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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Ever hear of Lady Macbeth, princess? Meghan would probably ask what her Facebook handle is. William probably moved the family to Windsor Castle to protect them from her.
  2. Leonard Leo This is a name to remember, the man behind the curtain. Reversing the scourge of all the terrible things the liberal thinking of the 1960s wrought. This includes civil rights of every stripe. Gays back into the closet. Women back to the kitchen. Black folks go back across the street. Stores closed on Sundays because people should be in church, not shopping. In the early 1960s the pope hosted something called Vatican II that was supposed to bring the religion into the 20th century; it resulted in no more meatless Fridays, getting rid of the "Flying Nun" habits, masses performed in local languages (as opposed to Latin) and more than I can't recall. I suspect brother Leo here would like get rid of those too. Pat Cipollone, one of DT's lawyers, was head of the Knights of Columbus, a powerful organization in the Catholic Church. The non-Catholic Christians in the US vilify the Catholics, and I've wondered how so many of them made it into SCOTUS. Now I know. Like when using the word vintage it should be used with a year or the name of an era, e.g "1950s vintage" or "vintage flapper." So should the word conservative: this guy wants 1950s conservatism. Rick Santorum, for instance, seems to want to go back to the Inquisition. Let's see how Clarence Thomas reacts to finding out if he doesn't leave his wife he's going to prison when interracial marriage is outlawed again. The folly of it all is that DT doesn't give a rat's tail about any of this stuff. Some day he's going to brag about how he enabled all the stuff the Catholic conservatives wanted, and suddenly there is all that dreaded fruit flying in his direction: Trump on high alert about projectile fruit: ‘Very dangerous … you can get killed’
  3. Posted at 17:10 ???? Maybe Prawit told him what the time was. That would be great, if people would only say to the new acting PM "what time is it?" Imagine a press conference, where each reporter, one after the other, asks him "what time is it?"
  4. In younger years when staying in youth hostels and similar there would be guys running around the halls in Speedos. Those were the Germans.
  5. Big noses run in my family. 6...5...4...3...2...
  6. Makes sense to me: mussels in pineapple curry sauce sounds like something a pothead would come up with.
  7. He does headchopping/firing/banishing. Remember he promised to get rid of NAFTA? He did by changing the name of the treaty. I'll fire this bad guy, I'll fire that terrible woman, etc. And he will, gladly. Won't make an difference in things, though. The votes of the double-digit IQ crowd are there for the taking.
  8. So let's see: there were no documents THEY planted the documents the documents were DT's personal property the documents weren't classified the documents would be de-classified upon a pronouncement of the former president and, of course: it's all a hoax And we're only 2 weeks in.
  9. If you take a hallucinogen and don't hallucinate does it still count?
  10. This was a popular joke in San Francisco in the 1970s thru 1990s. There were people of a certain "group" (merely specifying the sort of group itself will bring outrage) infamous for its lack of humor. Question: How many [members of group] does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!
  11. When he leaves office the message on his voicemail will say "If you have called to threaten the life of the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases please call [number of new director]." Yeah, dark humor. I wish the guy well, we're from the same village.
  12. I get robo-calls telling me my car's extended warranty is about to expire. They never say if it's the Rolls or the Bentley, though. There is a device available to anyone that allows the monitoring of traffic on cellular systems (costs a few thousand $$$ last I heard). They can't listen in but they can tell what number called another number, length of connection, maybe even geo-location. That's probably how they got your number. By not answering it may discourage future calls, but by rejecting or answering it gives them confirmation that it is a valid number and can then be added to a list and then sold. Blocking a number doesn't help, as the caller's number is spoofed. In the US they will spoof the area codes to your own, this way you're led to think it is someone in your neighborhood and you'll pick up.
  13. So, it looks like others are noticing this too. Columbo. A police detective TV series from the 1970s, definitely a unique character that defies description. Peter Falk plays the mild-mannered cop whose technique is to annoy people into confessing. It takes place in Los Angeles so he's usually dealing with tinseltown elite. Each episode begins with a carefully crafted murder that he has to solve. After the first season or 2 it seems he was able to cast anyone he wanted; Patrick McGoohan appears as the guest culprit in a few. I think binge-watching this one might take an effect on the nervous system.
  14. Never liked Bean, but definitely a finalist in the "most punchable face" competition. I guess he reminds me of someone I once knew. Great job in Ronin, though.
  15. The officers can take turns bringing it home for the night.
  16. There is technology that allows any number to be filled in for the "call from:" number, so there is really no telling anymore.
  17. But but but what about all those boxes of ballots that were loaded on to a truck during the night? And the hacking of the voting machines done by Idi Amin? And do I need to mention the obvious interference of Salomon Island space lasers?
  18. Saul Goodman was sentenced to life plus 150 years. He plea-bargained it down to 70.
  19. Did they think they could strike a bargain where he agrees to put the hair back? Eight year old kid witnesses the gruesome death of her parents, heinous is an understatement. No "mom and dad are away on trip" excuse there!
  20. If he becomes prison barber, and if anyone criticizes him . . .
  21. In the past week Liz made a speech mentioning that she knows people who do not believe the election was stolen but publicly say they do, for the sake of political favor. Don't these people understand the consequences of their actions/inactions?
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