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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I didn't realize the all-engrossing problem the US is dealing with these days is child pornography, and we all owe a debt of gratitude to the GOP for not only pointing this out, but for figuring out the solution to the problem is blocking this woman's nomination. [NOTE: irony alert] Impressive that they didn't ask her if she had ever been on welfare, that's the usual GOP cudgel they save for Black women.
  2. The military has it's own bank and television network. Consider the possibilities.
  3. Why do they need a new leader? What about Jatuporn as PM? What happened to those three fools PT leaders who did so well negotiating with Abhisit? Only one simple instruction: call The Boss and ask him what to do next. How's her daddy's health these days, BTW?
  4. The former president in question did say that he expected allegiance from judicial appointees (and not exclusively the ones on SCOTUS) should a decision regarding himself come their way, y'know, like a stolen election. If he is reinstalled in the WH is it possible he will seek to remove those treacherous ingrates? Never before has a POTUS provided such an amount of entertainment value.
  5. During the 1980 presidential campaign Saint Ronald of Reagan said he would put a woman on SCOTUS should an opening arise, and it would be a first. And he did. I don't recall such an argument being raised at the time.
  6. Garland did not get a SC hearing, the Lord of the Senate would not allow it. And it had nothing to do with Garland's standing or history. "Ten months is too close to an election." Four years later the same guy has a new justice in there within weeks prior to an election, and her predecessor was not even buried yet. There is no 50-50 at the moment, the GOP has two well-compensated ringers across the aisle giving them an edge. KBJ is quite the lady, sitting there with her hands clasped and keeping a pleasant facial expression while having to hear all this [deleted]. The slightest adverse reaction will be followed by cries of "black rage!" But it seems to be ok to lie during these SC hearings, the last three appointees did so (in obvious fashion) and were approved.
  7. I began to appreciate masks during the SARS business twenty years ago. People who never heard of the concept of covering the mouth and nose when they cough or sneeze wearing masks? I'm all for it! Biggest inconvenience of it is it makes it difficult for them to pick their noses in public.
  8. It would be a good idea to not tear the place down as it could be brought back into play, like Don Muang. I think the thing that will be most appreciated by Bkk folk when the station goes out of operation is that there will no longer be the RR crossing at Phetchaburi. If you've been around there during the evening commute hours you'll know what I mean. When I was staying in the Bobae area I could walk from the Wireless Rd area and get there faster than the bus I would have taken. One time at that crossing I saw an impressive train, painted dark green and of nearly pristine appearance. I looked it up and it was a high-falutin' thing done up in 19th century grandeur, it had a name like 'Orient Express' and ran Bkk to Singapore. And it cost a ridiculous amount of money. If I was around Hua Lamphong I would take the train one stop to get to Bobae, cost 2b. The price of the ticket was part of the novelty.
  9. Maybe because they come in pairs?
  10. Did Hua Lamphong shut down? Maybe this is sort of a requiem for the old station. When I first came out here in the 1970s used to stay around there, loved the area.
  11. One of the positives of turning 50 is that you no longer need to fear dying young. I liked Bill in Body Heat, which was somewhat of a rehash of Double Indemnity. He outdid Fred MacMurray's character as the fool, IMO. The MMatlin thing really disgusted me, I guess he liked the novelty of beating a girlfriend and not having to hear her scream -- pretty low.
  12. More of this goes on than you might think, the goal is to get noticed in the press and it's usually done shortly before the release of movie or television show that the alleged victim stars in. Recall the "beer summit" Obama called? That was 2 weeks before the alleged victim was premiering a tv series, and notice that the press suddenly went quiet on that one, with no conclusion. Oprah did a similar thing with a shopgirl in Switzerland a few years back, that was a week before a movie she made was coming out. This guy trying to turn it into a criminal case was obviously a step too far. Notice that there was no "community uproar," not a peep from BLM et al. The only celebrity I heard mention this case was Dave Chappelle, who said the way the community was supporting him was by not saying anything because everyone could see it was bs. But some celebs did go public in the past week to get his sentence eased. Absolutely. "Crying 'wolf.'" And then there is the person(s) being defamed by the false charges: definitely does not engender good community relations. Notice that even the liberal media in the US knows when to back off on these things.
  13. Sneaking up on Vlad and bumping him off? Lotsa Luck.
  14. Vlad has stated that he wants to reunite the lands that comprised the USSR. I get the impression these countries are looking at Ukraine and wondering if they will be next. I haven't heard this mentioned anywhere, but could it be possible there will be an attempt at unity of against Putin? Kazakhstan has already turned down requests for support troops. From the descriptions of Putin's military it sounds like they have been under-financed -- yeah, lots of tanks, artillery, shells etc but quality of the troops sure ain't no kind of spetsnaz. Almost as if Milo Minderbinder is running the armed forces.
  15. Old show biz rule: never do a movie with a kid or a dog. My guess is W.C. Fields first came up with that one.
  16. The actor who played the tank commander was pretty impressive, I'd only seen him playing buddy roles before.
  17. Oops! From the OP I got impression it was junior here responsible for the startup.
  18. If they took this mechanical failure argument to court, Porsche could in turn sue them for defamation if they examine the wreck and find the things in contention were not at fault. But TiT and I'm sure someone in the company understands how things work out here, and it would just be a hole in their pocket with the $$$ cascading out of it for years. How does a police chief become one of the richest men in the country? Must have something to do with being morally upright and clean living.
  19. ". . . guided by the beauty of our weapons . . ." --- Leonard Cohen
  20. Having done a few closet grows I learned that the most hazardous time is the flowering period, very difficult to hide the smell of the flowers in bloom. I knew my neighbors could smell it, and I hoped that they would not know what it was, or that they could not tell which house it was coming from. However if you walked into my house there would be no doubt -- and this is with only 3 or 4 plants, even put in an exhaust duct & fan. There are stories coming out of rural Oregon about the smell coming out of the legal grow sites, people claiming it's making them, or their kids, or their livestock, sick.
  21. Started watching an interview with Cumberbatch a few weeks ago. When talking about the film he used the term toxic masculinity at least three times in app. the first minute. That was enough for me. Elliot makes it sound like the movie is a Village People video.
  22. For those who may have missed it: They had just emerged from a "private conference." Two questions: Which of these 2 men looks like he just experienced an involuntary, impromptu colonoscopy (or something like that)? Which of these 2 men looks like he just administered it?
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