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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. They sell Ivermectin over the counter in Thailand, that's supposed to be excellent in killing river parasites
  2. Does he get a refund for being arrested again?
  3. They will bust a few that don't comply just to make it look good
  4. No not Tokyo, he's wanted in Japan for defrauding people of 4.8 million Bhat, enough to fill many brown envelopes
  5. Obviously, he did a runner, or the fare was pre paid
  6. Also remember this is thought to be premeditated, when he collapsed they tried to help him into the department, he wasn't cuffed? Also he knew the vehicle he was running to had the keys in it, that's amazing.
  7. And other criminals do not see him as a criminal either.
  8. It's in the pipeline, after Yingluck gets her pardon. I think Thaksin will stay out of the limelight, but will be director incognito
  9. They will never be as corrupt as the CIA
  10. During the second world War, Hitler propaganda expert , said if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it
  11. You mean, Hospital
  12. It probably will be bullet proof but they are not saying ,maybe the state will fit the requirements, anyway he's paid for it himself, and with black tinted glass you won't be able to see him .
  13. Thaksin is still popular, my Thai family still love him, the people will be happy that the King has pardoned him.
  14. I agree, the ship has sailed and many will be rejoicing that he's returned. Some one else will gain popularity, eventually, at a guess, Yingluck will be next in line for a pardon, just let the smoke settle first
  15. Maybe he was stressed by his property being taken over by the ex, and not a leg to stand on
  16. Which side do you expose? It's a big game between police and military, getting your next promotion, at the expense of dumping some poor drug tractors and claiming fame
  17. They were just testing if the car was bullet proof
  18. Do not forget the USA police who beat people to death, shoot people for blinking, ect, Thailand police are tame compared to them,and you could mention other countries whose police are far worse
  19. Police are there to protect the public, from the criminals that invade their space
  20. I heard from my Esan friend that pot fields were flourishing all over countryside just b4 it was legalised
  21. I always said, whyskey and Incense and cigar sales would go through the roof when Thaksin is pardoned
  22. No, I think Trump and Biden, win, hands down.
  23. Of course, exercise will be essential for his recovery.
  24. This new variant is said to have many spike proteins, which may make it evade any new vaccine. It's not causing serious illness according to most news world wide, however some institutions in the USA are imposing mask mandates again,
  25. About TIME
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