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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. It's like in the doomsday movies where people can tell if someone has engaged in cannibalism by just looking at them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iriuqMITdR8 I was born when Truman was president, and my impression of the GOP has long been that they were the tough guys ("first strike" stalwarts, "bomb them back to the Stone Age," "love it or leave it" etc). Not any more! They let this reality-show clown take over their party and the country, and reduce them to wimps. How will the US get passed this? I suspect a military coup, but the question there is will it be lead by intelligent people or the nuts like Mike Flynn.
  2. Isn't this foreigner slated for deportation? Maybe it's time for his personal 'back to Africa.' Musk jars Trump world, calling a bulk of supporters ‘contemptible fools’ Hmm, if link doesn't connect try this: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/dec/28/musk-jars-trump-world-calling-bulk-supporters-cont/#insticator-commenting
  3. In the movies they use the word "protection," and it is for the most part paid under threat. He's going to keep the taps open, those million-dollar tickets to the inauguration was just getting the beak wet. I expect the the meme coin conduit will become quite popular with the olis.
  4. That was as far as I got. But if it was the outline for a new John Waters movie it sounds great.
  5. He's saying this to fan DT's backside.
  6. Check out credit card use? If he did go off on a binge and he took another hotel room you can be sure the hotel isn't going to let so many days pass without getting payment.
  7. You will probably meet the girl of your dreams in Bkk. She will tell you everything you want to hear. She will tell you of her present challenges, like a sick mother or sick water buffalo, and the only way to solve these problems is $$$ which she will ask you for. The relationship will last as long as you keep the cash coming. Yes, this is a cliche, but it happens every day. And there's a load of books out there written about this, some written by the punter himself. I tried reading one once but gave up after a few chapters. Oh, and these dramas are not limited to girls who work in the sex industry. Or am I just responding to a troll?
  8. Trump keen to blame diversity and inclusion for Washington DC crash Yet another event to point to with his enemy within scare tactics.
  9. Putin wants it, and the submissive US president obeys. There was a novel in the 1980s "The Hunt for Red October." Fiction yes, but the guy who wrote it was a war games nerd, and he explains in detail how important the waterway between western Europe and Greenland is strategically USSR/Russia. (I don't think this was covered in the movie version.) And this is why I think DT's is interested in Greenland, as a valentine for the big, strong Vlad.
  10. Strictly my own suspicion, and I never read anything anywhere to suggest this, I didn't buy the divorce story. They are worth a ridiculously large amount of money, and there has to be an awareness of how their fortune will be passed on. My guess is there will be millions salvaged because of this divorce.
  11. Does douchebag translate to Thai and German (or whatever his language is)?
  12. Putting America First! Making America Great Again! Supporting Our Boys! Till Death Do Us Part. None of these mean anything, all just salesmen spiel. 0+0+0+0= 0
  13. Pete Hegseth’s First Mandate as Defense Secretary: “Put America First” "Okay, well that's done. Now, everybody to the bar!"
  14. Goodbye, Tesla guy! Goodbye Melania! Enough of that poison blood! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-immigrants-are-poisoning-blood-country-biden-campaign-liken-rcna130141
  15. If you don't like his color then you are a racist. 🙂
  16. Sounds like she was soliciting you in a subtle way. I know a guy hangs around Bkk and makes a move on just about any young female that he crosses paths with. He invites them on dates, and he considers them girlfriends that he is dating. If I listen long enough he'll get to the part about how her mother needs an operation she can't afford, sick buffalo at home, etc.
  17. Whoever decided to use that big screen for him should be shot. Or forced to watch Jude Law movies for 72 hours uninterrupted. That pic in the OP will float his ego alright.
  18. Jesus spoke to me today, he said he doesn't like you calling him a fairy. If he tells his dad expect fire and brimstone in your weather forecast.
  19. Last time I was in Argentina the exchange rate was US$1::4 pesos, that was 2011. Today it is more than 1 thousand for 1 dollar. Maybe he should be putting his energies elsewhere. IMO he's trying to impress the US president.
  20. Just try to image what it takes to decapitate: if you are not deft with a samurai sword or don't have use of a handy guillotine that is some work, and experiencing that has got to affect the way you view the world. Sick stuff!
  21. It goes back to ancient Rome
  22. There was something published during his first WH stint called "From the Wh_re house to the White House." It's probably on the net somewhere.
  23. The Davos gatherings usually don't get much coverage in the US. After living outside the US for a while I went back for a visit and when I mentioned Davos I got the kind of eye-rolling that usually accompanies bringing up the JFK murder. "Meeting between industrialists and world political leaders? Yeah, right."
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