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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. True, but I hope the idiot is not allowed back into LOS. Many of us have seen bad Chinese behaviour at airports, and I have experienced very rude behaviour from them when I drove tour busses in NZ.
  2. Maybe the legalised dope has something to do with it
  3. Yes I thought the police were quite well behaved, the guy seemed to have an issue with only one of the police. He sounded Chinese, and if this happened in NZ or Australia or most other countries he would have been tazered or shot. I hope the Thais deported him.
  4. Maybe something distracted him or caused him to try to avoid something, we might never know
  5. Politicians are dropping jobs in NZ being told to sell shares, and the most recent minister of justice resignation for drunk driving and crashing her car, look at the UK prime minister changes and resignations of politicians worldwide, they are a horrible lot in every country, there are a few good ones here and there but these ones can rarely do much, look at the USA mess, with Biden and Trump
  6. In the far north of NZ there is a beautiful Buddhist temple with Korean monks, we donate them with robes from Thailand as they are hard to get in NZ. Korean monks can be male and female, they told us that it's very hard for women in Thailand to ever be able to be a monk and they think this is a bit strong.
  7. Your quite right, I was at sea in the engine room a few years, they use diesel to start up, then change to heavy oil which is heated by boilers, it's horrible stuff, sometimes you can't get it out of your skin, even after 2 or 3 showers, I quit going to sea because it was affecting my skin badly and I was worried what else it would be doing to my health.
  8. Ever since Julius Caesar was assassinated, tyrants have run the world, interestingly, Tyrant means Democracy, after they blow up countries to give you freedom, you have to pay them back for wrecking your life's and taking all the assets in the world.
  9. Everyone happy now on the whacky back, Los now full of smile shops
  10. A country led by the man who legalised dope. Return of Thaksin, a back door deal, many think this will cause chaos, but I think the opposite, it will make someone more popular, the red shirts will calm down, billions will be made from the dope shops, Thailand will be the drug capital of the world, attracting more gangs, that you and I will have to pay for, because they blame to make visa conditions harder, when quite simply the gangs are nothing but organised drug dealers and should be banned. They are the main drivers of crime in NZ, with shootings nearly every day now, and these same gangs are from Australia and NZ with chapter's in the USA and UK. So my money is still on Anutin to be PM, but the watch man may still be in. I think the country will have a bit of protests but they thinking that the return of Thaksin will calm down the situation and whyskey incense and cigar sales will boom.
  11. Ban them, revoke visas of people wearing a patch, in NZ they are now organised crime, teamed up with the Chinese making meth. Politicians said it would never happen, but my Police friend said they have teamed up and are very well organised .
  12. I don't think Pita is done and dusted, the cc may rule he can stand again, that nay mean a standoff until next year when the senate won't be able to vote, who knows???
  13. I think this game is called monopoly
  14. A sacrificial lamb, why he didn't back down and walked into this mess is amazing, the plot thickens, the Jet is on the runway, but I'm still thinking Anutin will surface as PM, maybe not now, however it's looking like the pardon is on. That may make the people happy, and dull protests, possibly the sale of whyskey and cigars and incense may boom.
  15. A farmer told me that gunga was growing well in the fields just b4 it was legalised, you would have to guess who owned it.
  16. Doesn't he still control satellites over asea, or did he sell that company, he's still got a lot of clout, but someone in Thailand doesn't like him, but the people according to my Thai family still love him
  17. It's not nonsense, legalised uncontrolled gunja in Thailand, and add that to alcohol and guns and being able to shoot at will, that would be a disaster,
  18. Already to many shootings in Los, this would make Thailand the wild, wild west, everyone stoned wearing a gun
  19. One MFP member resigns for allegedly stealing a womens watch 20 years ago in LOS. Yet another politician can be a minister with jail time served in Australia, because having a conviction in another country does not affect being able to be a politician in LOS
  20. Your right, if he returns, gets a pardon, goes home, becomes a caring grandad and stays out of public eyes, certainly some people will be very popular having done that. Also the people will be very happy, he has a big following. But how long that will last for is another matter.
  21. It's quite simple, he who pays the piper calls the tune, but the fight is 2 want to pay the piper and one does not want to back down
  22. Crossing the x and y in this deal would have to be based on trust, my feeling is this is a ongoing feud between 2 families, and I think they are having trouble deciding who gets what, so someone is going to be loosing face, and we all know that loosing face goes right through Asian society. Definitely looks like the military appointed and controlled by the rich and powerful want to have the say and someone doesn't want Thaksin to have any part of it. So who will be PM, that's the sticky point, I thought Anutin, and Pheu Thai having a bit of a say, Thaksin returns and gets a pardon and looks after the grandkids, Pita moves back and waits, but it seems like thats to easy, and whatever they do will have to keep the people happy, that's looking very complicated now. If the shxxx hits the fan, and we see a return of riots then there will be only one solution, another military government.
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