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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Did someone say corrupt DOJ ? If Harris gets elected she'll have to clean up this MAGA rats' nest once and for all.
  2. Nothing new about this news, just a change of details. And why didn't the following administration do anything about it? Obama slaps Russia with expulsions and broad sanctions for meddling in the U.S. election These incels were getting huge sums for posting hacked-up video collages, wouldn't you?
  3. I suspect that less people intend to vote for him than the current polling shows. By now everybody knows if you speak of DT with anything less than abject adoration you'll get denunciation and death threats.
  4. Judge delays Trump’s sentencing until after the election IMO the judge is going to sock it to him. Should DT legitimately win the election the situation will be dumped into the lap of the US gov't. The Originalists will come up with all sorts of comedic talking points (as usual) about how the founding fathers would handle a case of a felon becoming president. Apparently the founding fathers had no qualms about strip clubs, otherwise they would have mentioned it. 😳
  5. He should start doing "duuuhhhh...", everybody likes to hear a good duuuhhhh...
  6. airasia cancellation when can u get a refund back? If you look hard enough at the fine print regarding refunds you are bound to find phrases like "cold, dead hands" and "hell freezes over."
  7. A former DOJ prosecutor who worked on the Mueller investigation said that when Mueller was being questioned he said of this stuff "it is happening as we speak." The real question is WHY THE HELL WAS NOTHING DONE ABOUT IT? DT keeps bringing up russiarussiarussia and he has made it conspicuous. He's overplaying badly.
  8. Eliminating Teachers The UK's First AI-Powered Classroom Sounds like the AI enters the classroom and eliminates the teacher with a death ray. But how to deal with morality? E.g. will these things be making recommendations for genocide as a form of population control?
  9. Don't be too impressed with the t-shirts, there are 1-day turnaround merch makers, they even advertise on US teevee.
  10. And the humiliation of having the whole world know about it. Like a gal I was seeing in the 1990s put it, in regards to the Clintons: if they are having sex, it is not with each other. Something Mel and Michelle O. have in common is neither wanted to be First Lady, and for those first 2 years Michelle really detested living in the public eye. Go to youtube and search on laura benanti melania trump for an excellent parody of Mel. The resemblance of Habba to (younger) Mel has not been lost on me. I'm curious how Barron will turn out, I suspect his two older brothers look at him as a danger to their inheritance. Maybe Mel suspects the same of them. It seems to be part of the family tradition, Mary Trump can tell you about it. Jr and Eric better make sure Melania doesn't see "I, Claudius."
  11. I have a great idea for a script, based on Abba's "Mama Mia" (which I never saw, couldn't even get through the "coming attractions.") A Thai working girl has a long list of farang boyfriends who send her $$$ so she won't have sell herself. And of course each punter thinks he's the only one. Then she gets emails from each telling her they will arrive soon and it will be so much fun etc. The bulk of the movie will be Nit running around Pattaya servicing these 12 guys every day. One guy she only met once, two years previous, and she gets another gal to claim to be her to service him. A madcap romp, fun for the whole family, etc. Mr Spielberg, get out that checkbook! "Miss you already!"
  12. City of Film Sure, what was it called in the West in the past, "art cinema," you know, the ones where no one wears clothes? Dialog such as "lub you too mutt!"
  13. For a long while it seemed suicide was the go-to cause for farang deaths (per BiB), particularly in the Bkk/Pattaya part of the country; I took it as their way of saying "we can't be bothered with this." I'm quite surprised at this assessment so soon. Maybe the boys down south got a little more to them.
  14. Story was that the teevee network offered him $25 million to go back on The Apprentice, which he obviously refused. Look how much he could have avoided. I wonder if he regrets it.
  15. At 11:55 PM on January 19th. If you're looking for a guy with drugs and a gun any US cop can point you to one.
  16. "She not lady, she girl. Girl not go with man." Or so I've heard it explained.
  17. If they all arrive the same day it would be a sight to see.
  18. When Obama won in 2008 I thought of it as a victory against Fox. Story was that on Election Day morning Ailes told his people that when the results start coming in he doesn't want to see them on air moping like their dog just died. Brothers who hate each other, I think the nuns told a story about that. Which one impregnates the mother?
  19. "I have to post positive things about myself because no one else does." ☺️
  20. Not to steer away from the OP, but on the subject of being a coward: yes, we know he is a coward. He's the bold man when it comes to lawsuits, he's probably had more legal cases than he's had sex. Tough guy with reporters, especially female ones. Non-White people? Aww, do you really have to ask? IMO, the telling thing about that "bullet to the ear" incident a few weeks ago is this pic There is no foreknowledge of the situation, such as multiple shooters, or is in some way part of a larger operation, right? And here we have a guy we know is a coward behaving like he is the groom at a Jewish wedding. He knows that's all there is, otherwise he would be cowering. For those who didn't get the wedding reference
  21. Probably better to do your own search on tilapia warning
  22. The "childless" label is dog-whistle for gay; I'm quite surprised no one in politics or media has spelled this out yet. Coming soon to a headline near you: attacking gay couples who are also parents, no need to speculate on the details. Prepare for incoming, Ensign Butigieg. I have an ex who is over 70, lives alone, has always been hetero, and has a bunch of cats. I don't need to talk with her to know how she'll react to this.
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