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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. 16 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Were you leaning over their shoulders listening to the conversations they had with the immigration officer?  Normally they frown on such intimate proximity while processing someone.





    A few years ago I witnessed a scruffy backpacker get hauled away when he flat out refused (in raised voice) to provide an address.  I was in line 2 lanes over.  I just shook my head and thought to myself, stupid a$$hole, you never want to pi$$ off immigration officers, foreign or domestic.

  2. Seems like everyone is at fault here.  We have a malfunctioning crane (what was malfunctioning?), that should have been taken out of service until properly fixed.  Then we have someone (construction supervisor, senior engineer??) ordering work to proceed anyway, and a crane operator, who apparently was insufficiently trained and did not know/understand load limits,


    So the site supervisor/senior engineer needs to be held accountable as well as the company for not fixing the crane and for hiring an unqualified crane operator.  Lots of blame to go around here.


    So what will be done?  Probably not much.  A slap on the wrist fine and that will be that.  Welcome to Amazing Thailand.

  3. Does not sound good.  Serious back injury and ears bleeding, so possible head injury.


    Occured near a U-Turn.   I wonder if it was the person making the U-turn that hit her, or someone trying to avoid someone making a U-turn?  All these U-turns need to be outlawed.  In addition to being a serious traffic hazard, especially on busy roads, they also disrupt traffic and cause serious congestion.

  4. 16 hours ago, Grumpy Duck said:

    Street food vendors do not bother me nearly as much as the f*#<€ng Indians walking around ASOK selling watches that are likely stolen or broken 

    The watches are neither stolen nor broken.  They are knock-offs.  


    Just wave the guys off and go on your way.  That's what I do.  They don't bother anyone who is not interested.

  5. This poll is useless because it does not offer sufficient options.  It is really only offering...

    a:  leave them alone, or...

    b:  ban them all.


    What we need is, allow them to continue, but some cleanup and restrictions are needed.


    I would allow the true street food vendors (those with a mobile cart) to continue, with restrictions, including hygiene.  However, those that run what are essentially restaurants, with tables and chairs, be severely restricted to specific designated locations, and with restrictions, especially hygiene.


    All popup/mobile bars should be banned outright.


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