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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. A falsely-accused man does not behave like this way, he would feel confident that the truth will prevail, the truth will set him free, etc. (Yes, for women as well, of course.) This behavior by him and his has been evident since Election day 2016. I have the impression that Melania's sex life and his has nothing to do with each other (just like when the Clintons were in the WH). I suspect Kari Lake, who spent a bit of time at MAL recently, did him a few favors to gain favor (*wink*): birds of a feather.
  2. Not looking good in the above vid, Donnie. Looks like he just rolled out of bed. And he's either reciting his spiel or reading from a prompter. They should shut down that fenced-in stage area, where he knows the cameras are awaiting him; maybe it'll be better for all involved, he'd dodge another opportunity to make a fool of himself.
  3. Back when he visited NK he gave a press conference afterward and he implied that he wanted to open a seaside resort there. Haven't heard it mentioned since.
  4. They wanted a change of venue, but were told Moscow, Minsk and Budapest were all invalid.
  5. And only a DT supporter would be accepting of the Mueller Report. That needs to be revisited. IMO the only reason DT hasn't already been tried and convicted is that somewhere in the works there are people who think it would shame the US to be seen as a banana republic if it moved too hastily. Around the time of the 2021 inauguration Ecuador had election and the day after the loser was arrested; it would have been too to easy to say "see what the US has become?" But back to the bond. The guy seems to attract scoundrels like garbage draws vermin. Look at that pack of grifters that suddenly appeared between the 2020 election and 1/6. We need to be considering what happens next. If DT loses in November do you think he is going to walk away gently, "the best man won," etc? The next crew of slime is going to be more adept. The guy who wrote him that bond himself needs a bond to cover his own bond. This should be watched closely.
  6. I suspect that 6% rise may have been from covering shorts. The stock is now below what it was a month ago. Let's see if it will be flattened. Man, that guy sure loves to be in court.
  7. Yeah, maybe a waste of money but there is no other way to find out if it will work for you. It's like buying a theatre ticket. And then there is the price, 30 US pennys per day for a month or two isn't much of a complaint. IMO the crucial hazard is that you take something that may be detrimental to your well-being. I knew a fellow who took a some zinc and had quite a negative reaction; I don't recall his story, but he did live to tell it, and he would be the first to admit he didn't know what he was doing. After some years in SEA and only being able to find somewhat comparable vitamins to what I would buy in the US, I returned to the US and started taking the ones I used to take (a daily multiple, and a B-complex). In about a month and a half my eyesight improved. I cite it as the cause and effect of the vitamins, that's my best guess. And it was not detrimental. For those wondering what I bought in Asia if you go to Malaysia and look hard enough you may be able to find Soligar or Solaray (I forgot which). I have also started other supplements, some as doctors' recommendations: B12, D3, and now considering magnesium.
  8. Paul McC may sue you for doing that. He was the walrus, y'know.
  9. Can't get it to play, it keeps breaking the needle. In days of olde it used to be the needle scratched the vinyl.
  10. That white supremacist/secessionist cop in the middle of this, who Nicole was "seeing," did not get the attention that was warranted at the trial, IMO. I suspect there was some pressure, can't say from where exactly, for the defense to steer clear of this.
  11. Well now that you-know-who is back maybe it will revert to "shoot on sight" like back when.
  12. OJ Simpson died owing more than $100MILLION to families of murder victims Sayeth OJ: "over my dead body!"
  13. My first time in Pattaya was 2003. I recall parts of the beach promenade were under construction. I can't recall a time when there was not work being done on Beach Road. You can't skim money off a project if there is no project.
  14. Bad idea. When you bust this piñata it will not be candy that will fall out, but maybe the MAGA die-hards will believe it is.
  15. Trump: Would be a "great honor" to be jailed for gag order violation Afford him the honor! Preferably in a Georgia state prison. Do they still have chain gangs?
  16. High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes
  17. I think he is being looked at all wrong: this is reality entertainment. Real Traitors of West Palm. There are prizes along the way, like ratings and donations. And oopsie, maybe a little jail time. I think a lot of his supporters look at this as if it's a American Idol competition.
  18. Sorry, bud, they're just like her, maybe a bit less vain. She could very well keep running every two years for the rest of her life.
  19. Trump's Promise of Pardons Offers Hope to Capitol Rioters' Families He promised to cover his followers legal bills, and that didn't happen. Go back to clips from the 2015/16 campaign, he makes this promise to the crowd if they beat up protestors. He didn't pardon any of the traitors while he still had the capability in January 2021. He has a very very poor (everyone is saying ☺️ ) track record of keeping his promises. I think a lot of his supporters can see how he left those zealots out to dry, and though they will probably vote for him again I get the impression from the comments they make that they will not participate in a 1/6 type event, and I think this is why we haven't seen another such event since. If there is, the crowd will have firearms and the LE/military will respond in kind and I'm reluctant to say where that will lead. It's like the guy is asking for a second date and tells the gal "I won't c_m in your mouth this time.") These people need to be de-programmed, like Moonies or other such cult victims. On the other hand I heard there is some levity among the 1/6 prisoners (who have their own section of the jail): one of them quipped to the other inmates "which bunk is DT going to be assigned to?"
  20. Some moneybags guy who is a big DT donor is also a RFKJr donor. It's easy to see where this is going.
  21. This RFK Jr guy, maybe his mama boozed it up while she was pregnant with him . . .
  22. Naming a prison for him would be an honor. DT has distinguished himself as a champion of prisoners, and has probably hired more ex-convicts than anyone has ever seen. He has no qualms hiring people actively under indictment. And don't forget his selfless acts of kindness in dispensing pardons. Perhaps this will be the prison he gets put in when all is said and done, where they will build a presidential cell to also accommodate his Secret Service details.
  23. When faced with this myself, I went out and bought a big cloth duffel bag and arranged it so it fit everything. But mind the bag size specs. extra baggage can be bought in advance for just $12 / kilo. Are charges a lot higher at the time of check-in? Cannot say about this airline, but in general the answer is YES. Probably in the fine print somewhere.
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