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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Thanks again Joe for your sound advice, it has helped me, to help several people get back to Thailand after being stranded here. I am currently stranded as well but planning to get the heck out of NZ, with my Thai wife and son ,as vaccine mandates cripple society here much worse than Thailand, I think that Thailand is far bettor off, and much more lenient with movement at present. I will be hoping to get back before the winter which is June here, and will seek your advice again as everything is changing by the day. Thanks again best wishes for the new year. Keith
  2. Just based on what has been happening in SA with Delta displaced, this probably is a wise decision. There is a very interesting discussion from one of Iran's leading virologists professor Khansavinejad available, so if you can spare an hour and turn on the subtitles as the accent is sometimes hard to catch, just google'' virology in Iran'' and its just fascinating.
  3. Now if you need to visit Thailand you must have a safe driving passport, a doctors medical that you have eyes in the back of your head and covid insurance to make sure your logged as the correct type of misadventure. Hey ! happy happy to you, happy happy, happy happy, happy new year to you, my wife dink one mouthful of John walker and Dunk.
  4. Sorry NZ can enter Thailand for 30 days without a visa, it was extended to 45 days to account for the previous 14 day MIQ. So now I think its gone back to 30 days, and does not include MIQ time, my query was has that has the 30 day visa exempt been extended to cover MIQ again due to Omicron??
  5. Hi Joe , Happy new year, just a query again, my friend has tickets booked to return he is not vaccinated, his Thai wife is and he has 3 children under 10 yrs old that have Thai passports. 1/Do the Thai passport holders have to pay for MIQ. Can he enter Thailand unvaccinated, one problem is Qantas will not let anyone on board with out a vaccine passport, he can change to Singapore air for his flight but I'm not sure if they will let him transit through Singapore. The visa on arrival he will probably use and then apply for a 90 day non O ,then extension. 2/ Is the visa on arrival still 30 days? and not 45, to allow for MIQ, he is booked for the 22nd Feb. He will book an onward ticket required to leave NZ, and enter Thailand 3/ can you send me that link again for the covid insurance, and any other advice you think is necessary. Thanks again for your help and happy New Year.
  6. The source of arrival into NZ is RNZ National news and Newshub NZ One Air NZ crew member and a DJ from the UK who was released from MIQand told to self isolate, then left isolation and was later found to be positive for Omicron, has had extensive movement.
  7. Omicron arrives in NZ and latest from SA https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.12.26.21268380v1
  8. He takes no money from that work, presents books he has written for free, helps people in need in Africa, is highly respected in the UK,and appears on many European news channels, has also been on with Denmarks leading health expert who advises the Danish government, so thats not who you describe, sounds more like someone wanting to degrade him.
  9. "Omicron is now clearly spreading rapidly but it's not really severe," said Dr Supakit Sirilak, director-general of the Department of Medical Sciences (DMS). At least 108 countries have detected cases of the highly transmissible strain while all states in the US have recorded cases, he said, pointing to the need for continuous monitoring of the variant's development.
  10. okay if you have 10,000 in hospital (UK figures) and out of that figure 20% were actually admitted for omicron, thats 500 patients, the rest were admitted for other things like broken legs ect, and discovered to have omicron on admission, as they test all people admitted to hospital, the figures are published daily and your figure is close to what I read this morning, hospital numbers will rise due to the rate of spread, but so far the hospitals are not being overloaded and oxygen use is way down, also average hospital stay is down to 3 /5 days. I will look for the paper and post it . They also reported a staffing issues as nurses etc. are getting Omicron but the good news is they are not off for long.
  11. If you want to search goggle for this , for yourself, the data is posted on Dr John Campbells video '' Most Omicron hospitalisations incidental'' all the links are in the presentation( far to much info to put up here) but all the links are there if you want to look for yourself.
  12. okay if you have 10,000 in hospital (UK figures) and out of that figure 20% were actually admitted for omicron, thats 500 patients, the rest were admitted for other things like broken legs ect, and discovered to have omicron on admission, as they test all people admitted to hospital, the figures are published daily and your figure is close to what I read this morning, hospital numbers will rise due to the rate of spread, but so far the hospitals are not being overloaded and oxygen use is way down, also average hospital stay is down to 3 /5 days. I will look for the paper and post it . They also reported a staffing issues as nurses etc. are getting Omicron but the good news is they are not off for long.
