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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. A bunch of Thai goons, emboldened by their numbers, and along comes a mouthy foreigner. Most of us have seen these guys in action so we know better. Cruising the streets at 3:30am? hmmmm..... The rental vehicle could have been a bike. Would that be the same security goons who just kicked his _ss? A large group of friends gathered up at 4am? The rumble with the bunch of Indians would have been a sight, lets see how fast they run!
  2. There are places in the world where it is a violation to be fiddling with your phone while driving. This FB poster has incriminated himself of a moving violation, if LOS had such laws, and he would have to pay 200b on the spot.
  3. Eels love filthy water, my guess is there's lots of them there. Men swimming naked? Eels might be attracted by Mr Johnson.
  4. That, fella, is a matter of perspective. Brett Kavanaugh Refers To Birth Control As 'Abortion-Inducing Drugs' At Confirmation Hearing It's been four years, did no one see this coming? What's the sense of televised hearings other than senators getting to preen for the cameras? Perhaps the guy who still likes beer does not understand the difference between birth control and miscarriage-inducing meds. I thought this was pretty ominous when he said it. A lot of Americans are not smart enough to see the folly of the statement, hence it can be given gravity by anyone who repeats it, like clerics and other judges/politicians.
  5. All governments are kleptocracies, the differences come down to style.
  6. The important thing is that he gets his name mentioned and picture posted every day. It's worth the occasional billion bucks to ensure that. Especially now as he's building a political brand. "Political Attacks On Me Will Escalate ‘Dramatically’ In Coming Months, Says Elon Musk." Sounds like a plan. https://www.thetechoutlook.com/internet/politics/political-attacks-on-me-will-escalate-dramatically-in-coming-months-elon-musk/
  7. Only two ways BoJo will cease to be PM: he's in shackles or dead. It's an international craze these days. He didn't say he didnt attend the location , he stated that it wasn't a party. When does an office meeting become a party, is the question Similar to the dilemma in the US these days: is it a group of tourists visiting a government building or a lynch mob?
  8. Wow, a paper! Who says the Dems never get anything done? Connecting yourself to the gun lobby for $4,000 ? Melania spends more than that on a single trip to the shoe store. Bad judgement. I know you want to keep the GOP at bay, but there's better to choose from.
  9. A series of political assassinations in the US started in the 1960s. After the incident law enforcement always said the same thing about the assassin: JFK (1963): "we've known about this guy" RFK (1968): "we've known about this guy" MLK (1968): "we've known about this guy" George Wallace (1972, injured but not killed): "we've known about this guy" Then came the gals who went after Gerry Ford, Guess what they said. I was in grade school when JFK was shot, but even at age 11 I had to wonder "if you know about what this guy is up to . . ."
  10. Ah, Marsha Blackburn, the GOP senator from Tennessee who, during the grilling of SCOTUS candidate KBJ a few weeks ago, boldly declared "I care about children!" Spoken with such bravado as if she was taking a stand in a contested controversy. Would have liked to have heard someone ask her to double-down on that statement a few days ago. Amy Klobuchar is on there, hi Amy! What, you grovel in the slop for a mere US$4k? Old joke time: A man approaches a woman and asks "would you have sex with me for $10,000?" The woman looks him up and down for a few seconds, then says "yeah, ok." The man then asks "would you have sex with me for $10?" She says "hey, what do you think I am?" Man replies "we already established what you are, now we're just negotiating the price." Great job being member of US Congress, you can not only enjoy the feeling of sitting with your thumb up your butt, you can accept bribes for doing so.
  11. Al Franken said, after leaving the Senate: "I like Ted Cruz more than anyone else in Congress does, and I hate him!"
  12. It runs a little deeper. They take money from the gun lobby, and expect more fat donations over time. If they denounce the madness not only will they not get any more of their $$$, but they will be targeted for defamation, death threats from the rabid patriots, horse's head in their bed, etc. Something I'm waiting for: a politician who took their $$$ and then drops their support. Donor takes politician to court for reneging, "we bought your vote fair and square and you didn't deliver." But this is another topic worthy of its own thread.
  13. My view on Ted Cruz and abortion is that his mother should have had one. Oh, and he's a Canadian. No need to respect that he is a naturalized US citizen, as he has no respect immigrants.
