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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 6 hours ago, jvs said:

    I for one hate to see this go,it does attract many people from all over the world and it is a place where many people buy their souvenirs.

    It goes two ways,the stalls are blocking the footpath,yes they do.I do think that when the stalls are gone there won't be any people left





    pressure from big business, all vendors will be gone in a few years, just as the tourists will as well. 

  2. 9 hours ago, jackspratt498 said:

    "As he approached the scene there was a lot of dust and he could not see anything..."


    So, at this point of course he stops right?


    Because, if you're driving a minivan with a bunch of people, of course you're not going to just keep driving forward right?


    Because you can't see what's in front of you and that's really, reeeaallly important right?


    If you can't outright stop you're going to slow waaay down as safely and as quickly as possible because, what's causing all that dust right?




    Ahh <deleted> it! Just keep going.


    So back to the story where of course " ...he smacked into the back of the truck."







    And the truck driver fell asleep and hit the hydraulic switch ------

    The car driver behind thought, get out of my way , come on hurry up , smack.

  3. 12 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    Having the appeal heard by the same trial judge is absurd. Has any judge ever overruled his own verdict?


    You could not be more precise.

    Absolute insult to the intelligence of everyone in this world.

    If the families of the victims would stand up like Hanna did then these boys might have a show.

    Sorry to say that but they can not be that blind and cruel as to let 2 innocent young men die.


  4. 10 hours ago, pumpuy said:

    If Thai Police does not find an answer to some questions they might have concerning some criminal cases , it would be sufficient to ask some TV members who know everything , ( better ) ...


    Exactly, I think the Thai Police are doing quite well so far.

    The comment "thought to have died in 2008" is mysterious or wrong.

    If right then the plot thickens as to why the body was kept????

  5. 13 minutes ago, pkspeaker said:

    in ALL that time, he couldn't figure out someway of getting rid of the body?  You wouold think in the fake passport business there would be some guy like that dude in pulp fiction that specializes in this sort of thing.


    Yes that's the info we all want to know

    It seems a very sicko thing to keep a body that long and go to the trouble of lugging it around with you.

    The guy is a very devious and sicko anyway, on the run for 40 years and involved in credit card fraud since 1979.

    I don't know if the truth will ever come out although maybe the others might give something up.

    I'm sure they could have used the parts as foundations around Bangkok and it seems none would be the wiser.


    So what is the reason???, either the guy is seriously sick in the head or some other reason, maybe there is a missing persons alert out somewhere and when they identify him his relatives might shed some light on the case. ???

    Looks like the grounds here for a new Bangkok book. "Meltdown in Bangkok "



  6. 5 hours ago, Alive said:

    Something silly about this. Owns the fishery and caught the fish in it? No records here in my view. Sure it might show how big a fish can get but nothing natural about this.


    Correct, fishing from lakes full of fed carp is not really a sport, the thrill is winding them in, then you through them back.

    There are some beautiful places in the mountain rivers where you can pay to go out for a day and catch them really, also several variety's of huge river fish. Kaeng Krachan is stunning and well worth a visit not far from BK or Hua Hin the locals would be glad to see you as only busy certain times of the year, plus you can keep what you catch, ones enough and they will cook it up for you and your mates.


  7. 6 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    Far from it.


    Cambodia - Despite heightened risks to the outlook, growth should remain solid. FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast panelists expect the economy to expand 6.9% in 2016, which is down 0.1 percentage points from last month's projection. In 2017, panelists also expect the economy to expand 6.9%.


    Laos - Growth should remain solid this year—despite weaker regional trade—thanks in part to the government’s loose and infrastructure focused fiscal policy. FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast panelists expect GDP to expand 7.1% in 2016, which is down 0.1 percentage points from last month’s forecast. For 2017, the panel also sees growth of 7.1%.


    Myanmar - The lifting of economic sanctions is another milestone for Myanmar, an increasingly attractive destination for FDI. FocusEconomics panelists expect the economy to grow 8.2% in 2016, which is unchanged from last month’s estimate. For 2017, the panel projects growth of 8.1%.


    Then we look at Thailand it is all pretty negative over the spread. http://www.focus-economics.com/countries/thailand




    When I look at Thailand I see senseless importing of Burmese labour to undercut Thai workers.

    They are flat out in Hua Hin and Cha amm building empty resorts and apartment blocks.

