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Everything posted by riclag

  1. I’m up here in Sakon Nakhon , I checked google for fedex branches and unfortunately there aren’t any.
  2. I recently received mail from the IRS Submission Processing Center in Kansas City,Mo , requesting signatures on our 2021 1040 SR Tax filing. Apparently the Irs is claiming my paper return doesn’t show a “valid original signatures”. Just so you know during the filing season my accountant tried to use efile which was always successful in prior years but not this particular season! So at the time he suggested filing a paper copy using Docu sign signatures. The Irs supposedly is trying to make us use their PIN number process each year but I never received any numbers in the mail. I contacted my accountant in the states and he suggested following the directions on the form( 3531) and sign the 1040 again and send it to the return usa address on the envelope(above )I received ,using a tracking mail service. That being said ,What is the best and secure way ? Money isnt a issue ! Peace of mind knowing it gets there is pinnacle.Any suggestions of Thai Post tracking to use? I need to send this asap Thanks
  3. Just to be clear the Constitution doesn’t mention indicting .Have to go through the impeachment process instead. A sitting POTUS or office of the President cant be indicted, or prosecuted. https://openyls.law.yale.edu/bitstream/handle/20.500.13051/5357/The_Presidential_Privilege_Against_Prosecution.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y Also there should be oversight by the house and senate and by a special counsel and the AG should recuse themselves imop Two instances of biden having classified docs when he was VP is now a great concern ,especially knowing his lack of knowledge that he had them! Personally speaking Garland cant be trusted with investigating imop
  4. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., reacted on social media minutes after the NBC News report on the new documents, tweeting out the words, "Special counsel." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-aides-find-second-batch-classified-documents-new-location-rcna65371 Agree totally!
  5. Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location! More political fodder for biden . Its like hes got diarrhea crappin all over the place. Wray better go send out a search party this guy is a disaster. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-aides-find-second-batch-classified-documents-new-location-rcna65371
  6. Social drinking , one or two of what ever not to be confused with , shedful’s or binge ,call me a taxi cause I’m drunk days& nights are much more enjoyable than water or sprite! I didn’t drink alcohol for 20 years and than decided to start! I must say since I started the last 20 years have been much more enjoyable socially.
  7. This is good advice imop! The Welch neighbor just got one at Kasikornbank Sakon Nakhon last year in October. He was here on a tourist visa!
  8. Bird brain doesnt even know about these docs ! Gop must demand garland take a damage assessment!
  9. "President Biden has stated that taking classified documents from the White House is ‘irresponsible,'" Comer said in a statement. "Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and National Archives have made compliance with the Presidential Records Act a top priority.""We expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years," Comer added. What goes around comes around! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dems-defend-biden-classified-documents-handling-call-outrage-republican-hypocrisy
  10. This is the high water mark the difference ( biden had no power to declassify top secret docs) . as you said!
  11. Your mistaken ,Garlands goons aren't in charge of arresting ,thats up to the House Sargent of Arms.But enough said , going off topic. https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/sergeant-at-arms#:~:text=As an elected officer of,the United States Capitol complex
  12. Yes i want that, but I would like to see him be served a subpoena to come before a congressional committee ! I would love to see the right grow radical, if he trys to use executive privilege and not show up . Mc has the power to arrest anybody who ignores a subpoena. I believe the new house is taking bidens top secret doc scandal into oversight ! https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/10/politics/gop-investigations-new-congress/index.html https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-can-congress-arrest-you-for-ignoring-subpoena/65-de8e6d10-2051-4d3e-9f75-f475a7c199b5
  13. I assume its a external .Dont wipe your butt and use the bum gun to clean up after you do your business. After just dab up the area with tissue to absorb any remaining water on your butt. I had a Dr give me this tip many years ago. Also check your diet , you may or may not be eating certain foods that give rise to your roid issues. just a thought.
  14. Agree! The biden sycophants are a threat to transparency imop Garland appointed one of two remaining Trump appointed us atty. There are 93 in the US. The other one has had his hands full with all kinds of biden filth imop Bidens Ag has the final say of a confidential review! Inquiring minds would like to see the review before it gets to bidens AG imop “Garland assigned U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch to find out how the material marked classified ended up at the Penn Biden Center. The review is considered a preliminary step, and the attorney general will determine whether further investigation is necessary, including potentially appointing a special counsel”. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-center-classified-documents/
  15. Been to both places Patong and Udon in the past month. I spent 10 days in Patong with my Thai family! To be fair it was Lovely , lush! Oh those smells one encounters when going to the ocean! Udon is no comparison to Patong . Every where in Thailand has its fouled smells including Udon.
  16. I have all the confidence in the world that the new house oversight committees will get to the bottom of disgraceful act of negligence! Unfortunately, Garland has his doj investigating it! "Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and National Archives have made compliance with the Presidential Records Act a top priority," Comer said in a statement. "We expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years." https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-shamed-irresponsible-trump-classified-docs-before-wh-admitted-sensitive-vp-records
  17. Millions and millions of guns owned legally by millions of Americans! Whats the chances of a 6 year old finding her parents gun unsecured! That parent broke the law by not securing their gun and should be held responsible! Gun trigger locks work for the most part only when they are used and installed properly! Unfortunately there is very little facts about this very unusual event. "In no way do I believe we were fully prepared for a 6-year-old to bring a weapon to school and shoot his teacher," Parker said https://www.cbsnews.com/news/6-year-old-who-shot-teacher-abigail-zwerner-mothers-gun-newport-news-virginia-police-say
  18. To be fair he should be extradited to England for a proper indictment and trial! Thai justice is very suspect imop The courts here don’t seem to hand out life sentences especially after a convicted citizen shows remorse ! Imop Rip sir
  19. I have a question about a usa tourist visa already obtained by my Thai wife! Where on the forum should I post it?
  20. Read the headline ! Brake failure coming down hill Police and rescue services in Prachinburi, central Thailand, were called after a truck carrying sugar descending Khao Tone suffered brake failure descending the hill on Route 304. This is what the news reported ! You’re entitled to your opinions
  21. Going down these mountains in a big truck one must use the lowest gear and apply “air brakes” accordingly! Inexperienced drivers , faulty brakes due to air loss could be the cause. Scary
  22. Donalds would of been perfect imop. The Establishment status quo-was exposed to the world! Negotiations on measures to hold the speaker accountable were changed, amongst other important improvements. Now comes the hard part making rules and sticking by them while holding the leaders accountable! Hopefully one of those committee’s they use in oversight will critique the Intel agency’s, perform impeachment hearings on biden and audit the billions that was appropriated in spending ! Tip of the hat to those who bucked the swamp to make legislation transparent for the American people .
  23. Who is Thom Hartmann the author of this article from Rawstory ,besides being the Talkers Magazine 9th most important radio talk show host in America . Rawstory pc, “Will investigations of Hunter Biden’s laptop or the FBI be enough for Republicans to re-energize their base and gain control of all of Congress and the White House by 2024”? Depends on if the court of public opinion is swayed enough! Imop https://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/thom-hartmann-view-from-the-left-093753 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thom_Hartmann
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