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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It seems the police avoid stopping luxury cars because they don't want to be in conflict with influential people. I guess most thieves will follow that rule.
  2. And maybe, just maybe, younger people want a different GUI than guys who are used to typewriters.
  3. When WYSIWYG was a new invention I worked with Ami Pro. I knew every detail of that program and it worked great. But later, when everybody used WinWord, I also switched to WinWord, because as you write above, it made a lot of sense to be compatible with everybody else.
  4. And? Sometimes I see very expensive cars in Bangkok. Most of the time they are standing. And few times they are driven, slowly, mostly in the traffic. A long time ago I drove a Porsche cabriolet for a weekend. 250 on the Autobahn and a little slower on other well maintained roads. Yes, it can be nice and fun under the right conditions. But in Thailand? Something like this might be useful.
  5. What would be the point of buying/owning a sports or premium car in Thailand, except that you can impress some people with that? The roads are too bad for "normal" cars. For sports cars, which are low and have a floor which should not be damaged, it is worth. Is an ordinary Toyota or something like that with a top speed of 200km/h not good enough for you?
  6. Now you have a real good motivation to get better soon. 😉 All the best. And yes, I can understand that it is annoying to not be able to do what you want.
  7. I guess if you want to help them, then best go there and listen to them. And listen for a long time, and at least a few of them, before you decide to do something "good". Even if you have the best motives, will you be able to understand them? Can you even possibly understand them when you come from an intact social background? A few days ago, I saw the following video, out of interest. I thought let's watch it and look if it helps me to understand them. I have to admit I don't understand them. Their world is so far away from my world, I just don't understand. I wonder if you would have a similar experience in prison.
  8. They all should go to jail. Maybe start with a week of jail. And if they do it again, a month in jail, 6 months next, ... At some point they should be able to understand the concept. By now little Greta is also old enough to understand those things.
  9. Is it better? Or do you like it more because it is free? For most of my life I use pirated software. Now I pay for Office 365, it's a few USD per month - the equivalent of a few espressos. I don't mind paying that money for good software. If other software is better, with better results and better functionality and a better user interface, then maybe I would change. But just for a few dollars less, I wouldn't do it. Too much hassle - IMHO.
  10. If you are concerned about your wife bringing home money, then you do something wrong - at least in Thailand.
  11. Personally, I agree. But it seems many people are willing to be uncomfortable for some time and pay less. I guess it's also a question of age. When I was young, I didn't mind a couple of hours in economy. Now, that is ok for an hour or two, but I wouldn't book a flight to Europe in a small seat with no legroom.
  12. Let's say it like this: It's unsealed now since about two months, and I use it multiple times a day. No leak, no smell, that's why I didn't "fix" it. It's in my own home and my gf and I am the only people who use it. So I don't have to worry about something happening and I don't know about it. I wrote about this here mostly to let others know that it can work without seal. And the key part for that is that there is continuous slope and free pipes so that the water flows unrestricted.
  13. I am not a frequent flier. I used premium economy once, and I liked the seats and the leg room. I don't really care about the food. I don't expect any gourmet food on a plane.
  14. We see stories about jealous Thai guys about other Thai guys in the news. And there are stories about farangs jealous about other farangs. I can't remember reading or hearing a story where a Thai guy and a farang guy desired the same woman. It seems most of the time we have different taste. And then there are Miss Thailand and similar competitions. I can't remember any good comments from farangs about the white winners.
  15. One of the worst are payments for (motorcycle) parking. One of those horrible systems is in Central World. Get the ticket with a QR code. Later go with that ticket to some screen. Scan that QR code and see another QR code so that you can use your banking app to pay 10 THB. And then drive out using the paper with the original QR code. And then there are several service people nearby who explain this system to everybody. And people have to wait because other don't know how they system works. I miss the good old times when I just paid 10B cash.
  16. And then there is that bug coffee shop where you can't pay cash even if you want to.
  17. Let me know at what time we can throw rotten eggs at Bob. I will be there.
  18. How long have you been here? And you are still surprised that they didn't understand your sarcastic North Korea joke. That tells us a lot more about you than those Thais you complain about. Many countries want the money of the tourists. They don't really want the tourist. I understand them, living here for decades I see too many annoying tourists.
  19. They definitely need some special trained AI if they want to emulate Thai thinking.
  20. I also saw the work of people who call themselves (Thai) plumber. Believe me, my DIY couldn't be worse.
  21. Some of us have to learn that we have different groups of people we meet. Intellectuals, especially female intellectuals, normally don't mix with pretty young girls. Personally, I have meetings with smart old women, all is fine. And I see cute young girls, and all is fine. But I never mix them together.
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