    I think young Thai men feel that gumagone/ labourer is below them , therefore turning to pimping and drug dealing.

    Very sad that the government lets these workers in by the thousands when unemployment is high for Local Thai residents.

    Brain dead I call it.


  8. 6 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


    The tourists had bought the tickets cheap at Khao Sarn Road. Police said they had travelled on an unregistered service that was set up to rip them off, reported Thairath.


    So, they basically know all the black sheep, but let them operate? Wasn't an Anti corruption thingy going on? Oh, not really?

     And not having an eye on your money is a huge mistake.


          Willkommen in Thailand. :rolleyes:




    The definition of insanity is , Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

    This practice has been going on for years, I posted about it a few days ago.

    Buy a cheap Charlie ticket from a cheap guest house get transported to a service station then picked up by a Bus to wherever your going.

    Usually a double decker bus where the bags are below and the passengers crammed in up top.

    When you arrive at your destination you wont even know your bags have been rifled unless you check them when you get off the bus.

    I went on one of these a few years back and this happened to everyone , bags had been rifled, except mine as I kept it with me as I was tipped off after I bought the ticket.

    Why these backpackers don't use government busses which are reliable and buy these tickets from doss house guest houses is unbelievable.


    Having said that I helped a young German at the Burmese border to get back to Kanchanaburi, he was to mean to pay the ten seater that ferries to the border $5 US and did not want to pay, I said to him if you don't pay him you will be standing in this shanty town all day.

    Then when we got to the other side he saw we had a truck and asked for a lift to Kanchanaburi.

    He was nice enough and well educated, we could tell he was not short but to mean to pay to get out of Burma, by the only van available.

    This it what drives the rip off busses and doss houses survival. Backpackers to mean and stupid enough to take the advice of the cheap guest houses and tour operators.

    Lonely Planet get read these days?

    Then of course the Police turning a blind eye to these gangs and the shaky bus companies.

    Its all part of the game .

  9. 5 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

    I do not understand why Thailand allows some these African Countries citizens to enter The Kingdom to start with !!


    I am not Racism, I am an 81 year ole realist !


    Correct not racist, it is a fact that Nigerians are renowned  as international fraudsters and scammers.

    In parts of Nigeria the Native residents can't walk through town without paying tolls to gangs.

    The place is alive with gangs and fraud, so bad that probably everyone is involved in some sort of scamming.

    Why the government here has not put severe visa restrictions on them is beyond belief.

    Not to mention the other players in the fraud gangs from other countries, Russia being one that stands out.

    Thailand is a Hub for scammers and criminals worldwide to operate in.


    It is very sad as the place is becoming more and more dangerous by the year.

    The government picks on the wrong people in their crackdown on expats staying here, instead of increasing background checks and stringent passport/ visa examination.

    It's making the place hell and uncomfortable for the innocent that have been here for years have a family and contribute to Thailand's economy.

    I'm going to go back home next year to live and only come here for three to four months a year.

    I will still contribute as I keep my house and pay rent and support family.

    I would not want my young son to be educated here or grow up here anymore.

    It is a shame to see what was a very nice country turned into a sewer of madness, corruption and crime, drug running, meth usage and lunatic suicidal drivers.

    Not the only country in the world that is bad for this , the problem is escalating world wide --- where are we going?


  10. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    obviously they are all up to no good and the fact they are withholding their names etc  would mean to me they have previous form from their home countries - wasn't there a mention of FBI involvement (not sure), there were also a lot of guns on display


    could possibly be a pedophile ring since something happened that brought them to the attention of police....who knows




    There are some nasty horrible people in this country from foreign countries.

    Maybe the way they get into Thailand needs some serious attention.

    What they are up to is a lottery but the basis for a new Bangkok book or movie.

    The world is awash with scum and all our glorious leaders do is open the floodgates and let them move in.

    One night in Bangkok, that's enough for me, I like the place for a quick visit and get out.

    The fact that the Police are involving the FBI probably means something very sinister, I will throw a few in for thought.

    Maybe organ stealing or drug running with consignment inside body, other than that people involved in ISIS being moved around, it is a mystery this one.:shock1:


  11. 9 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    Exploitation in an Arab country surely not !

    Morals so far above infidels,



    This must mean that the United nations is not aware of this business going on for years and that it is ok for middle eastern and other countries including LOS to human traffic and enslave females.

