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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. A few years back there was a vid of a flying saucer at one of these festivals that actually flew, not all that high or far, but fly it did. It made me consider going to one but never got around to it. It's the odd things like this that betray an underlying madness in the culture, everywhere. Like the guy somewhere in the back of beyond in Malaysia who started a religion that worships a giant teapot (I think it's sectarian sarcasm) or the Thai guy who uses a solar dish to roast chickens.
  2. I'm surprised that I don't hear much skepticism regarding the future of Twitter. Anyone can come along with a site/program that does the same thing, and suddenly huge numbers abandon Twitter for the new service. I wonder if this possibility is cutting through Musk's arrogance and is why he's getting cold feet. What be his worst case? He sells Tesla to Ford, or SpaceX to Bezos? I wonder if Zuckerberg has nightmares of his enterprise going the way of Myspace.
  3. Do you really think so? What was it that inspired this original idea?
  4. Will be interesting to see how this plays out https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/11/17/ftx-cryptocom-and-the-stadium-curse/ Another thing to consider is retail establishments that accept BTC, especially places like convenience stores. Volatile investments are one thing, but when your cash intake from the business that is your livelihood is rapidly diminishing, in a way you cannot alter (other than to stop accepting funny money), well . . . NFTs is the next step in this crypto-possessions silliness. When I found out that Melania T was auctioning off NFTs it made perfect sense to me, she lives in a culture of grifting.
  5. ET was recently acquired by another investment bank, so things may have changed. I have an IRA with them, and I think their account support is truly terrible: those 'please call customer service' messages can take upwards of an hour before connecting to a human, but maybe it is now run by grown-ups. One of the problems with a commercial VPN is that it is very likely someone used their connection for some monkey business, and now their IP addresses are shirtlisted. But sometimes that just means you have to go through the "I am human" thing.
  6. "It is well known." What the ??? Oh wait, I get it now, it's like that American guy with the orange face doing his "everyone is saying . . ." routine. Can't argue with that! But of course you're only posting this because you care about our well-being, right?
  7. I think Frank Sinatra was still on the charts last time I heard that
  8. At 0.2% THC I'm guessing they will be giving away only male plants. But it's a tough weed, and eventually some plants will turn hermaphrodite. Strictly IMO here: There is so much intended confusion and misunderstanding with nearly everything they are doing with cannabis (0.2% THC?). At this time I view it as a ruse for LE shakedowns, which would be a substitute for giving the cops a raise. "Here is your free cannabis plant!" A moment later they are informed they are in possession of something illegal. "250b fine, you pay now. Or you go to jail." A lot of high-end wristwatches will be purchased. THC is a great cure for weltschmerz, beats the b'jeez out of booze.
  9. Yes. Eating the plastic does not cause immortality, despite what you may have heard.
  10. Like a policeman at the scene of an accident, he remains neutral regarding both sides, meaning he will be receptive to gratuities from either. he said he believed there were more pressing issues, such as the economy, trade and investment Now we're talkin'! U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Hey, give some credit to the guy who edited the speech, it originally said Harry Truman.
  11. Cue Neil Young: there is a town in north Ontario . . . If the pilot was not one of the bad guys, or a trusted associate, it is a fair question to consider what they were planning to do with him. If they had him fooled that they were going hunting, and in the course of the trip he realized what they were about (people can talk indiscriminately when things get boring enough) and they planned to kill him he may have decided he wasn't going to die alone. Just did a search, no shortage of fly-in operations like this one: https://www.thunderhook.com/ontario-moose-hunts/
  12. Look up the location on map. Gotta wonder where they were going, was it supposed to be a drop-off where they would live like Grizzly Adams for a year before starting a new life with new IDs? And someone altered that plan for them. Or maybe not. Sounds like they had quite a few enemies.
  13. I wasn't aware of all this. Yes, he should not have claimed he was personally involved, better to keep all things that could be verified anonymous, as all it takes is one thin thread to unravel it all. On the other hand the "Father Bobby" character and the local capo (played by Gassman) could have influenced the records. But overall I think this is a film every kid should see, as it shows how just one stupid prank could go wrong and affect the rest of your life. For a good double bill add it to the Brit film Let Him Have It Carcaterra did a Law & Order based on true incident at an Italian supper club in upper Manhattan, but the episode takes place in another such neighborhood, one that I spent part of my formative years in, which has had me wondering.
  14. Saw this one a few times. I think parts of the story were too cynical for people to accept: the NY judicial system, the priest, and the prison guards in particular. Having grown up in that environment in the same era (in a different but similar part of town) the story makes sense to me. The press couldn't verify it because they weren't supposed to, the author was clever enough; "Hell's Kitchen" is the notorious rough neighborhood of NYC because it's near to midtown and the theatre district, and has been mentioned in movies going back to the 1930s. But there are other areas just as rough, and I suspect the real story took place in one of those. My contention was DeNiro's priest character. Yeah, nearly every parish has a younger priest who plays softball with the local lads, but I've never seen, or heard of, a Catholic priest as cool as that. BTW, Carcaterra sometimes writes and directs Law & Order episodes. Or at least did back in the Orbach days.
  15. In the US it's the senior citizens paying by check. When queuing up at the cashier lines at the supermarket you have to keep an eye out for the white-hairs clutching their checkbooks, it will take a few minutes just to settle up. Also for past so-many years gasoline is cheaper if you pay cash, and some supermarkets are keeping prices down by not accepting credit cards. They do accept debit cards, though. El Salvador has made crypto its currency, but plenty of shops have signs saying "NO BITCOIN" according to news reports.
  16. Waiting for an apologist to make mention of the healthy properties of the stuff, like being a protein concentrate. I have met certain chaps in the US who will not engage in, errr, oral contact with women because if she had been in the company of other men that day it is possible he would ingest that other guy's effluent, and it would immediately turn him gay. This sounds hilarious, but the guys who told me this believe it to be so.
  17. He's lucky they didn't wheel him into traffic. Or the sea.
  18. If there is a crime here, let them decide whether or not it is a victimless crime. If not, who is the victim and who is the perpetrator? Punishment for the victim only?
  19. My guess is it may have something to do with people not wanting to wake up to find the severed head of one of their pets in their bed.
  20. Many men of his age wake up at night to pee-pee. If he is smart he will retire outside the country; as they say, "payback is a b*tch."
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