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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Traveling at 3,000 miles per hour? Atmospheric pressure beneath the bottom of the Atlantic? So, sounds like they'd need a solid, pressurized environment. Like the one that popped when those people went to see the remains of the Titanic?
  2. There will have to be a station halfway through where it stops and everyone pays the DT tariff.
  3. As if you don"t? He who smelt it dealt it.
  4. Perhaps some pegging was on the agenda. He's gonna be seeing Vlad soon, maybe he wants a little training.
  5. See? It's you guys posting bad things about the Chinese that turned them away! I hope you all are proud of yourselves!
  6. British politics equiv of Marjorie Greene.
  7. So this bottom-feeder is kissing the orange backside, figures.
  8. The most clever thing he did (publicly) was that thing about a certain candidate in the 2016 primaries having small hands. And even that he got from John Oliver. Remember that thing with the water bottle? My guess there is at some point he took a seminar and was taught to maintain eye contact with the audience; but that's for sales, not political speeches to a crowd. I rate Marco as an empty suit. Forget about DT's appointees, the only policy positions they can have is "what the da boss sez."
  9. A real 21st Century Bonnie and Clyde is what they are. The real punishment is going to be when people ask them what they were arrested for, and they'll all laugh when they hear "bag snatching."
  10. They let you into the country, all documents inspected of course, and a few days later they arrest you. That's the way it's been for decades. About 20 years ago a spirited lad at BBC was at odds with W Bush declaring an "axis of evil" and set out to prove him wrong, just because. The first sentence of this post is what happened in Iran. Other countries were Cuba, and N Korea (I think, I missed that episode). By the end of the show he came to the full realization that it was a bad idea.
  11. Sounds like they were stumbling drunk. I would guess one of the pluses of being in LOS for the Indians is they can be at ease about poison liquor, not like back home. Do a search, no shortage of such incidents. Oh yeah, and don't forget the extra straws (gotta keep the cliches going!).
  12. Maybe a little entertainment for them before arriving. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120620
  13. He's a militant vegan because he and his cherish all forms of life. And if you disagree with him he'll kill you.
  14. Actually this is getting common in the US with comedians. Do people really buy tickets to these shows to get a preaching or are they there to laugh?
  15. As recently as the 2000 decade when taking the minibus to cross from Malaysia via Sadao the driver would collect the pps while we all waited in the van. There was also some baksheesh involved, I think it was 100b tucked in the pp. This was a big thing in India in the 1970s. There was a whole theatrical performance involving the inspection and rejection of bad notes, mimicked wherever travelers were meeting up. The real purpose was to get more money from you: e.g. you would be offered 9 rupees for your 10 rupee note. This became a running scam on the Ranong visa run, the touts would tell you that your less-than-pristine US notes will be unacceptable by the Burmese. Here is another one, very popular in Bkk 1975: a young couple would be walking down the street, and when you cross paths the guy points to gf and says "you want woman?" while she stands there smiling. Never acted on it, I figured it was an attempted rip-off -- where I come from that kind of setup was called a "murphy." I was staying near Hualumpong, where on the street it was a regular occurrence. But the advantage of staying in that area was the fortune teller lady who sold weed, and the Chinese hotel/restaurant/bordello didn't mind smoking it in the rooms.
  16. Musician celebrities as politicians. Too bad they can't bring back the dead ones -- we could get Tchaikovsky's opinion on how to handle Somali pirates and US seizure of the Panama Canal. Anyone remember Celebrity Death Match? I'd have liked to see them do Waters vs Bono. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208614/
  17. Kind of looks like Vang Vieng in Lao. The gov't there had enough of the teenage wasteland thing and cleaned it up. Looks like MHS is the new place to be. I gotta wonder how much the BiB squeezes from these kids.
  18. My shaving fetish is Edge shaving gel. Never saw it in any SEA country. Women love it for shaving their legs. A few have stolen mine on the way out.
  19. A publicity coup. He's probably soiling in his undies just thinking about all coverage the divorce trial will give him. As for her, she knows when this is over she'll never have to be concerned about $$$ ever again. He should set his sights on Melania, imagine how the international press will play that one! Charlamagne Slams 'Clown' Kanye West Over 'Dangerous' Behavior https://www.huffpost.com/entry/charlamagne-slams-kanye-west_n_638ae176e4b0214ec97f8c46
  20. Does she speak English with a Kentucky accent, like this guy? 😊 (Mitch Mcconnell) Why should they learn farang language if they are not going to be dealing with farang? Perhaps some people feel it is language imperialism. And on that subject, a few years back there was buzz going around in the media that Beijing was pushing an initiative to get people in other countries to learn Mandarin as their second language. I would expect that someone in the Thai education system accommodated them.
  21. Them and the MAGA guys should have an international fascist olympics. Of course all the European right-wing orgs will be for it. All fights are to the death, otherwise the bout is a draw. All participating countries will come of of it for the better -- a culling of idiots.
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