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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I was thinking of Tom Cotton as a contender, and then this comes up today: Liz Cheney Isn't Taking Tom Cotton's Sh*t On the other hand he may be getting soft, US Senator is a pretty cushy job and in more cases than not they tend to auto-relect. He's GOP so the money is good. Who in their right mind would want a job where you are observed 24/7?
  2. They all left Saturday night. Sorrreee, you go so no refund for Sunday breakfast.
  3. And what will you do about it when they do? Can you receive SMS messages in hell? 2baht ; it's a wig
  4. A little ironic considering the creed of the countries and culture that heavily influenced cannabis use though the centuries.
  5. All those people spent all that money on guns and ammo and now they are itchy to use them. I'd also expect nagging spouses going on with "the kids need shoes and we have no money for them because you spent it all on your damn guns!"
  6. I think you mean Ted Cruz, that was during the 2015-16 campaign. All these invertebrate bullies are the same. Single terms for US senators and representatives,, I say! The Murdoch media machinery is backing away from DT, this is a turning point. There are at least six of these fringe conservatives with their eyes on the WH prize, the pyrotechnics will be going on next year at this time. If the GOP somehow manages to push the insurrectionist former occupant of the Oval aside will he go third-party? If so, and both DT and the GOP pick are defeated, I just might start believing in god!
  7. This turn is quite noteworthy, the bottom is falling out of DT media support. Also in recent days OAN is losing their cable carrier. MAGA Channel OAN Goes Wild on ‘Marxist’ Verizon for Dropping Network This is at a bad time for Team Orange, as he is launching another initiative to have the 2020 election results overturned in several states, e.g.: https://politicalwire.com/2022/07/20/trump-still-trying-to-overturn-election-results/ Said Vos: “I explained that it’s not allowed under the constitution. He has a different opinion.”
  8. Manufacture of hashish in LOS? Now that is something I'd like to see. So long as they produce a quality product.
  9. Keep an eye on Idaho, there has been secession buzz out of there for decades. Also there is an idea floating about for the State of Idaho to expand into a neighboring blue state, or two. I have the impression they (whatever part of the Federal gov't handles this sort of thing) had not even been thinking about a such happening in modern times, not until 1/6. Now of course I would expect these matters are getting attention.
  10. Here comes 2024! https://www.newsweek.com/newsom-hardest-democrat-beat-2024-presidential-race-tpusa-straw-poll-1727456
  11. I saw that train once at a crossing near Hualumpong, looked quite impressive. I looked it up and the cost was ridiculous.
  12. I would think a term like "wide open weed market" would mean no curtailing on the cultivation or sale, as if you were selling carrots or Matchbox cars. The US states where it is legal have piles of restrictions, some more than others.
  13. If you're going to go by train you have to be up for the adventure. If you want prompt transit services then fly. What I didn't need was a nasty steward (or whatever you call the guy who brings food) on a trip from Hat Yai to Bkk, wouldn't let me into the car where they sold the food, a downright nasty little sheet. Wouldn't buy anything from him. But I enjoyed the trip otherwise.
  14. Nightclub in Pattaya’s Walking Street raided for multiple alleged violations, say Pattaya police The violation? "Him no pay police tax!"
  15. Alas, but he did win: he bought three more months of delay. That's what all these phony suits and appeals are about. Playing for time, maybe they think LE is going to be bored with them and call an end to the charges, I guess. Anything that brings delay works in the favor of Team Orange.
  16. Overall he nearly always looks like he spent the night sleeping in the spot where he fell down drunk. Along with his style of dressing in layers (has any non-MAGA comedian in the US NOT joked about how many shirts he wears?) he seems to be trying to pass for homeless. Someone pointed out to me that it's a thing with some rich people to try to give the impression they are not so, but if you look closer you'll see that the ratty cargo pants were purchased from a tony catalog and cost US$400, for example. Also he nearly always sports a several-days beard growth, is that a tribute to Arafat?
