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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Aussies can get the pension in Thailand but I think they have to go home for 2 years to qualify, maybe an Auss can explain, NZ its totally portable, hope it stays that way, Winston Peters just stopped the National govt from raising the age to 67, if they raise it much more many will die b4 they reach pension age ,but Politicians want that, narcissist's
  2. A bit of history. Pratunam Bangkok, was the red light area during the Vietnam war ,and full off gambling dens, you can still see the peep holes in some of the houses opposite the Indra hotel in the back Sois, my friend lived there for 45 years. It gradually migrated around to Sukhumvit.
  3. The article by Bob Scott seams credible SEEMS, so the police should be paying attention even if they think it's a hoax, it's very sad, but look what happened a few years ago in NZ , the govt and people never thought a mass shooting in a mosque would ever happen.
  4. Psychiatric exam, and 30 years in the nut house, I prey the lunatic does not carry out his intentions, the dumb law allows him to do this, then there will be some anger against the law, and sadly misery for parents, its the dumbest law I have ever seen it this land
  5. I have seen them all over the place, lots in BK, my wifes GF has a brother who sells these, they negotiate the price for as much as they can swindle out of you, some take trade ins, they buy stock from auctions and repossessed cars which they have to get the right money for the finance company who probably refinances the car for them and they make e nice cut. So they just leave them in an open shed with a phone number and will negotiate with you if you call them, they are not interested much in Farlangs
  6. yes your right easy to track, found my phone was at the Drs surgery got it back good as gold. So by tracking it he might get it back, or can delete everything, and the phone is useless, also his phone company can block the phone, at least they did that for me in NZ when I had a phone stolen, it was fingerprint and pin locked, then blocked by phone company , rendered useless to any thief. But as he might have dropped his phone or left it in a Taxi he might get it back by calling it as you say.
  7. You should be able to download apps from playstore to your phone or tablet, with just about any radio station you need
  8. I have seen younger girls with fake ID with men trying to take them up to their hotel room. I was sitting in the lobby with my GF and the receptionist called me over and asked me If I thought the girl looked like the same girl in the ID PIC, I said''I'm not sure'', and off they went upstairs
  9. Don't worry, the Red Bull team will contribute, maybe the brat will be an organiser
  10. Is this after the victim took pics of their passports then went to the airport to catch them by himself. And what idiots would remain at the crime scene to be arrested. Very stupid going on here, but where is the crypto? whos got that, maybe someone organized this with a brain, and employed brainless idiots to carry out the crime. Who Knows.
  11. Amazes me, took pictures of passports, whose? then went to the airport as a vigilante, to look for the perps- who were going to smash his hands up with a hammer, having no luck he reports this to the police to find the perps, something smells like rotten fish here.
  12. Yes there are many medical papers published now about ivermectin helping to fight cancer especially prostate cancer
  13. If your Thai and well dressed you might get a 200 Bhat ticket for going the wrong way on a MB
  14. I did not ask for vet info you insult a Nobel prize winning drug that has saved hundreds of thousands from blindness
  15. 15 points for foreign criminal plan and 1 point for police crime.
  16. What Chinese tours spend is controlled by the tour guides, who only take them to Chinese owned venues. Apart from being allowed to stand on the beach for a half hour and chain smoke.
  17. I thought falangs were not allowed to give tax advice in Thailand
  18. Doe anyone know where to buy ivermectin at a reasonable price here.
  19. And Turkish suspect husband nowhere to be seen, incredible that she got off.
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