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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Closing the door after the horse has bolted. Its on its way spreading around Thailand, could be in Koh Samui after a visitor transited there, so may then fly south to meet the surge coming up from Indonesia and Singapore, then there will be infiltration from the Burmese coming, being smuggled in, but as it is looking very mild, has displaced Delta in SA, looking like it will displace delta in the USA very soon, UK, looks a bit slower . Aussie its bolting along, NZ has over 30 in MIQ and do not know if it escaped the other night when someone escaped from MIQ, actually the Greenlane hospital, so I think NZ will soon be infected, but overall this variant seems to be causing milder symptoms and hospital numbers are not going into overdrive, far from it.
  2. All the information you need is that they would have transferred from Suvarnabhumi, Omicron sheds much more virus into the air and it's likely to be spreading everywhere. So far it's only causing mild symptoms, some people don't know they have it and it's displaced Delta in SA. Looking likely that it will displace Delta soon in the UK, USA, and other countries soon Australia also. Its now in NZ, so watch the Data coming out daily, looking good in SA now, hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of the pandemic.
  3. Was that his name? The Australian authority's got it wrong, didn't you know, he didn't do it.
  4. Exactly, might be a blessing in disguise, I thought it was out in the community already, USA up to 75 % UK bolting along , SA delta displaced, all heading that way, and data so far showing hospitals not under any stress , oxygen use way down, SA peak is starting to fall already, so looking good, so in a month or so delta may be history, and this pandemic might be as well, many people do not even know they have it, fingers crossed that this is the beginning of the end, my condolences to big pharma if it is. Tune into Dr John Campbell for the latest figures he put the USA data up not long ago and looking good.
  5. Agree 100%, children don't need to be vaccinated, according to statistics, and the vaccine isn't stopping Omicron, in SA Delta is displaced and children aren't dieing. Hopefully, Omicron will be the end of the pandemic, but all I see is politicians trying to stop the inevitable and panic being spread over what is hopefully the end of this. Something is wrong in NZ, SA does not exist anymore.
  6. No excuse for not stopping, usually driver who doesn't stop is drunk or on something, but it's true, sadly bikers think it's me first and traffic will avoid them, bikes are terrifying for good drivers, trucks just run them over, it's really tragic, and I'm still waiting for the road education campaign for these people to start, just as trucks log books promised, never has eventuated. Another reason for not stopping is fear of extortion, sadly, I hope this girl recovers well.
  7. The trouble is differentiating between the wrongly convicted and the real bad guys. The B2 scapegoats should be released immediately, the obvious or so called corrupt,they deserve what they get, they are often scapegoats for bigger fish, and there is plenty of fish in the sea at present, they are called politicians bowing to big pharma and ruining the planet worldwide, notice they are all doing the same things.
  8. A plane arrived in Auckland NZ a few days ago with one covid Omicron discovered, they were transferred by charter flight, to Christchurch MIQ. Now there are 13 cases associated to that flight, tomorrow maybe 20/30, all in MIQ, but they do not know yet if this escaped into the community, my bet is it has, and it will escape MIQ, as Delta did from Auckland MIQ.
  9. I believe you, some strange power has mesmerized politicians world wide, It could be a crypto currency virus, spreading wildly throughout the political world.
  10. Its not Thailand's fault, its the lockdowns in Europe and the airline restrictions, mad over-reaction. Hopefully that is true and it is all over in a few months
  11. Well at least it's progress, if Omicron does turn out to be causing mild symptoms, it will be throughout the world and over hopefully, rates are dropping in Gauteng already.
  12. You can have 2 in the front and 2 on the back, different brands as long as the tread patterns are the same and the size. But why dont you put tubes in the repaired tires and put them on the back, long as the walls are not damaged they will be fine.
  13. It seems that Omicron is infecting double vaccinated at a high rate in the USA. So vaccines are not going to stop Omicron, thats how it is panning out in the UK and has displaced Delta totally in SA. This will probably happen around the world, the good news is it is not causing severe illness compared to delta, you can get the hospital rates online, Dr John Campbells latest video on U Tube has the latest data from the UK today. So hopefully (hoping it is mild and does not crash hospitals) in a few more weeks delta may be displaced in the USA and Europe, SA, and most countries, Australia has it , NZ has 30+ in MIQ. A news report on channel 9 Aust showed some young girls who had Omicron and they did not even know they had it , they were wanting to go out and party. So far its hopeful, looking quite good, and if the data keeps going that way then great. But I can not see these events in Thailand going through all of this carry on , I think thee Thais will jump the fence and it will be a shambles. Either way if Little O is present it will spread quickly through the events, hopefully Omicron will be the end of this pandemic.
  14. They might open a school to teach girls how to use crypto currency, but they will never teach the poor, the market traders and the street vendors, introducing a cashless society in LOS, would see mass rebellion . Brace yourselves as of this moment countries are going into lockdown over Little O, Omicron, SA does not seem worried but Boris and the rest of the mob think otherwise, oh well as the Thais say, up to you.
  15. If the data from SA is going to be similar in other countries, then everyone is going to be exposed, will they shut down the world's airlines over Omicron, I think this is over reaction, signs in Gautau, hope I spelt that right, where Omicron started is that the peak is tapering already and it has displaced delta very quickly. If you look at the data available on the Internet hospital numbers are down and oxygen use is way down compared to the Delta data in SA. If this happens everywhere it is likely that Delta will be displaced, and we may end up with a mild strain. Let's hope that it will turn out that way, and that this will possibly be the start of the end of the pandemic.
  16. To date, unless there has been another one there are 2 studies on face masks, one from Bangladesh the other from Denmark . You will have to search for them but the efficacy between m95, I think they call medical masks and cloth masks was not much different however I have not got the link but I'm sure it will be easy to find.
  17. Once Omicron possibly wipes out Delta,, there may be no need for vaccine passports and the like, Lets hope it goes that way.
  18. The medical experts have said that Omicron has mutated and now carries the human corona virus as well. So crudely it could be called a half caste, part Sars covid and part human corona virus. So our immune systems are used to fighting human corona virus, and so far this variant seems to causing mild illness, according to SA data. So again fingers crossed.
  19. Omicron has displaced delta now in SA. Symptoms less severe, Delta is effectively over in SA here is the latest, just released SA study https://www.discovery.co.za/corporate/news-room
  20. Yes that is what I was aware of the actual cause of the death is not given, only that they died with Omicron, and if as Dr Campbell explains SA data its looking very likely that we'll all be exposed to Omicron at some stage, then anyone who dies could possibly be called an omicron death, so far Omicron isn't causing serious illness in SA but were still waiting for the release of more official data to come, with good news hopefully, fingers crossed.
  21. Little O. Omicron, which so far from the SA data looks to be making people mildly sick
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