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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Much more toxicity , as a result of DOGE. The left … Jared May posted “Five of the six employees are pictured with the words “Wanted for Treason, Dead or Alive.” We just got a Hakeem Jefferies Dog whistle to “fight in the streets” . Had A attempt on the Trumps life! Had a attempted Murder on the Scotus. Now they doxed Doge employees , Dead or alive. https://dailyfreepress.com/2025/02/05/breaking-bu-employee-jared-mays-post-about-doge-employees-triggers-national-outrage/
  2. He rises to propose dastardly deeds as his reasoning . The grassroots effort isnt top down but from the people. “The people has to demand it” ! Sit down Congressman the people have spoken ! January 20th 2025 ,Inaugurated again, the people have demanded Trump be Potus again. You lost, despite you’re previous impeachment efforts in his last administration ,You’re radical outburst is all about nothing,the party isn’t in the majority! Story based on a report by Forbes
  3. The new senate Gop chairperson on the DOGE Oversight Committee , Senator Joni Ernst .
  4. Schumers 6 ways to Sunday cabal just got transformed into a Bondi and… company cabal.
  5. More to come once the new FBI director gets confirmed!
  6. Im heading over now Thanks
  7. Rita Panahi’s SkyNews and Ami Horowitz discuss Pam Bondi and other leftist losing it nonsense . Opinion
  8. “Too much #winning”. To Put it all in perspective !
  9. Spot on!My guess is , It will be like Melania’s underwear draw , highly scrutinized .
  10. Now that was a shocking video! Remember when Mayorkas was impeached and the Dem controlled Senate refused to hold a legitimate trial ! The evidence would of destroyed the Dem Party.
  11. Hopefully the savings will take a big effect on the cost of entitlements! Dad( Trump) as my wife refers to him says theres no need to touch Social Security benefits. Where’s Paul Ryan , who was the speaker of the house during Trumps 45th ? He and others wanted to axe up entitlements . Now we have DOGE and other methods to help it survive. imop
  12. Who would of thought , Bondi, Trumps wingperson is head of the Department of Justice! Pinch Me!
  13. Agree 💯! Pam Bondi a experienced legal mind & Trumps/ America First legal wingperson ,now controls what use to be Obamas / Bidens /Garlands weaponized lawfare department. America First has its foot in the door again .Gone are the days of the likes of Career officials like Comey & Loretta Lynch , in its stead it’s quite possible we’ll have Bondi/ Patel , America First loyalist.
  14. As a result of the Election and The Gop efforts at Making America Cost Efficient and successful . MTG proposed 2 bills .
  15. 20 thousand federal employees just resigned! more to come , I suppose. Jan 20th 2025 , Liberation Day. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/more-than-20000-us-government-employees-willing-quit-source-says-2025-02-04/
  16. Elon is going into every Federal Expenditure that involves spending! Everything! Thats his responsibility! Thats all he and his team does! The radical dems accuse him of being the all encompassing Chief bottle washer. He just reports to the Potus, what he discovered . Schumer said Musk is bad and Americans will see him into other agencies! Schumer is right , Musk is bad for Dems abusing USAID , next!
  17. Senator Schmitt from Missouri , who also was instrumental in exposing Biden on censorship! Missouri vs Biden. He brings more awareness & receipts to dem reckless spending! … - $20 million on a Sesame Street show in Iraq - $56 million to boost Egyptian and Tunisia tourism - $40 million to build schools in Jordan - $150k for Korean kids to visit DC - $11 million to tell Vietnamese to stop burning trash.
  18. True on the first part and good for you on the activation.
  19. Jimmy Risch Gop Senator blocks a feeble attempt by Dem Sen Coons , supporting USAID ON the floor of the house! Jimmy Explains that the Gop has had issues in the past with Usaid and Thanks Trump for committing to help them in stopping the rising national debt. Elections have consequences folks . i think come hell or high water Doge is going to help curb the debt big time! Maybe not in the near future but certainly in the long run! Transparancy & accountability is taking place folks and the dems can’t do a blessed thing about it!
  20. MTG REMINDS the American taxpayers of more abuse of our tax revenue.Smart move by The Gop to make her Chairperson of the DOGE oversight committee. s
  21. When I was in business after driving trailer trucks for 2 decades I had a Petty Cash box , I never had 50 billion in it . But all kidding aside each expenditure must be accounted for with a substantiated statement.In a independent audit(GKA p.c) nothing was found to be outside the purview of peculiar. The possible purchase of millions of dollars worth of Condoms and other controversial donations didn’t pass the peculiar scrutiny test i suppose for the auditors.Good move by Trump to appoint Rubio to be the administrator of USAID. https://oig.usaid.gov/node/6427
  22. When all is said and done and every agencies books are open through DOGE efforts!,the funding or proposed funding of millions of dollars worth of Condoms might be small potatoes! Smart move for the Head of state (The POTUS) to assign the Sec of State (Rubio)to oversee the USAID department!
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