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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I can just see her husband helping promote the book. "Hey fellas, great boobs on her, eh? They better be great, they cost me enough!"
  2. Oops! Those are both terms DT has used. You seem to have trouble telling them apart, so just remember Harris is the one with the dark hair.
  3. I wasn't paying attention to this event, but when watching them on the TV news tightening the bolts on that thing, knowing that the only way out would be via the same equipment, it dawned on me just how crazy this idea is. Then there was that guy and his son who were happy when someone cancelled out and they took their place. The Appointment in Samarra, As retold by W. Somerset Maugham [1933] The Speaker is Death There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was Death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there Death will not find me. The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the marketplace and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, Why did you make a threating getsture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening gesture, I said, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.
  4. Well, maybe to YOU there was no audience! Fake news! If DT says the audience went wild then that is what happened, and no one left early. The size of the crowd that came out for him was much much bigger than the ones for Harris. Why would he lie? Tomorrow's headline today: DT says people are leaving early because they are worried about their pets being eaten.
  5. Putin knows DT can be easily manipulated. IMO the contrast between the expressions on either face when they emerged from that room in Helsinki says all there is to know about his ability to handle authoritarians. I'm waiting for the LBGTQ+ rights groups to recognize and applaud DT for coming out about his affair with Kim, his N. Korean lover. But which one is the top?
  6. Well, there you have it: Fox is now officially fake news! If they report negatively about DT they are fake news, no discussion involved.
  7. Obviously, it was God's will! Stick with loudspeakers on minarets.
  8. If you meet an American who tells you they are pro-life ask them how they feel about capital punishment. Prepare to hear self-contradiction.
  9. His very real problem at this moment, which it looks like he got a taste of already, are his brother inmates who will take turns taking the Big Man down. The old "crabs in a barrel" mentality.
  10. Long ago I heard Arafat preaching the economy of scale of their genocide; this was direct from his mouth on a television interview: we blow up a school bus and kill 40 Jewish children today -- twenty years on each of those would be an adult and producing at least 2 more Jews, so in affect we are killing 120 of them. This was in the 1960s or '70s. After hearing such logic I decided anything goes in combating this kind of thinking and its actions. BY ANYONE.
  11. He hires all these sex-professionals and he's still flogging his own mule? And to think how rich this guy was, he could have bought his own island. Instead he had to play out the badazz pimp thing. Lock him up and he'll find Jesus (he's Catholic).
  12. Your kids will have to start their own fights.
  13. My German gf long ago tried to teach me German language, and in the lessons was a little poem for basic learning. It was something about geese being stolen, she said she remembers it from her own school days. I'm wondering if that was the inspiration this piece of news. Lots of Germans in that part of the US, y'know.
  14. Ok, that's it, I'm convinced. There is no way I'm going to vote for Willy Brown in November.
  15. Note to the rest of the world: Don't be afraid of all the guns in the US, the people who have them are obviously incapable of shooting straight.
  16. As a native of NYC, I can tell you that area is most definitely the creepiest part of the five boroughs. Houses on stilts over the water, we used to call it The Boondocks (from the pop song of the 1960s). I left the place in the early 1970s and I know at least three airliners filled with passengers crashed into that bay in my youth, the bodies and wreckage never completely recovered, and there have probably been other crashes since then. For people who practice voodoo they've found a perfect spot.
  17. Two weeks ago this ago this got a lot of attention in political circles: James Carville Names 'Only Way' Republicans Can Get Their 'Party Back' In November I like Carville and his whole style of political commentary but I don't always agree with him. I disagree here because the 1964 presidential race was tainted by the JFK assassination, and the following 1968 race was colored by the incumbent dropping out and the assassination of the front-runner, which left the Dems in a mess. 1976 was about the Nixon skullduggery. Maybe some GOP members are taking this to heart -- after all, this is the guy who got Bill Clinton elected in 1992. They know they've already lost this year, but looking ahead to 2027 (when the 2028 race begins) they are probably already planning how they can beat her then. So yeah, the thinking in that camp might be "let's elect somebody we know we can beat next time around."
  18. Impressive, as Morgan has kept a lip-lock on the orange hindquarters up until now. Both of them have done well as trash TV celebrities. After DT loses again, he should take up the deal a network offers him to get his old show back, story is NBC offered him $25 million in 2021. The two of them would be a great Krusty the Clown and Sideshow Bob team.
  19. I believe that the position, to quote Chris Rock, was that of House N****. As former RNC chair Michael Steele put it "See? We have one of those too." He knows what he's talking about, he used to be the "one of those."
  20. Hey, maybe she'll write a song about him! In metaphor, of course. Or maybe a lament, for a poor Eastern European girl whose dream is to marry a rich American, who, eventually, and unfortunately, does.
  21. DT's real problem is that not all of the US voters swallow his ridiculous banter. But think of it this way: if not for all the crazy stuff he says and the lies that cannot be backed up he would probably be a much more successful candidate. Somewhere in the future, like 2028 or 2032, a candidate that appeals to the same pro-fascist voters without all of DT's reality TV shtick and his fetish for "strong men" foreign leaders just might bring down the US gov't as we know it. Not a pretty picture. If you are not MAGA or GOP don't be too enthusiastic about Liz Cheney, I sense she's putting her hopes in a GOP renaissance. With herself as the standard bearer. Pretty obvious she has her eye on the Oval IMO. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/15/liz-cheney-ginni-thomas-january-6-investigation About a week before the debate there was some discussion in media circles (non-Fox nor OAN et al) about airing things that are known to be untrue, that would make them complicit in spreading lies. I would think it was these discussions that made the moderators do a fact check.
  22. The right-wing is busy doing things to eliminate voters from the rolls, and the Dems are out there encouraging people to register. This is the real race at the moment: the GOP knows it ain't gonna win unless they do the contentious stuff he blames the Dems of doing. And if he doesn't win it's on to Act II, Stop the Steal 2024. So yeah, Harris could get the vote. Let's see how DT's friends on the religious (Christian) right, like that guy who stuffs Thomas's pockets, come through for him. The election is just the half of it. Bold words, Bill. Now tell us a pot joke.
  23. This is kind of like visiting an insane asylum and one of the patients tells you "watch out for the guy in the next room, he's crazy!"
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