got the 'no have' from my local 7/11.  Someone on TV said you could do online topups through your bank.  So I checked out my Bangkok Bank ibanking and sure enough, there it was.  All I had to do was register.  So I did.  From now on, that is the way I will be topping up.  Much more convenient than going to 7/11.


    If I understand correctly, you can also top up at an ATM machine.  I think there are probably more ATM machines nationwide than 7/11s.  On top of which, pretty much every 7/11 has an ATM outside too.


    So I think 7/11 (CPAll) screwed themselves.

  3. 16 hours ago, anotheruser said:


    Because they wanted a higher percent of the sales it seems. Hard to say who will lose more money out of this. 711 doesn't get the 4% but AIS loses an insane amount of locations. I am on True but given the location of a 711 to my condo and nothing else very close I would switch to True based on just that.


    On the other hand I usually top on online so I guess it doesn't matter. I don't really see a winner here.


    I used to have True, but switched to AIS due to overall crappy service from True.  So no way would I switch back to True.


    You can use your Bank to top up.  I do it online via Bangkok Bank.  Not sure, but maybe you can top up via ATM too.  If so, no shortage of ATMs nationwide.  555555 Just about every 7/11 also has an ATM, so maybe 7/11 (CPAll) will end up being the big loser here.


  4. It seems that Hi-Sos can show up at police stations to answer charges at their leisure, but non hi-sos get hauled away without regard to any form of due process.


    Rule #1, never accompany any member of the RTP anywhere.  And then only go to an official police station.


    And the RTP wonder why they get no respect.  It is the constant occurance of stories like this, that has been happening for decads.  They have a foul reputation, because they ARE foul.


    As for the so called reform of the RTP, it has been left in the hands of the RTP, so don't expect anything meaningful.

  5. 15 hours ago, anotheruser said:


    I am guessing they mean medical tourism? I understand why things are in black and white but pics like those in the OP are hardly going to blow anybody away who is thinking of coming here.



    On Tuesday, I was in Siam Paragon and decided to look at what TVs were going for now.  So I headed up to Power Mall to browse.  Every TV was in B&W.  No color anywhere.  Now who is going to buy a TV without being able to compare the colors that a TV can produce.


    I understand the situitation in Thailand at the moment, but this kind of decision is just bad for business.


    On the other hand, the usually too loud and annoying 'background' music played in the mall was a pleasant quiet musak for a change.  This is a change I would like to see become permanent.

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