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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Sometimes it's the first Just in case anyone is confused this is not an altered pic nor from a comedy skit. This was at CPAC.
  2. Are you sure that's him? Looks a lot like Youngkin (Virginia governor/MAGA fence sitter).
  3. Back in the 1980s a Japanese fellow told me they started promoting Valentine's Day in Japan in a big way, every girl wants chocolates and of course the guys have to comply. Xmas is about retail, especially in the US where they have even have (unofficially) designated shopping holidays. People are coming up with all these statements about the history of Black Friday but I can tell you that I first heard that term in the 1990s. And no, the day after Thanksgiving WAS NOT the start of the xmas season, that began around the 8th of December (a Catholic day of observation) and the first Sunday of Advent. Xmas has evolved from a Christian holiday into something else. Most Jews I know celebrate xmas by going to a Chinese restaurant and a movie.
  4. This may be an old fashioned notion, but this is what a presidency is supposed to be, not a generator of tabloid headlines. The job is to keep the country running and headed in the right direction, not just a series of photo ops and boastful claims.
  5. The other team defends when the other guy throws around ketchup.
  6. Had a similar experience on a Bell bus from Bkk to Pattaya, a bunch of drunken Indian guys (over 30 y.o.). I had the impression the woman conductor wanted to pull over and throw them out right there on the road.
  7. Yes, the leopard was spotted, as most leopards are. And? 😊
  8. America is for sale, and he is the cashier.
  9. Probably more like a payoff to keep him off their backs for the next four years. Go through the news of the past few weeks and look at how many donations he has collected from his stable of oligarchs in the guise of funding his inauguration ceremony. Hey, they never did clean up that scandal re the 2017 ceremony either, eh? Just made it disappear from the media. If the subject comes up again you can bet your bippy ABC isn't going to cover it.
  10. And on the morning of January 20th they'll have to send someone around to the Justice Dept. and wake Garland up, tell him he can go home now. No more excuses, I put his lack of action as a factor in this re-election. The guy is a political/judicial gelding. To hell with his back-story and resume, he failed his moment when history called upon him. A disinterested AG and a corrupted SCOTUS, god bless America!
  11. "Hey boss, you're cool! I ain't said nothin' bad about you!"
  12. The way he talks about these authoritarian strongmen he sounds like a teenage girl fantasizing about the Prince Charming who will one day appear and sweep her off her feet. It's a fetish.
  13. Broken hip or not, and though no longer Speaker, she still managed to pee in AOC's beer. https://www.axios.com/2024/12/17/aoc-loses-gerry-connolly-democrats-oversight
  14. So it can not be said that the matter was not investigated. "Nothing to see there."
  15. Y'know when would have been a good time to investigate this? WHILE HE WAS IN THE HOSPITAL, DUMMY!!
  16. Does a terrible pointing job in that picture. If he can't do decent pointing he doesn't belong in LOS.
  17. Truly amazing the number of people who have distinctive tattoos that do not understand the inconvenient qualities of being distinctive. I would guess that LE has body art recognition software. On the other hand he could have worn a shirt like everyone else. Schmuck.
  18. I heard something about one of the -prazoles being taken off the market in recent weeks, you might want to have a look.
  19. Yet another retired popstar warning of the evils of the world. Put it this way -- his audience isn't the kids, it the middle-aged parents. Long live Keith Richard, he'd never make a speech like that, unless a court ordered him to. He'll die with a needle in his arm.
  20. I agree with that. She's no longer engaged to Kendal?
  21. Her personal raison d'etre seems to be "there is no such thing as too much attention." Her and M Kelly should be donating generously to trans-support organizations so they can further their careers by keeping the threat and outrage going.
  22. Nobody wants to get old, but nobody wants to die either.
  23. "People are coming up to me with tears in their eyes, they never thought in their lives they would ever see such a plan . . . " Soon, yet again, next week will be infrastructure week, and always will be.
  24. See? Who says he doesn't pay his bills? Trump Sends Another $4.3 Million Of Donors’ Money To His Lawyers
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