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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I saw the Woodstock entrance all the time when I visited G-Spot next door. I don't think I ever went inside. 😉
  2. Maybe next also remove Windows Explorer. Or maybe Notepad. Or Calculator. It is always amazing what keeps some people awake at night.
  3. I hope that wouldn't be reason enough for you to vote for that woman.
  4. I don't know what is worse: That such article is published here or that I actually read it and expected some exiting end to that story. Next: someone made instant noodles - how exciting
  5. I don't buy crap. Looking at those vehicles which you posted here, is any of that from a reputable brand, maybe certified by someone with a reputation? I have a couple of Lithium RC batteries, all stored in a safe designed for those things.
  6. Always look on the bright side of life.
  7. And at least some of them looked sexy and could dance: Tina Turner, a long time ago Something modern ...
  8. And to be fair, they don't need to know. Kids also don't know how to operate a penny-farthing.
  9. Yeah, I know, not everybody understands it. Enjoy your ignorance.
  10. But believe it or not, the technology is similar. The difference it that a bigger charger has likely a higher output and for that reason higher risk. But it still has possibly the same risk like small chargers - just bigger.
  11. It is not always necessary to experience things firsthand to know about them. I.e. I don't need to have my house burned down to appreciate fire resistant materials, smoke sensors, etc. The problem with BEVs is that some people promote them, and they ignore, or play down, possible problems. And others hate them or only warn about the dangers. It seems mostly there are those extremes, there is little information from people who (want to) see the pros and cons. For someone who is not much into technology both sides might be able to convince him/her that EVs are just great, or that they are high risk. And asking someone who owns a BEV or two is also not sufficient. Only because they owned 3 vehicles which didn't burn down doesn't mean that will never happen.
  12. Chargers have a couple of challenges. Good chargers monitor in detail voltages, current and temperature. If something is questionable, then they will stop charging and maybe warn the user about a problem. Independent of that chargers can also be a risk for the user if the main voltage is not sufficiently isolated from the low voltage. This YouTuber has lots of videos about USD chargers. The principle is the same.
  13. There are lots of people around who can judge the quality of petrol vehicles. Many of us used them for decades. There are few people who know what makes an electric vehicle good. There are lots of different battery technologies, and i.e. a lithium battery is not like another lithium battery, there are lots of different technologies. Who knows the difference and the pro and cons? As far as I know few people. BEV are something new and few people know much about them. And many people, including people who use them, know a lot less than they should know. Personally, I had cars in my home country, and several motorcycles in Thailand, and I have no desire at all to change something electric (and I am reasonably well informed about electric, electronic, batteries, etc.).
  14. I understand your point, so let me explain. There are lots of things to know about real estate in Thailand. I.e. that foreigners can't buy land, that they can buy up to 49% of units in a condominium (and I think compound). There are rules how something is bought, like the money has to be transferred to Thailand in the outside currency (USD, EUR, not THB), which documents are required, what has to be paid at the land office, and all those things. I am sure over time some of those things change. So, it is a good idea to get up to date information. Some time ago I found that information on property sites, listed in order, and accurate. And this is why I recommended to do that. And then there is other information, which is open for discussion. I.e. with all those costs at the land office, who pays what. When I bought my condo, the seller suggested he pays all of that. I liked that idea, because I had a fixed price (the condominium price), and I didn't have to worry about additional cost (in the 6 digit range). Others split those costs. And some experienced buyer and sellers will have experience with that. Now that is the kind of information which might be discusses here. What are those additional costs? How much? Who should pay? But IMHO those are not questions for a dummy guide. Those are detailed questions after the dummy question are answered. And they are often specific, like: I bought this 100sqm condominium in Bangkok in 2018 and now I want to sell it to a Thai person. What cost can I expect? Would you expect questions like that in a dummy guide? Would you want them, and hundred similar specific questions in a dummy guide? Probably not. And this is why I suggested to learn the basics on property sites and then ask specific questions here.
  15. You are right. But unfortunately, lots of green battery-whatever users realize this only when it's too late. Like: Why did nobody tell me? ...
  16. Breakfast Working on my home automation with Home Assistant and NSPanels. Now it's time for lunch.
  17. And what is your point? If you see a dog and you assume it is a soi dog, then it must be a soi dog? And in case you missed it: We talk about humans, including thousands of children, who are treated worse than dogs.
  18. If you, and others, would pay any attention to the news, every day, since years, then you wouldn't have to ask me. Obviously not all news is correct. But we all have internet and the freedom to check as many news sources as we like. Pretending to know nothing just shown your ignorance and/or bad intentions.
  19. As far as I know there are organizations all over the world, including Thailand, who help women in such situations. It definitely doesn't help to tell women that they are helpless and can't do anything. As long as they can walk and talk, they can ask for help and will get help.
  20. What I find sad in threads like this that there are always some Israel fanboys who deny any facts that Israel ever did anything wrong. Israel great, Palestinians bad, all of them. I wonder if these people think like that or just write like that. How can anybody look at this conflict and not see that both sides contribute to the problems. Both sides fight each other since decades. Both sides blame the others. I can understand that some people think Israel is more right, and other think the same about Palestinians. But anybody with open eyes and ears should acknowledge that there is no black and white. There is a lot of grey - and no easy solution.
  21. I think in Soi 9 there are a couple BJ bars. Enjoy and relax. And Soi 13 is relative quiet. Some harmless pool players and German beer drinkers.
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