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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. We're all on edge, Muskie, look at all the excitement around this thread! What, no sink?
  2. This is good. The nuts are already there, but the swing voters will shy away from these death sentences. Result: less for votes for Team Orange.
  3. "Yeah buddy come home, we got ya one special chair the Americans gave us, it's electric . . ." Mr T needs to be sure a pair of steel bracelets will not be waiting for him.
  4. Seeing what happened in DC, and Brasilia, and wherever else, someone appears nervous. And a certain ex-PM is going to be watching how they handle a breech, if there is one.
  5. They should name it The Aortic Interceptor. Just did some math: that's 13 ounces of cheese (~373 grams) Kraft Singles American Cheese Slices 8 oz Package (12 slices)
  6. Meeting of the ex-PM club?
  7. They can advertise it on the travel websites, like Priceline, with digital coupons like a €20 bjs.
  8. Wow, pretty strong and clever insult there. For an adolescent who was just cucked out of upwards of US$44 billion. I've been saying all along that Twitter does not have a "special sauce," no exclusive patented technology, and that any capable software engineers can put the concept together in short time. I would suspect that Team Zuck had the prototype done before Thanksgiving last year (late Nov), and now it's in full-flight. Gotta give his crew credit, but already having the network in place eliminated the heavy lifting. They blew MySpace out of the water, I guess they have experience at this. BTW, I just found out something about ChatGPT that makes them unimpressive (asked a few minutes ago): Q: when did twitter get a new owner? A: Twitter has not changed ownership recently. The company was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006, and it remains publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
  9. I'm not a fan of psych-things, but the act of cutting up a human corpse has got to leave a lasting mark on a person's brain.
  10. I said, “Carl, you’re eating two hot dogs.” He said, 'They ain’t gonna bother me. I love hot dogs and hot dogs love me.” But it wasn’t true. By that night, the hot dogs had done him in. -- Mel Brooks on the death of his friend Carl Reiner, age 98
  11. Gotta admit to having a sentimental spot for those rickety red buses with wooden floors, all windows opened . . .
  12. I experienced this in Australia, I think it was Brisbane. I had to take the commuter train one stop to the other side of the airport. It felt strange to suddenly be on a train with people going to work etc. while I'm hauling my bags. My request to our flat-Earth members is to please put up a child-proof fence at the edge. Generations will laud you for it.
  13. Don't bring your ATM card, checkbook, credit cards, and pack only enough cash for the weekend. No jewelry, if you insist on wearing a watch get a 150b tosser. This may not be the first time the family helped in the effort is presented to a farang boyfriend.
  14. I took Malaysian Airlines from Kuala Lumpur to Buenos Aires (a bit south of GIG on this map). with a stopover in Capetown, South Africa. The story going around was that a previous Malaysian PM (the one that ruled for 20+ years) owned a piece of Argentina, which is why the flight existed. Took about 24 hours total. I met someone who said she flew from BA to Oz on Argentina's airline, had to change planes on the west coast of SA (Santiago or Lima, can't recall) with a stop in Aukland. When she told me this I thought she was saying "Oakland" which is near San Francisco in the US -- was straining my brain trying to figure the logic of that. When it was time to leave I was hoping to get back to SEA via a Pacific route (in 2011) but all I could find at that time was via Los Angeles, California.
  15. They were stealing corn flakes? That big boss on the right is doing the sorry-est job of pointing in a BiB pic I've ever seen, he should be demoted.
  16. OH! I forgot about that! I'm old enough to remember Bruce & Chrissie.
  17. I think for a lot it would take more humility than they could muster to admit this guy had them taken in all along. They buy whatever he says, check your brains at the door. No turning back. Pelosi is a far-left radical. Joe is a communist. De Santis says all that censorship if for freedom. DT's whining about persecution and indictment, can't any of these people see just how pathetic and wimpy his act is? Anyone remember when they had Saddam on trial, and when they were asking one of his people about things he did, Saddam stood up and interrupted the court, saying, in effect, "whatever he did was because I told him to it, same with everyone else!" Rarely do you hear politicians and corporate execs take such responsibility. How are these macho guys in their oversized pickups and gun supporting bumper stickers letting themselves be led by a this clown?
  18. If there is one place on this planet with no taboo against picking your nose it is SEA. You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose. Unless you have permission: that's called consensual sex. Or you can use a toy, like an inhaler.
  19. The laugh comes when some time has elapsed and the people that said these things proclaim right out that they were lying (as opposed to a reporter squeezing it out of them). Even that snake Nigel Farage, when questioned about claims he made leading up to the Brexit vote said right out they were not true, like that infamous campaign bus with that message about billions of pounds lost. Even better was Sidney Powell telling a court 'no reasonable people' would believe her fraudulent election claims. Amazing the number of Americans that hold on to T____'s stolen election bs. As i've already posted, what the Dems are really running against in 2024 is the claims of election fraud and the insane baby-eating slander of the GOP.
  20. I would be concerned with the competition. They could make up any story if your presence becomes inconvenient to them, and just being a farang means you have much less standing against such claims. Not just imm., but taxes and whatever sort of rules pertaining to the kind of things you'd be selling. Having five stalls means you are five times more visible. Just my two satang worth . . .
  21. Another one who doesn't know how to do a web search.
  22. China truly is working on its world influence. https://eng.yidaiyilu.gov.cn/p/0T4ND13J.html And then there are the projects in Africa and South America. When Evo Morales was elected president of Bolivia within one week Beijing sent an airliner to fetch him to meet da boss. He was not inaugurated yet. I was in South America at the time, the story was covered all over SA media, including CNN en Espanol. I did not see it mentioned in media sources from outside the continent. I've long suspected the South China Sea would be the theatre for a war between the US and China. Even Obama, in a SOTU, briefly hinted at this.
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