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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Why is the Dem party so toxic? Probably for the same reason the Republicans are so adverse to fact-checking.
  2. This guy has sent a few to the dump. Seems like ol' Pete has become bored of it.
  3. MAGA 101, the guy at the top does this daily. Blame the adversary for your own dirty deeds, in a very loud, emphatic way. Hey, it works for the boss.
  4. What time do you hit the sack? I aim for midnight. With diabetes, something wakes me around 4a. I have a small snack, and if lucky I'll sleep through till around 7:30a. Chocolate has caffeine, y'know.
  5. Something both of these guys have in common is they both played a crucial role in DT getting elected. Bannon: when the Access Hollywood tape was revealed, DT was ready to drop out of the 2016 race that very day. All his other goons were for it, but the guy with three shirts convinced him to brass it out. The space guy who won't ride his own rocket: latest count published at this time is over US$275 million (look it up yourself) that arguably served the re-election well. And he still has plenty more $$$, he has probably had banking fees bigger than that. DT has to do a balancing act between EM and Big Oil, one makes electric cars and the other promotes fossil fuels. I wonder how many plots are currently being considered to banish the co-president, even by those who bend the knee for DT appear to be standing up to him. Remember his open statement asking the a billion dollars? It sounds like they bought in. https://www.commondreams.org/news/trump-asked-oil-ceos-for-1-billion Hey, what became of all that concern about the "poison blood of foreigners"? Does that include EM and Melania? Does that mean four of his offspring are tainted? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-immigrants-are-poisoning-blood-country-biden-campaign-liken-rcna130141
  6. The thing is none of the other countries in the region really give darn about Palestinians, otherwise they would have done something about it within the past 70+ years. Maybe the Egyptians did for a while back in the 1960s, but that was pretty much a USSR action. How many of those Gulf states have refugee camps for them? Every so often they'll toss them a few million, but we know how that works. That said, this "what stance will Qatar take?" stuff is a non-starter.
  7. For once you can say "go back to Africa" and not have libs denounce you!!
  8. I can see it now, DT says to Zelensky "look, all you have to do is surrender to snookums, err, I mean Putin, and we will all live in peace." MAGA is not about thinking, it's about following. Taking DT at his word about ANYTHING? It takes a certain kind of person . . .
  9. This stuff in this thread certainly bears a resemblance to discussions of the origins of AIDS in the 1980s.
  10. It's great to see these creeps going at each other.
  11. At the routine traffic stop if he whipped out a US$20 note he would have been out of there with a wave of the hand. But there may be something else involved, like LE knew where the stop would lead, I mean, checkpoints on Xmas? There's no way to know for sure, but I am curious as to which country the coke was headed to.
  12. Huh? Smuggling weed into India? This makes as much sense as bringing coffee into Brazil. They have some of the best in the world, or at least did. That whole area from Afghanistan to Nepal is where it is. Granted it has been more than 40 years since I've been there. In certain states it is (was?) legal. My guess is the hydroponic stuff is something to show off for the wealthy, though there is no reason they can't grow it that way over there. The more imported things you have the more hiso you are over there. Another guess is they can say they are not smoking the garbage the riksha drivers do (best garbage on the planet).
  13. Could have hid out in Pattaya, fit right in.
  14. His reputation for "having a strong sense of himself" precedes him. I think he's reveling in all the attention: he's gone from coming up with publicity stunts to being pursued by the press -- nice work there buddy! And I suspect a certain US politician demanding the full limelight will be butting heads with him. Film at 11.
  15. They fell from a coconut tree? I hate it when I have to call the police because of all the near-naked women.
  16. There's enough material there for two wives.
  17. Was out in the sticks in a certain Central American country. Saturday night, there was a wedding, and every body in town can drop in. The guys were drinking some kind of fermented rotgut and by midnight they were literally crawling through the muddy streets on all-fours (no paved roads) and howling like dogs. Something to see! The one in that pic, if she were crawling through the mud she'd look like a, oh nevermind.
  18. Looks like one of those stunts by those wrestler clowns in the US.
  19. Many moons ago (maybe 2003?) when staying in Pattaya several girls warned me to avoid those quiet sois that connect off Beach Rd "the boy hit your head!" I was hearing this several times a week, I figured there must be something to it. No great detour in avoiding them.
  20. But will he have to pay 1 million USD like the other attendees? When Dick Cheney attended Obama's inauguration he did so in a wheelchair, with a questionable excuse for it. IMO he did not want to stand to respect a you-know-what.
  21. Perhaps he wants Greenland so he can give it to his boyfriend Vlad for Valentine's Day. Greenland played a large role in the US's Cold War strategy, and probably is still used for monitoring the sea passages.
  22. It won't be long until he wakes up one morning to find a horse's head in his bed.
  23. Well OMG, did someone on Team Biden read my post? Dropped From Spending Bill, Cancer Research and D.C. Stadium Measures Revived by Senate
  24. Just follow the pattern, usually his denials are: 1) I don't know anything about it, this is the first I heard 2) it's not true 3) some sort of justification, which usually involves contradicting #2 4) this is where he usually trips over his own lies, you know he's getting exhausted when he says "ask ______" (one of his disciples) Possibly all four are spoken within a few minutes. The press drives the narrative from here, the responses are usually some sort of jumble of the above four. Fox usually comes to the rescue with their own fictional rationalizing. Or they completely ignore it. Sometimes this is entertaining, e.g. during the 1/6 investigation Fox was running "fire department rescues cat from tree" stories.* In the pre-internet days US television news was notorious for filling up news reports with stuff like this, these days it is inane chatter by the on-screen personalities ("Can you believe how good these cookies are?").
  25. He put it pretty plainly during the 2016 campaign: the vice president will take care of the paperwork while he travels the country making America great again. No one explained to him that veep is a quasi-ceremonial thumb-up-the-butt job. I wonder why Ol' Joe didn't step forward on cutting cancer research, it's been one of his pet issues. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/elon-musk-killed-budget-deal-children-cancer-funding-collateral-damage
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