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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Just remember it's a man fighting like a female cat, when I was at sea nobody messed with the stewards, they were all mostly gay and had reputations for being vicious fighters if messed with.
  2. It's becoming clear that elephants are more important than kicked doctors.
  3. I used to go to the university hospital in Bangkok, they have a skin clinic, once you register they will see you, very good service and cheap, about 1200 Bhat for checking body and burning off. Petcharat hospital close to Huahin is good, had a few cut out there very cheap for surgery and test results less than 2000 Bhat for removing 3 lesions. I found Bangkok hospital very expensive 10,000 Bhat just for check and burn about 7 spots.
  4. Agree, she was kicked by a bad asz person who seems to be involved in the criminal world big time. Deport him, bye bye blackbird.
  5. All good signs that he is doing well from his expert medical teams advice.
  6. Get a local bike mechanic and fit a new lock, or if the seat lock used the same key, remove it and take it to a good locksmith. Other than that you could contact the dealers if you have all the paperwork they might supply you a new key.
  7. Get a local bike mechanic and fit a new lock, or if the seat lock used the same key, remove it and take it to a good locksmith. Other than that you could contact the dealers if you have all the paperwork they might supply you a new key.
  8. I'm nice as pie,to all the authorities I don't get involved with ruskys or German, but talk with a few at the local, that I've known for years, all good .Never had problems with bar girls, hardly go to those bars,but if I do it's all fun and joking. People seem to go to bad bars and get scammed then turn angry, they are stupid to get angry they should call the tourist police and calmly sort it, every knew tourist should have that number on their phone and get a crash course in bar scamming b4 they leave for Los, if they are going to go looking at these sorts of venue's. My first visit to Germany when I was younger and at sea, we were warned by experienced crew to not let girls sit at your table and don't buy them drinks.
  9. Not only Thailand, the whole world is rotten, carbon credit BS water pollution, plastic in fish, and just about everything we eat, pesticides in breakfast cereal and just about all we eat, exhaust pollution in most cities causing lung cancer, ect, ect, ect
  10. I agree, watched your link. It's looking like the jaunta will lose the battle soon. I think the Thai government is caught between a rock and a hard face. They have agreements with the existing, and could be under pressure. How they go about this will be interesting, if they let planes in and allow the jaunta to escape they will no doubt face huge criticism worldwide.
  11. I have disputed a few over the top bar bills b4 in LOS,called the tourist police, they settled b4 they arrived, both times, I watch where I drink, that taught me a lesson years ago, and I always steer clear of Pattaya for years now, never have disputes in bars. Never have trouble anywhere just be nice and take it easy out there.
  12. Since the closure of mental asylums worldwide over the last few years, mental patients roam about in society because politicians think that medicating them up to the eyeballs is safe and cheaper. Meanwhile crime and killings, mass shootings increase worldwide. Medical history doesn't prevent these people from traveling, we're told that they are unlikely to offend, and when many do nothing is mentioned about their medical history due to privacy law's. In NZ mental patients sleep in the streets with nowhere to go, motels have now become emergency housing, funded by the government, it's dire straights in NZ, with many motels refusing to take them anymore, as they ruin the places eventually.
  13. The USA proxy war on Russia would be a good starting point
  14. Growing Skunk under moonlight will be some politicians priority
  15. Crypto currency is digital, only find it in the crypto account, the Russians are up to everything now. Maybe Pattaya could become a state of Russia.
  16. I knew a German who overstayed 5 years in NZ, he stayed in a caravan, hunted possums and ate them, did the council a favour. He got caught when he moved to another farm and argued with the owner over payment for staying on the land, amazed me he was a computer programming expert, who once worked for Kim Dot. Com
  17. I knew a German who overstayed 5 years in NZ, he stayed in a caravan, hunted possums and ate them, did the council a favour. He got caught when he moved to another farm and argued with the owner over payment for staying on the land, amazed me he was a computer programming expert, who once worked for Kim Dot. Com
  18. I knew a German who overstayed 5 years in NZ, he stayed in a caravan, hunted possums and ate them, did the council a favour. He got caught when he moved to another farm and argued with the owner over payment for staying on the land, amazed me he was a computer programming expert, who once worked for Kim Dot. Com
  19. I knew a German who overstayed 5 years in NZ, he stayed in a caravan, hunted possums and ate them, did the council a favour. He got caught when he moved to another farm and argued with the owner over payment for staying on the land, amazed me he was a computer programming expert, who once worked for Kim Dot. Com
  20. I knew a German who overstayed 5 years in NZ, he stayed in a caravan, hunted possums and ate them, did the council a favour. He got caught when he moved to another farm and argued with the owner over payment for staying on the land, amazed me he was a computer programming expert, who once worked for Kim Dot. Com
  21. I knew a German who overstayed 5 years in NZ, he stayed in a caravan, hunted possums and ate them, did the council a favour. He got caught when he moved to another farm and argued with the owner over payment for staying on the land, amazed me he was a computer programming expert, who once worked for Kim Dot. Com
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