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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. She will be condemned by the MAGA-philes if she goes. She will be condemned by the MAGA-philes if she doesn't go. Whatever she does is wrong. No objective discussion possible here. I have noticed that the elder "great statesman" types of the GOP, like Kissinger, have, in general, been displaying a somewhat defeatist attitude. Not long ago "The Kiss" was saying the US should back off on the Ukraine so as not to get Putin any more riled up than he already is. https://www.businessinsider.com/kissinger-ukraine-give-up-land-russia-not-humiliate-putin-2022-5 Way to go to show strength and determination, Henry. But it is practically nostalgic that the likes of the much-much right wing Washington Examiner is taking a hard-line against China on this matter: Pelosi shouldn't back down on Taiwan trip Say what you will about Old Joe, one thing he is not is the bend-over boyfriend of the world's dictators, like his White House predecessor. China is not going to do something to get itself banished from the world's largest economy. When the various quarantines are over they'll have a lot of catching up to do, they're already missing out on shipping stuff in time for Xmas.
  2. I recall there was some chatter that Flynn's brother, also a military honcho, was somehow in charge of the National Guard and did something to delay the Guard's response that day. I've been anticipating the 1/6 committee bringing it up. Here's a glimpse into DT's way of thinking: in his one briefing Obama gave him before leaving office, Obama advised him to keep away from Flynn -- he's bad news and it is going to catch up with him. Under his orange bird's nest this is interpreted as "he wants me to dump Flynn, why would he want that?" so he took Obama's caution as a possible sabotage.
  3. Looks like I'll have to settle for this. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/09/19/a-trumpian-candidate-on-trumps-corset
  4. The real impressive thing (IMO) was how he got them at the very first announcement, the Day of the Descending Escalator. Something in those first words grabbed 30% of the country and they are still with him. Before that he was tv's "you're fired" buffoon.
  5. I have spent a lot of time in Malaysia, mostly Penang, but I've been to lots of places on the peninsula. Never got hassled crossing the border via land or air, never got eyeballed by LE, never had problems receiving packages from abroad. Then I went over to Eastern Malaysia to see what it was like. Spent over a month in various places. Then I got to Kota Kinabalu. On a city bus, the first time I was stopped randomly and had my papers checked in my SEA travels; they were not in uniform, so when the lead guy said "passport" I said "no passport" then he told me "we are police" and all three of them showed their badges. Saw two teenagers, a boy and a girl (her wearing a hijab) sitting on the quayside and two uniformed cops start hassling them. In some Latin American countries there will be women discreetly sitting in the lobbies of budget hotels. They are selling companionship . In KK it will instead be a man, over 30, insisting on eye contact, and probably Chinese. Also a lot of men on the street who seem to be seeking new friends. Maybe the town has a reputation. I do find it odd that this permissiveness goes on in a place that appears to have such strict cops. I met a young European guy with long hair that a female imm. officer wouldn't let on to the plane back to the KL, some "passport problem." The fellow got back in line and went to a different officer, checked in with no problem. A final word on Malaysia cops: talking with a Malay taxi driver who worked the Sadao border area, he said the Thai cops just want money -- you pay them and they go on their way. The Malay cops want the money but they also beat you up, they like to do the strangle-hold that make you pass out.
  6. They beat ya with the whippin' stick down there, same as Singapore. I wonder if this testing is in place only because someone 'made a deal' to spend millions in gov't funds for drug-user detection systems. What the does it matter? Even in the US there is no law against "internal possession."
  7. Looks like we have a DT impersonator in the making. Next step for Sammy is the comb-over and orange face paint.
  8. Well, to the hardcore white supremacist type certain groups who we all think of as White people might not cut it with them, so it's going to get real confusing as to who is on who's side during a firefight. There's that one-third number again. That's the MAGA percentage, hasn't gone below 30% since the day He came down the escalator.
  9. When it was announced sometime in the past week how Manchin was doing his usual turd in the punchbowl routine ("I just can't do that to my grandchildren" (don't you just love cowards who hide behind their kids?)) someone on US television news said something about Chuck Schumer threatening him with going after some of his self-serving coal industry involvement. I didn't take it seriously, I don't expect much from Chuck. Well, I happily stand corrected and am impressed how he put Manchin's feet to the fire. If you want details on Manchin's gravy train this will give you a clue: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/08/manchin-family-coal-company-00003218
  10. I was thinking of Tom Cotton as a contender, and then this comes up today: Liz Cheney Isn't Taking Tom Cotton's Sh*t On the other hand he may be getting soft, US Senator is a pretty cushy job and in more cases than not they tend to auto-relect. He's GOP so the money is good. Who in their right mind would want a job where you are observed 24/7?
  11. They all left Saturday night. Sorrreee, you go so no refund for Sunday breakfast.
  12. And what will you do about it when they do? Can you receive SMS messages in hell? 2baht ; it's a wig
  13. A little ironic considering the creed of the countries and culture that heavily influenced cannabis use though the centuries.
  14. All those people spent all that money on guns and ammo and now they are itchy to use them. I'd also expect nagging spouses going on with "the kids need shoes and we have no money for them because you spent it all on your damn guns!"
  15. I think you mean Ted Cruz, that was during the 2015-16 campaign. All these invertebrate bullies are the same. Single terms for US senators and representatives,, I say! The Murdoch media machinery is backing away from DT, this is a turning point. There are at least six of these fringe conservatives with their eyes on the WH prize, the pyrotechnics will be going on next year at this time. If the GOP somehow manages to push the insurrectionist former occupant of the Oval aside will he go third-party? If so, and both DT and the GOP pick are defeated, I just might start believing in god!
  16. This turn is quite noteworthy, the bottom is falling out of DT media support. Also in recent days OAN is losing their cable carrier. MAGA Channel OAN Goes Wild on ‘Marxist’ Verizon for Dropping Network This is at a bad time for Team Orange, as he is launching another initiative to have the 2020 election results overturned in several states, e.g.: https://politicalwire.com/2022/07/20/trump-still-trying-to-overturn-election-results/ Said Vos: “I explained that it’s not allowed under the constitution. He has a different opinion.”
  17. Manufacture of hashish in LOS? Now that is something I'd like to see. So long as they produce a quality product.
  18. Keep an eye on Idaho, there has been secession buzz out of there for decades. Also there is an idea floating about for the State of Idaho to expand into a neighboring blue state, or two. I have the impression they (whatever part of the Federal gov't handles this sort of thing) had not even been thinking about a such happening in modern times, not until 1/6. Now of course I would expect these matters are getting attention.
  19. Here comes 2024! https://www.newsweek.com/newsom-hardest-democrat-beat-2024-presidential-race-tpusa-straw-poll-1727456
  20. I saw that train once at a crossing near Hualumpong, looked quite impressive. I looked it up and the cost was ridiculous.
  21. I would think a term like "wide open weed market" would mean no curtailing on the cultivation or sale, as if you were selling carrots or Matchbox cars. The US states where it is legal have piles of restrictions, some more than others.
  22. If you're going to go by train you have to be up for the adventure. If you want prompt transit services then fly. What I didn't need was a nasty steward (or whatever you call the guy who brings food) on a trip from Hat Yai to Bkk, wouldn't let me into the car where they sold the food, a downright nasty little sheet. Wouldn't buy anything from him. But I enjoyed the trip otherwise.
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