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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Do they still drive at night with the headlights off in Mexico? Hopefully they've gotten past that one.
  2. As of this writing there are only 2 more BCS episodes left. So as not to beset myself with even more suspense I will save the penultimate episode until after I dl the last one, then watch them together. I will take a stab at one thing: the drastic phone call. Maybe the authorities have been putting the squeeze on Kim to get to him; maybe that phone call he heard about from her ("she asked about me!?!") was only because of the FBI's coercion. (Does anybody born in this century even know what a pay phone is? When they see The Matrix movies do they say "dude, what's with those little rooms with the little alarm boxes? Weird sci-fi stuff!") For those who may not know the old woman in the scooter is Carol Burnett, she's been doing comedy on US TV since the 1950s. Even as a little kid her stuff made me laugh. Trivia: both the actor who plays Eladio (the guy at the top of the cartel) and the guy who plays Hector ("ding-ding-ding") were in the movie Scarface.
  3. Barrack Obama on occasion would make jokes about being half white. E.g. he said after the 2012 election that his white half wanted to vote for Romney. Marley looked like he was fully black, maybe it was the lower half of his body that was white (no penile jokes please).
  4. Speculators gonna speculate. Ah, the wisdom of the hip-hop generation!
  5. You were razzed for doing visa runs, you didn't mention if they suspected you of some sort of monkey business. If not it's only imm. stuff, they wouldn't have let you in otherwise. You've been away 4 years and have a clean passport, relax. If you want to see Cambodia, here's your excuse. Malaysia has been doing fingerprinting on arrival (and maybe departure? can't recall) since first decade of the century.
  6. The former president-elect of the previous administration called Taiwan's president before he was even sworn in. No fuss from the Team Orange adherents about that. "Biased much?" indeed! https://thediplomat.com/2016/12/trumps-taiwan-phone-call-china-reacts/
  7. A lot of people in the industrialized world seem to think that in countries where the people eat things that Occidentals don't it is because poverty. E.g. I heard some media commentator remark about the theory that Covid came from people eating bats, saying that if it wasn't for poverty people wouldn't have to eat bats. Pretty simple-minded assumption IMO. A counter to this in Chinese cooking there is a dish called (loose translation here) of "Chicken for the King": the main ingredient is chicken gizzards, it is "for the King" because it is a wealthy man who can afford to have a sufficient number of chickens killed to make a dish of the gizzards. Well, that's what I read . . . I saw grilled dog being sold at street stalls in Cambodia, and detected a certain sense of embarrassment in the vendors in having an Occidental (me) catching them selling dog meat.
  8. Man, there's people running out of the building with fire on them, no one goes to their aid. Looks like they don't teach them to stop, drop and roll.
  9. Politicians like Pelosi, Biden, McConnell are perfect poster children for the need for two things; a/ Mandatory retirement ages b/ Mandatory term limits Someone conspicuous in their absence from this list, betrays the poster's bias.
  10. Isn't the support of despots and anti-democratic governments part of the "MAGA agenda"? The USA needs to get it's nomenclature together: define what is pro-American vs pro-MAGA. The world needs a clear picture of America's stance. The person who wrote this seems to think that the US now stands as an anti-democracy force, that "real Americans" suck up to despots, and Pelosi is anti-American for her pro democracy stand. American patriots (21st century edition, the ones flying flags on their pickup trucks) give in to strong foreign leaders, that's the new American way, delivered by a cowardly presidential impersonator. My guess is the author would like Thailand to put aside this democracy silliness, that the iron heel is the way to.
  11. This post brings to mind that fellow who was arrested in relation to that Charlottesville tiki-torch rally in 2017. He was an organizer, and maybe a week later when they caught up with him he cried, actual tears, said he didn't mean to hurt anybody, all that stuff about patriots shedding blood for love of country etc was just talk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Cantwell Another cry-baby was an actual baby, the Rittenhouse boy. Was I the only one who thought the bawling was phony, obviously performed previously for school principals and such? (I have a nephew that does the same thing: when the going gets tough, CRY.) Off the stand he is nowhere near contrite, even asked to have his assault weapon returned. https://www.npr.org/2022/01/28/1076310840/kyle-rittenhouse-goes-to-court-to-get-gun-back Keep an eye on this lad, I'm expecting bigger things from him in the future. He wants to go to college in Texas. If his fellow students shun him for being what he is he just might get a new weapon and get the last word. When he gets to court he knows he just has to turn on the tears, like last time. But Texas being Texas, that good guy with the gun we hear about just might settle him down once and for all.
  12. "Hey baby, do those things pick up satellite radio?" "No, but I am a walking hot spot!"
  13. It seems that in the Democratic Party it's the women who have the balls. For us old timers who lived through the Cold War years it's all topsy-turvy: standing up to dictators (what the US press used to call a "strong man" and was not a compliment), demanding free and fair elections in other countries, impassioned declarations of patriotism such as "love it or leave it," "better dead than red" and "these colors don't run." Now it's the Dems standing up to fascism while the GOP worries about upsetting the dictators. Some people in US Congress think a foreign policy refers to buying travel insurance.
  14. Ever hear of a US chain called Arby's? Opening a branch in another country would be considered an act of aggression.
  15. Australia's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry said a "range of undeclared risk products," including the fast food items, were detected in the passenger's rucksack by a biosecurity detector dog named Zinta. Must be really tough to train a dog to find a hamburger. The perpetrator's passport picture would have tipped them off.
  16. Ladies attending will be required to wear slacks in an attempt to prevent them from taking off their panties and bombarding the performer.
  17. She will be condemned by the MAGA-philes if she goes. She will be condemned by the MAGA-philes if she doesn't go. Whatever she does is wrong. No objective discussion possible here. I have noticed that the elder "great statesman" types of the GOP, like Kissinger, have, in general, been displaying a somewhat defeatist attitude. Not long ago "The Kiss" was saying the US should back off on the Ukraine so as not to get Putin any more riled up than he already is. https://www.businessinsider.com/kissinger-ukraine-give-up-land-russia-not-humiliate-putin-2022-5 Way to go to show strength and determination, Henry. But it is practically nostalgic that the likes of the much-much right wing Washington Examiner is taking a hard-line against China on this matter: Pelosi shouldn't back down on Taiwan trip Say what you will about Old Joe, one thing he is not is the bend-over boyfriend of the world's dictators, like his White House predecessor. China is not going to do something to get itself banished from the world's largest economy. When the various quarantines are over they'll have a lot of catching up to do, they're already missing out on shipping stuff in time for Xmas.
  18. I recall there was some chatter that Flynn's brother, also a military honcho, was somehow in charge of the National Guard and did something to delay the Guard's response that day. I've been anticipating the 1/6 committee bringing it up. Here's a glimpse into DT's way of thinking: in his one briefing Obama gave him before leaving office, Obama advised him to keep away from Flynn -- he's bad news and it is going to catch up with him. Under his orange bird's nest this is interpreted as "he wants me to dump Flynn, why would he want that?" so he took Obama's caution as a possible sabotage.
  19. Looks like I'll have to settle for this. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/09/19/a-trumpian-candidate-on-trumps-corset
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