  17. I've been Aeropress-curious for some time, would you care to comment on the coffee it makes? I guess it would depend on what one considers to be espresso. Myself, I try for a cafe con leche style: a little bit of very strong strong coffee (app. 1/4 cup) and then fill it up with hot milk.
  18. There is a certain country in Latin America that is notorious for the haughty attitude of its citizens. Their superiority seems to be borne of race: they think of themselves as white, but people from other countries would probably not describe them as such. Because their country is great they are the product and possessors of that greatness. However, in the course of my travels, the people there are the most conscious of treating foreigners as guests. They take it personally to impress that they are great people of a great country. People not of pale-skinned, European descent are not given this treatment, any person of indigenous descent there can tell you this. My point is just because you, the foreigner, are treated like a guest it is not necessarily a welcoming attitude.
  19. For brewing, Melitta-style paper filters at Daiso, the Japanese 60 baht stores. I figured out the sediment at the bottom of the cup is what messes up my sleep, even when I hadn't drunk any in 12 hours, so I need to keep the brew clean. They also sell the filter "funnel" but last I saw they were made of hard, brittle plastic that clumsy me would probably break in a few days; if you look around the markets that sell foreign goods you might be able to find the sturdier kind that will bounce back in one piece if you drop it.
  20. There was a book, and a movie made from it, called The Ox-Bow Incident. Young Henry Fonda, and if you don't blink young Anthony Quinn. A parable set in The Old West of vigilante justice, which is what these things border on. Recommended watching, even for children. (The book was on my 6th grade summer reading list long ago.) This new-wave of frontier justice (how apt it began in Texas!) will certainly yield some ugly results, but I think this what Newsom has in mind. A FedEx man delivers what he suspects is a mod to create an automatic weapon and then initiates an action, and the burden is on the accused. And then the accusations lead to investigations, and the search of the accused's house finds it was not what was suspected but they did find a few ounces of meth tucked into the couch. What if this kind of enforcement expands to things like, let's say, adultery? The job of motel clerk can turn very rewarding. Or bribery/kickbacks/etc that are not dismissed as being covered by Citizens United -type laws? The US is going to need a lot more lawyers. What? Newsom has an eye on the White House? Really?
  21. Just look at that nose! The worst thing about prison will be he'll get very, very thirsty.
  22. Did you notice his lawyers didn't do any defense? How is that even a trial? It's like saying "I'm innocent because I said I am." I'm expecting the judge to give the lawyers some blowback on this, but by claiming he was a victim of his inept lawyers the path to an appeal opens up. If he's in the lockup he can't dodge any more subpoenas, and showing up in court in the orange jumpsuit makes for "bad optics" as a former television star would say. Let's see how this verdict affects the rest of DT's above the law gang. As Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Vaughn put it Friday, “That is like a child continuing to argue with their parent after they’re told they’re grounded. That kid knows they’re grounded, they can argue all they want, it doesn’t change the fact that the decision has been made.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/jury-begins-deliberating-steve-bannons-jan-6-contempt-congress-trial-rcna39497
  23. And why is it that those who go there to live get some sort of work while the American citizens live in tent cities? Perhaps you should visit the encampments and get your answers first hand.
  24. I don't have much experience with men lying about their age but with women, yes. Met one gal through an ad back when Clinton was pres. She said she was forty, and when I met her I thought she looks like she's had it rough for 40. Later in the date she mentioned that she's actually 54, but she tells people she's 40 because she looks 40. Ummmmm......
  25. I've been trying to visualize what that would look like. I also sense that the way DT abandoned all those 1/6 patriots has caused bitterness in the ranks. For strictly entertainment purposes check out the series Homeland, season 7 episode 4. For something less fictional: The vigilantes running wildfire checkpoints in Oregon are the latest right-wing militants to take advantage of a crisis. and this one: The True Story of the Antifa Invasion of Forks, Washington If the various Federal enforcement services buy into it there will be no good for any citizen of any political polarity. Except those running the show. And do bear in mind most of the things that come out of the mouths of the MAGA patriots are ridiculous, so they really don't know what the hell they'd be fighting for, just listen to the personal interviews done outside of DT events.
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