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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. It seems that DT is trying to incite another "storm" immediately. He's desperate. This coming weekend is a 3 day holiday in US, I think he wants his faithful to spend it picking up where 1/6 left off. If there is such activity can we soon be seeing Federal agents arresting him (and maybe Lindsey too) for inciting it? With 10 weeks until midterms, election deniers are hampering some election preparations This one reeks of Bannon.
  2. Bye bye, the wife and kids must go with you. And Piers Morgan too.
  3. Some props for the man at the helm Trump Media & Technology Group Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), also known as T Media Tech LLC, is an American media and technology company founded in January 2021 by former U.S. president Donald Trump. On January 1, 2022, Republican U.S. representative Devin Nunes resigned his House seat to become the organization's CEO. In February 2022, TMTG launched a social network called Truth Social.
  4. Paying bills ain't exactly what he's about. Of course, anyone who had got their news from other than Fox/OAN/Newsmax knows this.
  5. The Russians will no doubt have an orderly, peaceful transfer of power. Like this
  6. Nice to get a window seat on this one. Did a similar trip Penang-Trang by land once: left around 8am and got to Trang at dusk, add another few hours to Phuket. Three minibuses. That US$50 fare is definitely worth it.
  7. Something wrong here, can't quite figure . . . oh, he's white! Ok, that was sarcasm, but yeah, I have seen cops get just as nasty on rednecks as they are in this vid.
  8. It's just one move. Overall I think there will still be unresolved parts to the Orange Infamy into the 2030s. There could be a MAGA gov't after the next presidential election determination to dole out plenary pardons or DT could die in the meantime, but don't you think DT would relish being at the top of the news another 8 years? Delay is all they have. DT has been running frivolous lawsuits for decades, delay is his go-to tactic. Hopefully at least one of the other criminal cases will succeed.
  9. Great question!! Best place to find your answer would be to dig up the threads from when the Mueller Report was released, plenty to learn there.
  10. The "give him enough rope" tactic paid off handsomely with this Boxgate business that no one saw coming, opening a new front of egregious activities to pursue in addition to the pending: phony 2020 electors clown convention to overthrow the 2020 vote phone calls to officials in swing states January 6th and now The Boxes Add to this the upcoming revisiting of the skullduggery connected to the 2016 election that Billy Barr managed to make go away. For a while.
  11. Impressive the scant coverage of this. It took big, brass ones for Barr to do his heavy redactions on that, and it stunk to high heaven. Espionage for the boss, obstruction for Barr -- or is obstructing a crime of treason itself treason? Barr seems to not care: William Barr: Death is inevitable, legacies are meaningless And then there's prison, Billy boy. Now we're waiting for the dots to connect: the aid to the 2016 DT campaign received from abroad, the infamous Lavrov/Kislyak meeting in the Oval (where intel tracked that DT revealed secrets), the brown-nose rendezvous with Putin in Helsinki (DT declaring at worldwide press conference that he puts more trust in Putin than his own intelligence agencies), those very long telephone calls with Vlad, and who knows whatever else he did in those 4 years, and finding out that info from the Mar a Lago boxes is known in the Kremlin.
  12. This is one time when I agree with the orange guy. Very American of him to condemn himself and outline how he will punish himself. Jail to the chief!
  13. All that black ink brings to mind the Mueller Report. Don't hesitate to remind this to someone who complains that the affidavit is too redacted. BTW something coming to surface on that one as well.
  14. I brought this up a few years ago: does the security detail become his captors? He's keeping the jet fueled and ready I'd bet.
  15. He wasn't necessarily ratted on, the MAGA crew likes culprits that they can get the rabble to froth at the mouth about. The archives people noticed some things were missing, they told the Mar a Lago cadre, DT got them to swear there were none left, and archives still saw things were not right. This resulted in the subpoena. In other words, the archives team found things missing, MaL cadre said "we ain't got nothing" and here we are. Personally, I think that The Kremlin had the whole kit'n'kaboodle scanned and in PDF format within days after it arrived down there. Hang on kids, we're going to Boris and Natasha stuff.
  16. Lived in Brazil for a while, they're known for lack of extradition treaties. Every other week, or so it seemed, an extradition story would make the news, like this one. Definitely judged on a case-by-case basis, most of the time it came down to "we don't want you either." So, if you have some rascality in mind don't count on it, anywhere. Even 20+ years ago I would see some pretty scary characters around Soi Buakhao.
  17. The one sleeping or the one picking his nose? Great thing about being a member of US Congress is it's ok to show up drunk. Sometimes they even brag about it.
  18. At what time does he become PM? "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman
  19. “A true friend stabs you in the front, not the back.” - Oscar Wilde
  20. When I saw the first Terminator movie in the 1980s I thought if Germans were considered an oppressed minority this movie would be considered racist because of Arnold's character. (ok, ok, Austrian!)
  21. The same could be said for DT himself: he put the Federalist Society picks on the Supreme Court and facilitated overturning Roe v Wade, That in itself warrants a blind eye to the scandals, thievery, obscenity etc. that is the world in which he lives. Before 2015 he probably had never even heard of the FS. Lets see how these fine, upstanding christians handle it should treasonous behavior against the country he was president of comes to light; my guess is they will write it off as senility or adverse reaction to some medication. Waiting to hear the FS take a position on the christian nationalist movement, and to see how American christians feel about Catholics being part of it.
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