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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. This might be a brilliant strategy, but I don't think so.
  2. OK, here it comes, can't have a thread about an Indian tourist without it. Then the wife says "and what has become of your gold chain?"
  3. Y'know how with some dogs the only thing that gets their attention is food? DT is that way when it comes to $$$. The stupid melts away right quick. Trump’s new money-maker: Political speeches to fans Who knows, he could expand it to include jugglers, lion tamers, women sawed in half, etc. Maybe Leon could do a little rocketship thing.
  4. The sick part of these stories is the sucker will still defend DT, claiming it was those slimy grifters who did it, not he. This seems to be the gist of Kellyanne's latest book as well.
  5. Rather than plea I think Rudy would do a "Vinnie the Chin" where he puts on a bats-in-the-belfry performance. (There is an old "Law & Order" episode with a character based on him.) https://mafiahitters.com/vincent-the-chin-gigante-the-oddfather-chronicles/ DT wouldn't do that, too vain. But wouldn't it be a hoot if his kids and his wife of the moment got together and had him committed to the loony bin! Lindsey I can't tell, the Dixie White guys live on their own planet.
  6. He ain't out until he's out. Yak yak yak but his carcass is still in Number Ten. Next time he leaves the building change the locks.
  7. He should be good for a few weeks of daily mentions in the media with this.
  8. Perhaps they forgot where they planted them.
  9. ♫ Police and thieves out in the street . . . ♫
  10. Russia running out of potatoes? What will they have for dessert now?
  11. Sounds like the work of Rupert Inc., very Fox News-ish. According to them Obama and Hillary are toiling away to tear the US apart.
  12. Don't forget the Pedo Tesla Guy. Megalomaniac pedo for sure, obviously working on becoming pedo dictator. Americans can thank their lucky stars that presidents need to be native born, oh wait, is the Supreme Court is looking into it? Republicans are ok with pedos as long as they are fellow Republicans. https://time.com/5019684/roy-moore-republicans-trump-christianity/
  13. The noteworthy thing about this incident is we get to watch a man's face while he murders another man. Not a quick shot to head or chest, but a prolonged minutes-long strangulation. Among the most impressive incidents of the social media reporting. But steps are being taken to prevent more of this in the future. https://www.police1.com/legal/articles/its-now-illegal-to-record-cops-within-8-feet-in-arizona-ePTPl6ph64RNDZ9L/ Floyd was subdued and more armed officers were just a few feet away. Remarks about how the cop was overmatched is an extremely ridiculous excuse, but is of typical Fox quality.
  14. I liked him in City of Ghosts (even though Depardieu stole the show). He played tough guys and was born in a tough part of NYC (same area as Pacino). Really irks me to hear fake Noo Yawk accents in movies. Maybe City of Ghosts is not well-known, he plays a con man hiding out in Cambodia. It may remind you of certain characters you'd meet in LOS.
  15. Was staying near Hualumpong in 1975. A lady who did fortune telling on a mat on the sidewalk sold sticks. I shared a room with a Kiwi guy who showed me how to roll with a cardboard filter, and funnel-shaped, all new to me because where I was from the stuff was expensive so we rolled 'em thin. There were moments of paralysis and hours lost staring at the ceiling; these are not complaints. I had just come from India/South Asia, curry and dahl for months, so hitting the street stalls was a delight. 1 baht = US$ 0.05 My first Asian buzz was in Kandahar. Got there at night, horse & buggy driver got me some hash. Improvised a way to smoke it by breaking off a piece and sticking in the end of an unfiltered cigarette. Couldn't have done more than a half-gram but the effect was like LSD, which I was not prepared for. Managed to go off to dreamland, then at the crack of dawn Migs buzzed the town, so low you could see their rivets and the stone building shook. If I could go back in time I'd do it all again.
  16. There is something called DesktopOK that may help. It's free.
  17. There is a political personality in the US named Steve Bannon. A heavy boozer with a strawberry nose who always manages to look like he slept through the night wherever it was he passed out, but supposedly he is a rather wealthy man. Perhaps it was he that helped BoJo create that image. Oh yeah, I should mention that he is an evangelist of the world fascist initiative and one of the people who advised DT to attain the White House. In Memo from Turner, in the movie "Performance" there is the phrase "the man who squats behind the man." That's him.
  18. While the US's former president is a standup comedian without a sense of humor, BoJo is about visual comedy. Who can doubt the comedic genius of the zip-line stunt? The hair, that stupid expression he gives while staring straight into a camera? Perhaps his next move will be a tv show where he creates a hapless comedic character, like Mr Bean. In episode 1 he visits a chicken hatchery in the US where his job is to wash the chickens in chlorine bleach, a favorite subject of his while PM. Episode 2 he is an appliance repairman called to Mar-a-Lago to fix an exploding dishwashing machine, one of DT's favorite subjects.
  19. These guys are in China. I had good experience with a dry herb vape shipped to the US. No idea about shipping to LOS. https://www.fasttech.com/
  20. In some states it hasn't changed. It has become ridiculous: in one state it's still the menace to society, cross the state line and you'll see billboards advertising it and get discount coupons on the back of your supermarket receipt. The previous occupant of the White House had an Attorney General who wanted all the laws against it brought back, fortunately he was removed. No reason to believe someone else will not try the same thing. I'm anticipating this could be an issue in the next presidential election.
  21. The concept of "think too much" (or 'tin tu mutt') is very much a criticism in Brazil. Why worry? And when it comes to the law and people with $$$ it's pretty much like Thailand in that respect as well. Poor kid might still be thinking the parents are going to come through and get him out of it.
  22. I thought he was busted by Interpol or something. That was back a few years, maybe he's done his time. Imagine being on the lam with those tattoos.
  23. It's like everyone in gov't is looking for a press release involving this subject.
  24. The important thing is the Constitutional right of the shooter to have the weapons. Founding fathers blood of patriots cold dead hands etc. For those dead thoughts prayers etc, and anyway they should have been somewhere else, no one told them to be there. Maybe they were all "crisis actors" like Fox usually claims; they should change their international marketing slogan to "if you hate America you'll love Fox!" NOTE: the above is sarcasm. Great idea! Won't effect those who could cause it to change, though. At least not at this moment. But yeah, TripAdvisor would be a good place to start it.
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