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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And the reason for that is that one of the sides has all the weapons and the money and the support from the USA. The other side can't do much. And if they do something then it is often low tech like suicide bombers. And that is obviously condemned by the western world. I am sure they would instead use fighter jets if they would have them.
  2. Sure, they are not being targeted. They just somehow die. That must be a coincidence somehow.
  3. I am sure if there are still 100 Palestinians somewhere he will insist some Hamas sympathizers will be there. And probably he will be right. But is that a reason to kill them all?
  4. Is there still anywhere in Gaza where they can go and not be afraid to be bombed? Or maybe they are supposed to return to the rubble which were their houses before Israel destroyed them. Please, go back home. Yeah, sure...
  5. My point was supposed to be that I am obviously not against all Jews and/or against all Israelis. I don't plan to discuss politics with him. But if he would want to do that I would like to listen to his point of view.
  6. The Israeli government must from time to time at least pretend they care.
  7. No Netanyahu said more than once Israel will continue with the war.
  8. I don't remember the number. I know the USA refused to even try to count them. I think the huge difference here is that the USA didn't try to move people out of Iraq. But Israel...
  9. Yes, I saw the news that Israel tells Palestinians to go away from A to B because Israel will bomb A. And then, a few days or weeks later, they tell Palestinians to go away from B to C because they will bomb B. Do you see a pattern? Go away, go away, GO AWAY! We don't care where you go or if you live. We just want you out of here. And Israel prohibits lots of food, medicine and other essentials to reach the people who need it. If they die, who cares?
  10. It seems you read my post. But you only concentrate on the last line. Did you ever think or write that "group x" does this or that? All of group x? All the time? If we want to be accurate then we should look at each individual anywhere in the world as an individual. Not all Christians think the same, not all Jews do the same, etc. But I guess we can agree that if you take a million Muslims, they do in average different things than a million Christians or a million Jews. So, in this case, who kills so many Palestinians? What is the short answer for that? P.S. My neighbor is Israeli, and probably a Jew. I like him and I don't blame him for what is going on in Gaza.
  11. The Taliban in Iraq? Try again. Yes, civilians get killed in wars, in the past lots of civilian were killed in wars. In more recent wars often the military tries to avoid killing civilian - it doesn't look good. There are civilian dead, but not too many. And then there is this war, where it seems Israel wants to kill many Palestinians and get them all out of the land which Israel wants.
  12. Yes, I read his post. And I came to this post because of the headline "Trendy Building". Applying for a passport <> Trendy Building
  13. Tendy is a building with lots of residents, bars, shops and offices. Maybe you should clarify which part you are concerned about.
  14. Sometimes it's difficult to keep things apart. I guess the Israeli government is responsible for fighting the war in Gaza the way they do it. And especially Netanyahu. He is Jewish and I am sure most of the Israel's government are Jews and most of their citizens are Jews. Does this mean all Jews are responsible? No. Does that mean that a lot of Jews in Israel are responsible. Yes. And then there is the billion-dollar weapon support from the USA? Who makes sure the USA is doing that? Jews? It seems there are also some Jews who are against this war. So, we definitely can't say all Jews want to kill Palestinians. I think we should try to separate clearly who is doing what and not mix different groups of people all toghter. That is also the case with the people in Gaza and Hamas. Are some of them Hamas? Yes. Are all of them Hamas? No. Who are Israeli soldiers killing? Only Hamas terrorists? Or do they kill also lots of other Palestinian people? In a long debate we can look at all the details. In short it is not wrong to say that (many, not all) Jews kill (many, not all) Palestinians.
  15. It won't prevent you from getting a loan. But the conditions of that loan might vary depending on your credit rating.
  16. It is obvious that the parents are a big part of the problem. I hope they have to pay a lot of money so that they will remember to make sure their boy doesn't do that again.
  17. It's sad that many protest only see the world from this side or the other side. What is so difficult about condemning the Hamas strike on Israel and condemning the occupation by Israel and working to avoid dead people on both sides? The situation won't get better when everybody is only blaming the others. Try to find solutions which are good for everybody. I know it's difficult, but it's possible. And at least people on all sides should try.
  18. I remember some time ago I visited with my gf a friend of her up country. At the neighbor's house they had music playing all the time. I almost asked if there is a party going on. Later someone told me someone died in that house and now they play that funeral music for some time.
  19. And often they don't pay because it is not covered. This is why it is a good idea to read the details. But obviously that is something that most people don't do. It's so much easier to say later: Why does the insurance not pay? Because you can't read or are too lazy to read.
  20. It's bad enough that it burns. But it is really uncomfortable when the electric doors and electric windows don't open anymore. https://youtu.be/dQxm6n7SdvE?si=RW9PrRIonVRaQber
  21. So she didn't know how to ride and now she blames the insurance. Remember: If your riding skills are substandard, then it is not a good idea to ride near a cliff in a country far from home.
  22. There is a difference between I need something and I want something. I understand lots of people want a lot. And if they receive their salaries they spend a lot. And then later in the month there is no money anymore. How could that have happened? It seems many people are ready to help people in need. People can also get food from the temple, etc. I think there are very few situations when a loan shark is the only option.
  23. Let's say: Put some weight on the feet (instead of worst case sitting and dangling the feet in the air).
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