  14. Depp claims he modeled the Captain on a certain rock star. Hint: he's the member of the Rolling Stones who has been dead for 15 years but no one has noticed anything different about him.
  15. The way these things worked during the Obama years: a day or 2 after the incident the word would go out "he's coming for your guns!" Within days the store shelves would bare, arms & ammo gone. Happened every time. Check the business news sources for how well arms manufacturers did in those times: one might even get the impression they saw these incidents as positive. Remington just might spring back from the Sandy Hook lawsuits. What? Something I can agree with a certain former president on? Amazing how this has managed to be kept under wraps for so long. Oh, and Obama never came for the guns.
  16. As is said by the pundits in the US "a scandal is not a politician lying, the scandal is when they tell the truth." An enlightened poster posted "haters gonna hate" and explained that a hater is someone who does not agree with him. Conclusion: if you accuse someone of lying it is because you hate them. Quite simple. Social media thinking, I suppose. In the years following the Woodstock festival, at nearly every such event there would be a guy who positions himself in a prominent place and dances naked. It was usually a fat guy who appeared to be under the influence. That's what I see BoJo as.
  17. I can. https://www.nytimes.com/1963/11/23/gov-connally-shot-mrs-kennedy-safe-president-is-struck-down-by-a-rifle-shot-from-building-on-motorcade-route-johnson-riding-behi.html If the W tweet is genuine, well, think of it this way: he is no longer a previous president's idiot son, he is now a wise elder statesman. Being out of active politics now, and having somewhat admitted to making a pig's breakfast of Iraq, he is now beyond having to kiss up to the NRA and other gun lobby forces. The underlying human being emerges -- lets see if he breaks out in tears like McNamara. I would also think his self-esteem was bolstered by what a disaster Jeb! (who, during W's administration was referred to as the smarter brother) turned out to be in the 2015-16 campaign.
  18. This is an episode of Celebrity Deathmatch that is writing itself. Depp is a decent actor, she's the girl that cries.
  19. The same rags that will beat on endlessly about their god-given freedoms delivered by the US Constitution. Fear fear fear. Aimed at people who aren't smart enough to know better. NY Post is the print version of Fox News. "Spin" is one thing, fabricating is another.
  20. When he speaks of himself as champion of free speech he is really saying that he should be the one controlling the levers of censorship. He could give a rat's tail about the freedoms of others. And this Twitter stuff is really about getting back at those who dare to criticize him. It's like the way in the US the people who rabidly go on about freedom and the Constitution are against abortion (hey, what about freedom of choice?) and how those who disagree with them should be killed. In the past few weeks EM's comments have been getting political, and MAGA leaning. A naturalized citizen throwing in with a movement that is proudly anti-immigrant? Has boyo forgotten who/what he is?
  21. Worry not, soon to be a thing of the past in the US, at least. It is being arranged that the electors of each state be chosen by their state governor, and I don't have to tell you which side is arranging it. The choices of the general public will no longer matter. "Y'know, these results don't look right, I'm re-assigning the electors" Marcos redux in the Philippines, ugh!
  22. The classic "pig in a poke." Blinded by his own arrogance. I wonder if he has any real friends to advise him -- I think not. Twitter without it's (reported) 400 million users is nothing, which is to say there is no proprietary technology that makes it what it is, there is no special sauce. In contrast, the Google search algorithm is the foundation of the enterprise, kept as secret as Uncle Sam's nuclear codes. Technically, a crackerjack software engineer and a network architect can put together a knock-off, the real challenge is luring people to it: this is the story what FB did to Myspace. So what his nibs is buying is something already in place, has name recognition, and the servers and network infrastructure. That's it. If Twitter goes the way of Myspace he could sell the data center hardware, the office furniture, and probably some real estate: not much of a return, but regardless he may still be a billionaire from his other ventures. A certain US politician has launched a Twitter knock-off which seems to not be doing well. That may be because the guy in charge of it was hired for reasons other than his experience and skills.
  23. I think the smartest thing Musk has ever done is not ride in his own rocket. It also says something about what kind of person he is.
  24. Just did some digging around, turned out Twitter banned O'Keefe last year. Don't expect any good words from him on the matter.
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