    Cut the heads off the leaders of these countries.

  12. 6 hours ago, alocacoc said:

    Good Job Immigration fro the 4k THB. Just do everything what is possible to shy away tourists. I think, the best solution could be to to assign to every foreigner an guide, like in North Korea.

    Burmese can come here and stay anywhere, we cant move around Myanmar without reporting or have a chaperone when you move between cities.

    The law is ok but it is overkill , if you go to BK for a few days you have to report back to your home town when you return.

    I have been away for 4 months overseas my address from immigration is still in my passport, its even on my NZ visa information and recorded by the Thai embassy in NZ, so should I go back into town and tell them I'm back because they know already when I passed through immigration at BK.

    If I changed my house I would go and report it but I've been in the same house 3 years, next time I go on tiki tour I will be on the lookout.



  13. As sleeping gas is heavier than air they would have needed a lot to do this and risked killing everyone as the Russians killed 120 in the hostage crisis.

    One provable is that they may have been spiked  in their food or drinks  a bit earlier.

    Another is that the thieves were just very silent.

    The smell was probably sewerage which we all live with in LOS, shamefully it has never been improved over the years.


    I go with a small spike in the food or drinks, gas would be a probable if it was a multi million dollar jewel theft even then not likely.

    Obviously a gang of robbers just like the ones that rob tourist busses all the time while the passengers are on the upper deck they rifle the luggage below.

    I went on one of these after buying a ticket from a guest house, then I was warned about them getting robbed, I still went on it and took only a back pack which stayed with me.

    After the bus breaking down halfway from Chiang mai to BK and then arriving in BK very late everyone discovered that their bags had been rifled.

    A nasty gang connected to tourism as the Bus robbers are.   :sorry:

  14. 1 hour ago, captspectre said:

    any semi experienced tourist would say, no key, no stay! why would anyone place their luggage in an "unlocked" room all day! and the smell? why did theynot complain or just move? the chinese are the new charlie tuna's in thailand.

    Getting worse every week her in LOS.

    Definite setup from the start, no keys , French door does not lock, then the Perfume Garden, never heard of this type of stuff, however a keystone cop should be able to solve this in seconds.

    CCTV ? did that work/ bet it was switched or faulty at the time, this hotel should be closed down by the Prime Minister until further investigation.

  15. 23 hours ago, greenchair said:

    Yep, the 51 percent I put in nothing and you put in 100 percent scam. 

    Then I sue you for the 51 percent that I never had and win scam. 

    Well done old chap, I heard cambodia is very welcoming of foreigners right now. 

    My thoughts were wondering where he would move to next, plenty of people in the picture might not like him .

    This is the first time I've heard of one going the right way.

    I have one friend at present who's house has been sold out from behind his back over a relation of GF gambling.

    Another who is to scarred to live in his house that his GF paid not one Baht for as she tried to kill him over an argument and wrecked the house. He cant sell it but she cant touch it as its on a lease and his son will take it over eventually , the house now lies empty and he had to move away to avoid her.

    He even got a lawyer to offer her half of its value and she refused, now when the lease runs out my friend will be a 100 and the stupid GF will be over 70

    Good on the Dane for winning one.

  16. 20 hours ago, robblok said:

    IMHO the family has had access to far more information then anyone here on the forum and also has far more at stake.. so I kinda trust their judgement. The family has had information from the UK police and other info.


    Anyway like you I have not followed this closely but I would certainly think that the family had a lot at stake here and would have had far more information and would know more then most .. if not all.. on this forum.


    Just because we have not seen it does not mean its not there.

    One of the family was brave enough to speak out.

    The other Pratt who stuck his nose out should be ashamed of himself.

    The family in my opinion is well aware who is not guilty and I can not fathom why they don't stand up and be counted.

    I feel that the British government is more concerned with diplomatic relations than the B2.

    Remember! the New Zealand government never stood up to Thailand over the Chiang mai toxic hotel bed bug spray deaths, even after an undercover news team took samples from the room.

    I would hazard a guess and say the British told the families it was not worth the agro.

    Some people would accept that, and others would not.

    It was an angry parent wanting truth that brought to justice the murderer of the Kiwi shot dead on his bike in Pattaya, before she pressured Thai authorities his GF was running free for the murder.

    I feel sadly that the families of the 2 Brits murdered on Koh Tao could save the B2, but it would be a tremendous effort and strain.

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