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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Drug and alcohol addiction are regarded as mental health issues, I do not know if gambling is included as all addictions are similar. Example, lost big time playing cards at an illegal casino, then asked Mom for the Chinot , and she refused, then mayhem started and did not end well.
  2. They could build it looking looking over the Chappaya river, wow, and wealthy Chinese will poor into Thailand, solving the revenue deficit from covid, I bet Tesco are doing it hard at present.
  3. Looks good, SA hospital reports are looking good , oxygen use is way down, death rates are way down, people are being sent home from hospitals after co-incidental diagnosis, lets hope it stays that way, The Thai govt ,on the side of caution, I think, got it right this time.
  4. Virus mutates, into something simpler, I do not know how much simpler it will become?
  5. Virus mutates, into something simpler, I do not know how much simpler it will become?
  6. I do not know how to label this other than reverse phycology
  7. They went into quarantine, they recieved treatment in Hospital, amazing, multi tasking. Well done Its probable, but not confirmed, this pandemic may shrivel due to the dangerous highly contagious ugly Little O
  8. If the promising data on Omicron keeps heading in the same direction then maybe he’s given us all a Xmas gift, possibly the ending of the pandemic, fingers crossed.
  9. So far I am impressed by the government response, they obviously are studying the SA medical Database and aren’t panicking, for once they are showing more common sense than Australia and New Zealand and other countries.
  10. Good idea, but looks like Prayut has wisely made a good decision, News looks good, little O , Omicron is a Xmas gift that may spell the e end of this pandemic, but watch the daily publications from SA as this will keep people up to date officially.
  11. That's looking more likely as the data comes out of SA, Omicron days in hospitals average 2.8, Delta 8.6 you can Google the papers freely available, they are hopeful that this might be the end of the pandemic, fingers crossed little O might be a Xmas present.
  12. The incidence of children getting sick from omicron in SA is in the link I posted by Dr Campbell, out of 1500 only about 300 in hospital and with mild symptoms, many were kept in Hospital for safety as omicron is so new, the charts and figures are in the video.
  13. Face masks covids test and warning signs, that's where the money is now, and MIQ facilities
  14. If you want to look up the official figures you’re going to find countries with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing huge spikes in infection Israel, Germany, Netherlands,England etc.
  15. I would hazard a guess as to a wealthy Chinese family being in favor of this. Say no more
  16. When they opened Sky City cas ino in Auckland they said it would be good for tourism and the economy. It is just full of Chinese people and since it’s opened gambling people problems have got far worse. Its also rumored as a money laundering facility.
  17. The whole world is being driven into panic over omicron, while there has been no official studies released yet, they are expected to be released in about 2 weeks time. Most of what has been spoken of from SA Dr's is that this variant will take over from Delta and looks like its only causing mild sickness, we will get those answers soon, but meanwhile the media are drumming up a storm over little O.
  18. One I was involved with was sending money to pay for the building of daddys new house and pay for daddys new pickup, that was when I was naïve and I set her up in Bussiness with a massge parlor which turned into a brothel, and daddy was always demanding more money, I left that one fortunately, it was a lesson in life that I never repeated, but your right , I new a old American who ran a bar in Pattaya, he had 20 girls working for him and the best one he said gave him money to lock away, when she got enough she bought another house, he said she had 40 guys sending her money at one time.
  19. Some airlines won’t let you fly with them without a vaccine passport , but the most important is the entry requirements for destination countries, you can’t enter NZ without double vaccination documents or at present a MIQ booking, which is on a waiting list. All countries have their rules for entry and not all airlines require vaccination yet, air NZ and quantas require you to have a vaccination passport to fly
  20. Can’t get one here in NZ unless you pay I don’t know the price but an RT PCR costs 450$ to fly Thailand is cheap and Australia charges $120 for RT PCR NZ is ripping people off much worse than LOS
  21. And Thais can carry on in the illegal casinos and loose their farms playing cards with the mafia
  22. it seems, more are worried about getting laid , than those that enjoy LOS WITHOUT THE rip off as holes, that are eagerly waiting your return
  23. when your dead lockdowns are effective, if your vaccinated dead or maybe the opposite, but you can not die from covid 1/2 or omicron , little O until further notice
  24. One of two things will happen, 1/ Omicron will turn out to be a savior, that only causes headaches, and saw throat and tiredness for a few days and everyone will develop herd immunity as it looks likely to take over Delta and be more contagious , but makes you only a little sick. Then Prayut will be hailed a hero. 2/ It turns out to make people very sick and causes havoc. The answers are not available at this time the medical Jury is working that out now and we wont know for about another 2 weeks. I'm hoping for no 1.
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