  13. okay if you have 10,000 in hospital (UK figures) and out of that figure 20% were actually admitted for omicron, thats 500 patients, the rest were admitted for other things like broken legs ect, and discovered to have omicron on admission, as they test all people admitted to hospital, the figures are published daily and your figure is close to what I read this morning, hospital numbers will rise due to the rate of spread, but so far the hospitals are not being overloaded and oxygen use is way down, also average hospital stay is down to 3 /5 days. I will look for the paper and post it . They also reported a staffing issues as nurses etc. are getting Omicron but the good news is they are not off for long.
  14. Latest I saw was 80% were coincidental 20% admitted for omicron out of your figure. but you can check that easily the data is available freely on the nett. I think it was previously with Delta 59% were admitted for covid sars 2 so thats a drop with Omicron to 20% I will pull the chart up later if required but is easy to find..
  15. That is true there are delta and omicron together in hospitals but the data coming out of the UK and SA show Delta has been displaced in SA and the same appears to be happening in the UK if you care to search google for DR John Campbells latest he posts all the links to the data in his presentations I can not put the direct link up but easy to find all his presentations give links to any data he explains. He is not anti vax he 's had his 3 shots, he only explains the latest data from credible sources like the CDC and SA/UK hospitals ect. And all data has links posted.
  16. I think that when the abacus is fixed the numbers will be a bit higher, also considering that SA has thrown out the tracing app, and no longer requires testing but says just isolate for five days and then wear a mask for another three says, Deltas all over rover. If Omicron has spread allover LOS then it is highly likely that most won't even know they had it, probably think its Ben Wat.
  17. That seems to be the case and also Omicron might not have incubated when given the RT PCR lets hope Omicron wipes out Delta and proves to be mild and natural immunity occurs, as is looking more likely by the day according to the data coming from SA
  18. What’s that number again? to call if your happy ending isn’t happy
  19. By February it may be over, the SA r rate was 2.4, and some say higher. Is has displaced Delta and its looking that way according to UK,USA, and SA data. The hospital rate is from Delta was 12.5 ,Omicron down to 2.5. Thailand can nor stop it now and from whats happening in SA its looking like good news. If you want the latest figures search Dr John Campbells latest on you tube and DR Mobeen has just put up the latest data from the USA and UK and SA , but according to the data presented by these Dr's it starting to look good. So in a few weeks time Omicron will be throughout Thailand, it can not be stopped with lockdowns or vaccines, Australia has admitted that, SA knew that and let it rip, and Delta may very well be completely Dop solop salai, in SA, Chun wung wah, (knocked out I hope so)
  20. Reality! Omicron is spreading like wildfire in Thailand, that Newspaper said yesterday 43% off BK cases we’re omicron. Meanwhile Germany is trying to mandate vaccination and punish the unvaccinated Jumping Joe Biden is bringing the military in But in SA it’s totally displaced Delta and now the omicron curve is descending and people who have had omicron are showing natural immunity, the hospitals weren’t under strain and very low numbers needing oxygen, looking like a massive panic problem in Europe , however SA don’t seem to be worried Delta’s had the boot it seems and hopefully it will be all over in another 3 months, let’s hope so
  21. Funny you should say that, because that's what i thought it inferred, guess you will all have to check your tail, there may be a BM on it.
  22. Correct, it may well all be over, that is happening now in SA, people are rejecting vaccination and there is a lot of vaccine about to expire in SA . Omicron has displaced Delta so this is looking like the death knell of the pandemic, a few more weeks and the UK, Australia and the USA may well have displaced delta, so hopefully the new variant , so far looking to cause mild sickness and said to be giving natural immunity will displace Delta WW, lets hope it all goes well.
  23. The RT- PSR is not always picking up Omicron they are changing testing methods. However if he did have omicron the adds are that he has spread it and its well on its way. I read yesterday that Omicron was in Kon Kaen from 2 returnees from overseas, so if thats the case it will soon be all throughout LOS very shortly, the good news is that the infection curve is dropping already in SA and so far it not causing severe illness. DR Campbell's video last night said only 195 confirmed cases of omicron in Hospital in the UK, but rising due to the number of infections, so check that out.
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