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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Do people born after 2005 even know what a watch is? Do they know how to tell time by a clockface? I wonder if the first time some youngsters ever saw a telephone booth was in "The Matrix."
  2. IMO it was Desantis et al and that whole fear and alienation campaign. And who the hell came up with 'drag queen story hour' and throw it into the fire at just the right time? Don't try to convince me this idea originated within the community. Would Ronnie be capable of such rascality? Look up that thing he pulled where he had the police round up some people about suspected voter fraud years before, even the arresting officers didn't get it. Loathsome as he appears to be he knows how to get things done. "God bless and keep Ron DeSantis away from the White House."
  3. It's being said out loud in the media: Hur is betting DT gets re-elected and as a good boy The Boss will give him a Big Position, like attorney general. Wait until it's his turn to eat of the distasteful orange-stained sandwich. Ok, by giving my judgement in that sentence I'm putting myself at Hur's level, so let me say here that I'm sure there are individuals that find DT's organic product quite the delicacy. Rep. Eric Swalwell attempts to get special counsel Robert Hur to commit that he won’t serve in a potential Trump admin
  4. "Lack of testicular fortitude" to put it succinctly. I'm keeping an eye on Amy, I think it's getting to her. In that judgement made public last week she actually sounds frightened. I get the impression that cult she's part of does not accommodate the hypocrisy (for the most part) that has become a trademark of US evangelicals. Who knows, when all this comes to pass she may be remembered as the American Joan of Arc. He probably picked up a Bible only once in his life As for the seven deadly sins, well, three of them: sloth, lust, and gluttony sounds some good plans for the weekend. Well, if I was 40 years younger . . .
  5. I can picture it now: "Charles, be a dear and remove his head for me, will you?"
  6. American conservativism is really being held up to the light by the DT chapter of US history. Not just because of him directly, but by others on his side. For example, the recent SCOTUS judgement about not keeping DT off the ballot was defended by justices who claim to be originalists even though there is no original text for them to point to for backing up this judgement. This is just one example. All of the three justices appointed under 45 lied right there at the appointment hearings, at least one of them smirked while doing so. On the bright side, it would appear one of them might be suffering a crisis of conscience and I'm hoping she does something brave.
  7. I haven't been following this, when I saw the headline I thought it was about Robert DeNiro's former wife. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0007958/
  8. Strap in, there is going to be a lot of this on the GOP side this summer. And here comes the general https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/michael-flynn-reawaken-america-tour/
  9. Kind of funny when you look at it. DT considers the Dems his political enemies, but he is tearing down what is remaining of the Republicans. Him and his DIL are ransacking them down to "the last penny." What keeps coming to mind is an episode of the series "Billions" when a rich guy took possession of a small town that was put up as collateral on a deal gone bad. They sold off everything down to the office furniture in City Hall. DT has furthered the humiliation down to what used to be their spoken principles; well, he's just one doing such, as the gun lobby and the pharmaceutical industry beat him to it. What those two entities are doing is more like the final scene of The Magic Christian.
  10. For many years now it occasionally gets reported that the beef used by many fast-food burger chains contains some nasties, but these are eradicated by cooking. Raw meat, raw fish, count me out.
  11. Not a beauty parlor, but a beauty clinic. Enhance your clinical beauty? Gotta wonder who their customers were -- Russian exiles/draft dodgers getting plastic surgery to help change identities?
  12. I think you caused a surge in hotel bookings with that one.
  13. Been 20 years since I checked out HH. Horse rides on the beach! And that evidence horses leave behind in sand and surf. And soi dogs following them eating it. So much for that.
  14. Usually people who do that end up starting their own religions I hadn't appreciated the ultra-barreness until reading your post. I took buses across the Cordillera from northern Arg, and in the high desert there would be the occasional fellow with his llama. Just weeks before we saw the first pictures from Mars (2004) and damned if it didn't look like what I was seeing from the bus window. The one thing I was amused by was, in Iquique at night there were written messages in the sky! Turned out there were words spelled out in lights across the mountains, which themselves were not visible at night.
  15. Is that the area where it never rains? I made it as far as Iquique (sp?) once. The smell of the barren landscape is quite unique, but for me was not inviting. What sort of foreigners disappeared into the wilds of South America after 1945? I wonder how their descendants feel about, let's see, people who celebrate sabbath on Saturdays?
  16. Confucius said "two bald men put their heads together make ass of themselves"
  17. Ok, so they take away his visa. Then they arrest him for not having a visa. Sense? Sense has nothing to with it, this is law enforcement.
  18. Joe did great. It doesn't matter if the right applauds, or doesn't applaud, there is no human consideration there -- they just do what DT tells them to. Hardly a spine on the whole right side. Violators will have the dogs patriots set upon them. "A vote for me is a vote for T_____!" should be the required disclaimer on all their campaign announcements.
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